— Council of Vienne ♰♰♰

Friday, September 27, 2024

Bishop Schneider: Pope Francis plainly contradicts the first Commandment of God and the entire Gospel.”

A man that is an heretick after the first and second admonition reject; Knowing that he that is such is subverted, and sinneth, being condemned of himself. (Tit., 3, 10-11).

The apostate Bergoglio is obstinate in his heresy in repudiation of the True God and Catholic doctrine 

STRIKE THREE: Pope Francis Claims ‘Divine Inspiration’ Is ‘Present in Every Faith’

Titus 3:10-11 Warn a heretic once or twice, but afterward reject him. You may be sure that such a person is perverted and sinful and stands self-condemned.


Pertinacity, that is, obstinate adhesion to a particular tenet is required to make heresy formal.

There are four elements which constitute a person's formal heresy:

1.the person in question must have had a valid Christian baptism
2. the person claims to still be a Christian
3. the person publicly and obstinately denies or positively doubts a truth that the Catholic Church regards as revealed by God (through the Scriptures or Sacred tradition)
4.the disbelief must be morally culpable, that is, there must be a refusal to accept what is known to be a doctrinal imperative.

Heresy differs from apostasy. The apostate a fide abandons wholly the faith of Christ either by embracing Judaism, Islamism, Paganism, or simply by falling into naturalism and complete neglect of religion; the heretic always retains faith in Christ.


'Anathematise those who teach new doctrines' – St Robert Bellarminehe



In the Book of Revelation 2:20 we read that God punishes those who tolerate the teaching of doctrines contrary to God’s laws which teach to commit sacrilege and fornication (Amoris Laetitia, Fiducia Supplicans) and to worship idols (Abu Dhabi, Singapore & Canada, etc). Bergoglio maliciously teaches Catholics and non-Catholics to disobey God, defy God’s laws, and profane the sacraments and the priesthood. No priest in his right mind can support or be united with this enemy of God.

Bishop Schneider: Pope Francis plainly contradicts the first Commandment of God and the entire Gospel.”

 Speaking to Raymond Arroyo, Bishop Athanasius Schneider firmly critiqued and rejected Pope Francis' claim that 'every religion is a way to arrive at God.'

VATICAN CITY (LifeSiteNews) — Bishop Athanasius Schneider has stated that Pope Francis has contradicted “the entire Gospel” with the claim that all religions are a way to God.

Speaking with EWTN’s Raymond Arroyo on The World Over, Kazakhstan’s Bishop Athanasius Schneider responded to the controversial comment made by Pope Francis on his recent trip to Singapore.

“Every religion is a way to arrive at God,” the Pope said. “There are different languages to arrive at God, but God is God for all. And how is God God for all? We are all sons and daughters of God. But my god is more important than your god, is that true? There is only one God and each of us has a language to arrive at God. Sikh, Muslim, Hindu, Christian, they are different paths.”

When asked by Arroyo about this, Schneider was clinical in his critique:

Such an affirmation of Pope Francis is clearly against the divine revelation, it contradicts directly the first Commandment of God which is ever valid – “You shall not have other gods beside me” – this is so clear, and such a statement contradicts the entire Gospel.

Continuing, Schneider reminded viewers that “Jesus Christ said, ‘No one comes to the Father except through me.’”

“He is the only way to God, there are no other ways or paths,” said the auxiliary bishop of Astana. “So in this statement sadly, regrettably Pope Francis plainly contradicts the first Commandment of God and the entire Gospel.”

Francis’ comments have caused widespread controversy and confusion among concerned Catholics, and consternation remains high even though he made the remarks now two weeks ago during an inter-religious meeting of young people in Singapore.

Archbishop Viganรฒ: Bergoglio saying 'all religions are a path to God' is apostasy - LifeSite (lifesitenews.com)

In 1918, the great Cardinal Mercier of Belgium stated that the First World War was a punishment for the crime of men placing the one true Catholic religion on the same level with false creeds. Cardinal Mercier said, “In the name of the Gospel, and in the light of the Encyclicals of the last four Popes, Gregory XVI, Pius IX, Leo XIII, and Pius X, I do not hesitate to affirm that this indifference to religions which puts on the same level the religion of divine origin and the religions invented by men in order to include them in the same scepticism is the blasphemy which calls down chastisement on society far more than the sins of individuals and families.”

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