Kelly Bowring:
«In this Vatican produced video they have a "nun" speaking how the church needs to defend "gays and homosexuals" as if the practice of homosexuality is on the same level as defending the poor because it is "the way of the people" with an "Amazonian face."
The Marxist apostate and gay activist nun, Jane Dwyer, pushes homosexuality against the moral teachings of the Catholic Church in rebellion against the natural laws of God.
This gay activist 'nun' belongs to the Sister of Notre Dame de Namur.
This gay activist 'nun' belongs to the Sister of Notre Dame de Namur.
Our Lady of la Salette: a number of religious houses will lose the faith entirely and cause many souls to be damned.
Apostate Leonardo Boff: "He now is the pope and he can do whatever he wants. Many will be surprised with what Francis will do. In order to do this, a rupture with traditions will be needed, to leave behind the corrupt Vatican curia to give way to a universal church,"
... the new pope is much more liberal than that.
"A couple of months ago, for instance, he expressly approved that a homosexual couple adopt a child. He is in touch with priests who have been repudiated by the official church because they got married. And, most importantly, he did not let himself be separated from his conviction that we must be on the side of the poor"

«For them, the Eucharist is no longer the sacrament that refers us to the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross and his Resurrection, but rather a moment in which the oppressed people become aware of their oppression and their liberating struggle. The Eucharist becomes a moment of ideological awareness.» That is why they promote eucharistic sacrileges for homosexuals, adulterers, abortionist politicians and false religions.
Francis interview book with Dominique Wolton said that he allows homosexual 'civil union' & to the question: "What is the main sin? his answer was: 'Everything that is below the waist is the least of it, and if a priest asks you why, with whom ?, or how? ... take that priest to a psychologist' " .
Bergoglio in Argentina allowed gay adoptions and criticized priests who opposed the sacrilege of the sacrament of Baptism and now he called ANIMALS to priests who do not baptize extramarital children. When Bergoglio allowed adoption by a gay couple in Argentina; he astutely used as an argument the promotion of baptism of children of single mothers to open the door to extramarital children to justify their support for gay adoptions. A few days after this transvestite 'baptizes' their 'children' Bergoglio was tough with priests who do not baptize extramarital children. He complained against priests of the Diocese of San Isidro because neither Socorro Parish nor Pilar allowed the baptism. He also said we learn that "in our ecclesiastical region there are Priests who will not baptize children…" "These are the hypocrites of today those who use the Clericalism of the Church. Those who deviate people from the God of salvation," said the archbishop Bergolio in a pastoral meeting in the Universidad Católica Argentina. "With pain I say, and if it seems a complaint or offense, forgive me, but in our region's ecclesiastical priests who do not baptize the children of single mothers because they were not conceived in the sanctity of marriage," the Archbishop commented. "Say no to hypocrisy. Say no to the hypocrisy of clericalism. Say no to spiritual Worldliness. Because this demonstrates that one is a business instead of being either a man or woman of the gospel ", claimed Bergoglio.
The local Churches denied the baptism request because the transvestite "actress" 'Florence Trinidad' was not baptized as a woman, but as a man and his name was Roberto Carlos Trinidad. One of the requirements of the churches was that the parents of children need to be baptized.
The local Churches denied the baptism request because the transvestite "actress" 'Florence Trinidad' was not baptized as a woman, but as a man and his name was Roberto Carlos Trinidad. One of the requirements of the churches was that the parents of children need to be baptized.
This transvestite who is not the biological father of the twins manufactured in the laboratory with the purchase of an ovule and with a surrogate mother appears as a mother in the fraudulent document of baptism with the complicity and support of the apostate Jorge Bergoglio.
Bergoglio referred to the homosexual transvestite Roberto Trinidad as a woman because he was one of the pioneers who managed to get the corrupt government of Argentina to legally change his masculine identity for a new pseudo female identity, even though he keeps his male genitals only because he dresses like a woman and has breast implants.
- La Nación: "la Iglesia (El
Church sources DyN recognized that the process for authorizing a baptism with these features "would have been more complicated if Jorge Bergoglio is not the Pope."
In September 2012, the archbishop of Buenos Aires demanded that the priests of the metropolitan region administer the sacrament of baptism to all babies resulting from an extramarital affair or child of a single mother.
"The procedure for authorizing a baptism with these features would have been more complicated if Jorge Bergoglio was not the pope," said Church sources
While not a reference to the children of same-sex couples Bergoglio said that clerics who refuse to do so are " hypocrites" and alienate people from the Church.
Bergoglio has gone even further to support gay adoptions. He has used a false argument to baptize the Martians which contradicts the fundamentals of Christianity. He thereby is denying the biblical basis for the need for the sacrament of baptism for salvation. With which, Bergoglio denies original sin and as a direct consequence Bergoglio denies Christ as Redeemer.
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