en.news Manaus archdiocese in Brazil reported on May 6 on ArquidioceseDeManaus.org.br, that Archbishop Sergio Castrini had celebrated a Mass for freemasons in the church Sagrada Família in Tarumã.
The masonic audience attended in full attire including their aprons.
In his homily Castrini stated truthfully that what unites the [neo-modernist] Church with freemasons "is far greater than what divides us”.
The news caused outrage among [real] Catholics. In the meantime, the report about the scandal has disappeared from the archdiocesan webpage.
Code of Canon Law of 1917, prohibits clerics from joining the Rotary Club and condemns the crime of belonging to Freemasonry (c.2355). Membership in the Rotary Club is punishable by excommunication. Pope Pius XII decreed a ban on the membership of clerics to the Rotary club that has never been revoked, so it is current.
Our Lady of La Salette: “The abomination shall be seen in holy places, in convents, and then the demon shall make himself the king of hearts.”
FL Cathedral Offers Memorial Mass for 33rd-Degree Freemason
Bergoglio is a member of the Masonic Rotary Club of Argentina since 1999
Bergoglio Honorary Member of Masonic Rotary Club Argentina St. Thomas says, against a fact, there is no argument (contra factum non argumentum est).- Contra factum non valet argumentum - There is no valid argument against a fact (Legal term)

Bergoglio Honorary Member of Masonic Rotary Club Argentina St. Thomas says, against a fact, there is no argument (contra factum non argumentum est).- Contra factum non valet argumentum - There is no valid argument against a fact (Legal term)
Dr Rafael (yuca2111) Jun 22 2018:
ReplyDeleteAtention Gloria TV, brethern... Cardinal Maria Martini member of the San Galle mafia (to which Bergoglio belongs), promoter of all kinds of evil inside the Church when he was alive (pro Gay, pro comunion to adulteres, intercomunion of different religions, elimination of celibacy, etc), RECOGNIZED freemason by the Lodge of Italy has the same thoughts as bergoglio on Evangelii Gaudium 47...
Martini says: "The sacraments are not a disciplinary instrument, but an aid for people at times in their journey and when life makes them weak."
Bergoglio says: "... the Eucharist is not for the perfect but for the weak" says Francis (Evangelii Gaudium 47) "