Fraud + Charles Scicluna: God’s love is homosexual
It’s now late February 2019, during the “Abuse Synod.” We see that Scicluna is promoting the legitimacy of homosexuality as not being a disorder. Scicluna has been repeating this for years and years. On July 21, 2013, on the soon to be forcibly closed Holy Souls Hermitage blog, I published the following interlinear commentary on an LGBTQ themed interview of the then new Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Malta, the Most Rev. Charles Scicluna, who has spearheaded now for decades the entire Church’s response to the abuse crisis by letting the most far reaching cause of the crisis – homosexual bullying – get a pass.
Scicluna is one of the masterminds of the “Abuse Synod” of February 2019. He insists that God’s love is the origin of homosexually occasioned “love.” Immediately after I published what you’ll read below, I was ecclesiastically silenced, being forced not only to take down the commentary on that interview I now re-publish below, but I was thrown into a dumpster as I had no way to support myself. This was known.

That didn’t surprise me. It was the tradition-al-ism-ists who took me off-guard. I was attacked as a traitor since Scicluna’s take down of Marcial Maciel had given him the same kind of street cred that was enjoyed by, say, [now laicized
For the sycophants of Scicluna, the “tougher” one is, the more of a god one is, the higher on the pedestal one goes. Scicluna instantly became an untouchable hero who could do no wrong. Scicluna’s wild promotion of divinely inspired homosexual “love” was rationalized in the attacks made upon yours truly. Whistleblowers are always attacked by the cowardly, by those who politically correct, those who are entitled to heroes of their choice whether those “heroes” are monsters or not. We see the emergence of the old code of silence, the old omertà, the old cover-up giving one’s heroes a licence to kill, keeping the ever desired cycle of abuse going. This is what the cowardly want.
The YouTube video of this interview has since been taken down. Those attacking me said that it was “highly edited” what with different camera angles and all. Yet, there are long sections of non-interrupted frothing by Scicluna. Moreover – and please note this – the final version of the video was officially sanctioned by both the University LGBT group and the Archdiocese of Malta. That means, for those wanting to silence me in the bottom of a dumpster yet again, that Scicluna absolutely agreed to the presentation of his statements.
These are not just sound bites; there is also lengthy non-interrupted rationale.
Before the video was taken down, I had transcribed every last word of the entire video. The entire text [with my comments] is presented below.
In brief, Scicluna favors legalizing, sanctioning, the relationships of non-heterosexual couples. After all, he insists, homosexual “love” comes from God. How sick.
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