First Sunday Within the Octave of the Epiphany
The Sunday following Epiphany has its own special Mass from ancient times.
In 1663 Barbara d’Hillehoust founded at Montreal the Association of the Holy Family; this devotion soon spread and in 1863 Leo XIII expressed his approval of a feast under this title and himself composed part of the Office. The Feast was welcomed by succeeding Pontiffs as an efficacious means for bringing home to the Christian people the example of the Holy Family at Nazareth, and by the restoration of the true spirit of family life, stemming, in some measure, the evils of present-day society. These motives led Benedict XV to insert the Feast in the universal Calendar and from 1921 it has been fixed for this present Sunday. CMRosary
To increase devotion to the Holy Family, Pope Leo XIII prescribed that Christian families should be consecrated thereto.
To increase devotion to the Holy Family, Pope Leo XIII prescribed that Christian families should be consecrated thereto.

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