A sworn enemy of the Traditional Mass, he has only allowed imitations of it in the hands of declared enemies of the ancient liturgy. He has persecuted every single priest who made an effort to wear a cassock, preach with firmness, or that was simply interested in Summorum Pontificum.
Bergoglio dressed as a layman during a Jesuit meeting
A sworn enemy of the Traditional Mass, he has only allowed imitations of it in the hands of declared enemies of the ancient liturgy. He has persecuted every single priest who made an effort to wear a cassock, preach with firmness, or that was simply interested in Summorum Pontificum.
The Bolivian Jesuits published on Jesuitas.org.bo an article about the Jesuit Superior Generals who visited the country.
Among them was Father Pedro Arrupe (1907-1991) who led the order in a state of unprecedented decadence.
Arrupe visited Bolivia twice, the second time in August 1979 participating at a Cochabamba meeting with the Jesuit Studies Directors of Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay, Chile, Uruguay and Argentina.
Then Father Jorge-Mario Bergoglio, the future Pope Francis, was also part of the meeting.
A picture taken at the time shows Arrupe dressed as a priest in the center, while Bergoglio is behind him at his left dressed as a layman.
Likely, Bergoglio was at the time no longer the provincial of the Argentinean Jesuits. 

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