Transgender parish administrator pens propaganda letter

Just when we thought we'd seen it all, a Boston archdiocesan parish led by a "gay-friendly" pastor has done something worse than we could have imagined. The "gay-friendly" pastor at St. Ignatius of Loyola in Chestnut Hill — welcomed by Cardinal O'Malley to the parish in 2016 despite his published history of leading a "gay-friendly" parish in New York City — has a full-page propaganda letter in their parish bulletin touting the parish administrator's story as a transgender person and urging parishioners to vote "Yes" on the upcoming "Bathroom Bill" ballot question.
A "Yes" means the existing law stands that allows transgender people to use whatever bathroom they please. A "No" means the law would be repealed, restoring safety and sanity to the Commonwealth by simply saying that people should use the restroom of their biological gender, as it's been for the nearly 200 years since there have been public restrooms.
Please sign our petition to urge Cardinal O'Malley to immediately remove the pastor of the parish and also ask the Massachusetts Catholic bishops to issue a clear public statement that they support a "No" vote on Question 3.
First, excerpts from the letter from the transgender parish administrator:
Dear Parishioners,I delivered the below text at a recent interfaith action event for transgender equality, hosted by Temple Israel of Boston. …One of the most frustrating aspects of being a catholic trans man is that people often insist on praying for me, but never with me. On the surface, they may appear well intentioned, and undoubtedly some are sincere. Yet, I know there are folks who pray for me to … change who I am at the very core of my being. They pray for what they assume to be a choice, a sickness, a disorder. ... Opponents find comfort in limiting my human rights. ... This hatred and fear mongering is used to validate repeals to our protections, as is the case with Massachusetts Ballot Question 3 ... this measure seeks to roll back public protections for the transgender community. A no vote would succeed in stripping trans people of our rights, whereas a yes vote would preserve current legislation.I never imagined that my faith would become a battleground. Often, I feel caught between my two communities. ... I exist in both communities without being a contradiction. If anything, my identities enhance each other. The choice I make is to reclaim what it means to be queer and religious in today's world. ...I cannot deny I benefit from privileges that others in the trans community do not. I experience passing privilege, meaning most people would not realize I am a trans man, unless I willingly outed myself. I am white, I come from a loving and supportive family, and I was able to receive a college education. My insurance has fully covered trans related services. However, many of my trans siblings are faced with difficult choices. ...[W]e encourage the people of Massachusetts to love the transgender community, and uphold the protections in the name of dignity. Thank you!
At the bottom of the bulletin page, there is a "Yes on 3" logo, clearly implying the support of the pastor for this position.
To say the publication of this in a Catholic church bulletin is terrible and outrageous is an understatement. The salvation of many souls is put at high risk by this. The smoke of Satan has clearly infiltrated this church.
People do indeed need to pray for the parish administrator, whether he wants the prayers or not, as well as the pastor, Fr. Joseph Constantino, who was well-known as an advocate for the gay agenda before coming to this parish (see this post and Church Militant's report, "NY Church Drapes Altar Steps With Gay Flag").
Read the rest at Boston Catholic Insider.
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