DETROIT ( - The Knights of Columbus is refusing to distance itself from a plagiarizing, heterodox priest.
Father Thomas Rosica, the CEO of Salt + Light TV, noted dissenter from Catholic teaching and gatekeeper of all English texts issued from the Vatican, is still enjoying the support of the Ontario Council of the Knights of Columbus despite the revelation of plagiarism going back decades.
A representative of the Ontario Council of the Knights of Columbus adamantly refused to give any comment to Church Militant when asked if the organization will continue to fund Salt + Light with Rosica at the helm.
Earlier, Rosica credited the Knights of Columbus with funding the network, gushing, "If Salt + Light is to continue in Canada, it is to continue because of you."
When the Pennsylvania grand jury report was released in August, Knights of Columbus State Deputy Dan Heffernan released a note praising Rosica's response in an article titled "We are all in this boat together," in reference to the ongoing homosexual clerical abuse cover-up. Salt + Light took down the post after critics noted it was homosexual clerics and those bishops and priests who promoted them who caused the problem of clerical abuse — that the laity was not "in the same boat."

In February, LifeSiteNews reported, Rosica copied dozens of paragraphs from other people's writings in a Feb. 8 address at Cambridge University where he accused whistleblower Abp. Carlo Maria Viganò of being deceptive.
Rosica, however, lifted whole paragraphs without attribution from fellow homosexualists Cdl. Edwin O'Brien, Cdl. Walter Kasper, Fr. James Martin and Fr. Thomas Reese in the address.
Nearly a week after his plagiarism was exposed, Rosica resigned from the board of the University of St. Michael's College in Toronto "as a sign of contrition and acknowledgment of the error."
Despite evidence of plagiarism and recent pseudo-apologies, Rosica admits only that he was "not prudent nor vigilant" for his "lack of oversight" and claiming he does "not place the blame on anyone else but myself."
He goes on, however, to say, "If there was an error on my part, it is that I have often relied on others who have generously helped me in my preparation of various texts and I did not do the necessary checking into sources, etc. I regret that. It was never willfully done."
This is not, however, Rosica's first or only instance of plagiarism. It turns out his "interns" have been plagiarizing Rosica's writings since at least 1994.
I did not profess my own homosexuality in public because such an act of honesty would have reduced my influence as a critical theologian.Tweet
But Rosica's sticky fingers grabbing paragraphs from all sorts of heterodox writers for the last 20 years is not his biggest infraction. He has continuously given a platform to priests and bishops who support and promote sexual degeneracy, including Fr. James Martin, Cdl. Donald Wuerl and ex-priest Gregory Baum.
In an interview with Baum, Rosica told the homosexual ex-priest, "I've certainly admired very much your theology, your writings — but also your love of the Church, your love of Christ. And you helped to keep alive not only the spirit of the Second Vatican Council but also the authentic teaching of the Council."
Baum had openly opposed the Church's teaching on contraception and was a homosexual, claiming in his autobiography, "I did not profess my own homosexuality in public because such an act of honesty would have reduced my influence as a critical theologian."
He added, "I was eager to be heard as a theologian trusting in God as salvator mundi (Savior of the world) and committed to social justice, liberation theology, and global solidarity." Rosica called Baum a "faithful, deeply devoted Catholic."
As the Vatican's spokesman for the English-speaking world, Rosica came under fire for claiming at the 2015 Vatican Synod on the Family that "there is a sexual nature to the Eucharist."
The Apostate Rosica made blasphemous remark at 2015 (anti) Family
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