— Council of Vienne ♰♰♰

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Monsignor Strickland: Francis is more interested in silencing Viganò (because Viganò has denounced Bergoglio's complicity with the predator McCarrick)


Scandalous connection between 'Pope' Francis and Theodore McCarrick

Homosexual Serial predator McCarrick a key U.S. lobbyist for Bergoglio’ invalid election

"Archbishop Viganò is swiftly excommunicated while Theodore McCarrick remains unexcommunicated, after years of his crimes against the Church have come to light," writes Monsignor Joseph Strickland on X.com (6 July).

Instead of addressing the "serious questions" and "allegations" raised by Monsignor Viganò, he is being summarily removed from the Church "with an obvious motive to silence him".

Monsignor Strickland notes that Cardinal McCarrick and a long list of others have contradicted Church teaching "and their voices are allowed and even openly supported".

Therefore, "we are left with only stones to cry out for justice because the voices of faithful disciples are muted, ignored or even silenced".

Strickland is referring to Viganò's role as a whistleblower. In 2018, Viganò revealed that he had informed Francis at the beginning of his pontificate about the abuse problems surrounding Cardinal McCarrick, who was subsequently disciplined by Benedict XVI.

But Francis reversed Benedict's measures and sent Cardinal McCarrick on various missions, including to China.

Priest: Bergoglio, like McCarrick, are infiltrated homosexuals

Viganò points out that Bergoglio favored the network of homosexual bishops led by the serial predator McCarrick

Twenty Catholic Scholars Expose Francis’ Crimes

Archbishop Viganò: The Pope's actions against McCarrick are all administrative and therefore without appeal. The Vatican's response to these gay scandals is aimed at protecting gay clerical networks at all costs.

Viganò:  McCarrick was part of a network of bishops promoting homosexuality who, exploiting their favor with Pope Francis, manipulated episcopal appointments so as to protect themselves from justice and to strengthen the homosexual network in the hierarchy and in the Church at large.

By George Neumayr  August 25, 2019 Bergoglio used bailing out bad priests as a form of leverage over them.

1 comment:

  1. St. Paul warns in Romans 13:13 to cast aside the works of darkness: Let us behave honorably as in the day: not in orgies and drunkenness, not in debauchery and licentiousness. But precisely the scandal we saw in the Vatican with the homosexual Coccopalmerio involved drugs and orgies. It is known that homosexual predators need to get their victims drunk or drugged to disinhibit them. Remember that George Soros is the one behind the campaign to legalize marijuana wordlwide, which is considered the gateway to other drugs, to destroy young people.
    Let us not forget how Bergoglio promoted the coca leaf/ Evo Morales, the communist Mujica who turned Uruguay into Soros' marijuana laboratory, etc. Also Church Militant showed a video a few years ago of how homosexual predators prepare their victims. This also reminds me of how a “Jesus in the Street” campaign was started earlier to encourage young Catholics and seminarians to go to bars.

    It is no coincidence that when the gay mafia overthrew Pope Benedict XVI, the apostate priest and homosexual activist Don Gallo commented on the matter and said that a gay pope would be magnificent. Let’s see if this sounds familiar: The apostate priest Don Gallo defined himself as a “Father of the sidewalks” of the “peripheries” – in reference to his perverse work with the so-called “marginalized” and “socially wounded” – or an “anarchic and angelic priest.” In practice this meant a communist priest, who not only favored the “free love” practitioners of homosexuals and transsexuals, but also defended feminism, pacifism, drug use and other anticatholic causes.
    Bergoglio corrupts young people with Marxist gender ideology https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0MB_PYZo3uk&t=6s


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