No Dialogue: Vatican Kills Little Sisters Of Mary The Vatican Congregation for Religious lifted the vows of most of the French Little Sisters of Mary.
The Congregation is led by Cardinal João Bráz de Aviz, a Modernist.
The sisters wrote in a June 3 statement that they had tried for years “to dialogue with Rome over and over again,” but no agreement could be found.
“The ecclesiastical authorities wanted us to change our way of living our religious life,” they explain.
The community consisted originally 39 sisters. 34 asked for a lifting of their vows. This was granted now. Henceforce, they are formally no religious sisters any more and they have to abandone their habits and their houses.
Only five sisters accepted the Vatican conditions and remained.
The 34 former sisters say in their heartbreaking statement, that they live “more than ever what constitutes the heart of our vocation”, that is suffering for the Church, the priests and the souls.

Sisters Killed – Commissioner Justifies Herself
Sister Geneviève Médevielle, the apostolic commissioner who killed the French Congregation of the Little Sisters of Mary Mother of the Redeemer in the name of the Vatican, justified herself in an interview, published on the webpage of Laval Diocese, France (June 9).
Using a vague phrase, she says that in 2010 “important questions concerning the exercise of authority and the freedom of persons” arose in the Congregation, and later “serious disagreements” between the sisters and Laval Bishop Thierry Scherrer developed.
According to Médevielle the “governance within the Congregation” which she qualifies as “against the spirit of the Gospel” were the real issue.
Médevielle who dresses casually, was named in 2017 by the Vatican as a temporary superior. She assures that the sisters were never blamed for their "dress style" or charisma.
However, the sisters did not collaborate with Médevielle, electing instead a new superior, not recognized by the Vatican.
Therefore, they asked first to be released from their vows, then agreed for a new mediation but finally refused the [liberal] mediators proposed by the Vatican.
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