en.news The brave Italian Minister of the Interior Matteo Salvini has introduced a bill in parliament requiring to display crucifixes in public buildings like schools, ports and public offices.
But the Francis Church is up in arms against the proposal.

Spadaro illustrated his tweed with a picture of Christ crucified fully naked.

Philippians 3:18 For there are so many people of whom I have often warned you, and now I warn you again with tears in my eyes, who behave like the enemies of Christ's cross.
Father Paul Kramer: “The antipope and his apostate collaborators will be like Lucy, supporters of the devil, those who work for evil without being afraid of anything Sister said.”
The weekly Famiglia Cristiana of Pauline editions promotes cultural Marxism, the Muslim invasion and the construction of mosques in Italian territory, practices of the New Age like Yoga, etc.
The weekly has received several critics as for example dedicated one of its covers Simone Cristicchi that has songs the blasphemous song sacerdote against the Eucharist.
Other "critical" covers have been dedicated to divorced or cohabiting characters such as Michelle Hunziker or Fabrizio Frizzi.
In 2005 they published a naked woman.
In 2010 it was censored by the Vatican where it was reiterated that the position of the weekly is not the official position of the Holy See.
Director: Modernist Don Antonio Rizzolo
Condirector: Luciano Regolo
Redattore capo: Roberto Parmeggiani
Saint Thomas Aquinas warns against uncontrolled immigration
Pope Francis and Immigration Fraud
The weekly Famiglia Cristiana of Pauline editions promotes cultural Marxism, the Muslim invasion and the construction of mosques in Italian territory, practices of the New Age like Yoga, etc.
The weekly has received several critics as for example dedicated one of its covers Simone Cristicchi that has songs the blasphemous song sacerdote against the Eucharist.
Other "critical" covers have been dedicated to divorced or cohabiting characters such as Michelle Hunziker or Fabrizio Frizzi.
In 2005 they published a naked woman.
In 2010 it was censored by the Vatican where it was reiterated that the position of the weekly is not the official position of the Holy See.
Director: Modernist Don Antonio Rizzolo
Condirector: Luciano Regolo
Redattore capo: Roberto Parmeggiani
Anti-Church Cardinal Marx Fights Against Crucifix
Pope Francis and Immigration Fraud
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