“I have never in my life baptized an indigenous [person], and I also do not have the intention of ever doing so.”
en.news A „holistic ecology,” a „prophetic Church in Amazonia,” „intercultural liturgy,” „evangelization in the cities,” and the “ecumenical and inter-religious dialogue” will be the themes of the Amazon Synod, according to Bishop Erwin Kräutler, 80.
Named by John Paul II, Kräutler was until 2015 Bishop of Xingu, Brazil. He has been allowed to propagate his anti-Catholic stances for decades. Francis made him the chef ideologue for the Amazon Synod.
The Austria-born Kräutler explained to the German Bishops’ news agency KNA that Brazil-born Brazil president Jair Bolsonaro has “no clue” about Amazonia.
For Kräutler celibacy is a “scandal” and “against the explicit will of the Lord,” because according to him it is the reason why 90% of the parishes in Amazonia have only four “eucharists” a year. However, Protestant sects are booming in the Amazon because people like Kräutler have turned the Church into a boring political party.
The fact that Christ called men to be priests is for Kräutler a “sinister discrimination” of women.
Presently, Kräutler is in Rome in order to prepare the Amazon Synod.
TIA: Krautler is a partisan of Liberation Theology; hence, he promotes class struggle of the Indians against the whites, the landless against proprietors, the poor against the wealthy. To advance this agenda, Krautler found it expedient to present a plan to build a hydroelectric dam on the Xingu River as a conspiracy of the white man to exploit the Indians and a capitalist plot to destroy the region's rain forests. Thus, the Bishop became the instigator in the Indians' fight for their 'rights.' He went so far as to encourage the Indians 'to declare war' against the white man and threaten them with their machetes. He also never lost an opportunity to promote public demonstrations against the hydroelectric project. In the last 15 years, plans for the power-plant went back and forth under discussion. Finally, in March 2011 the plan received court approval to go ahead. This brings Krautler back to center stage to protest that decision.

TIA: Krautler is a partisan of Liberation Theology; hence, he promotes class struggle of the Indians against the whites, the landless against proprietors, the poor against the wealthy. To advance this agenda, Krautler found it expedient to present a plan to build a hydroelectric dam on the Xingu River as a conspiracy of the white man to exploit the Indians and a capitalist plot to destroy the region's rain forests. Thus, the Bishop became the instigator in the Indians' fight for their 'rights.' He went so far as to encourage the Indians 'to declare war' against the white man and threaten them with their machetes. He also never lost an opportunity to promote public demonstrations against the hydroelectric project. In the last 15 years, plans for the power-plant went back and forth under discussion. Finally, in March 2011 the plan received court approval to go ahead. This brings Krautler back to center stage to protest that decision.
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