— Council of Vienne ♰♰♰

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Novus Ordo Mass Readings Censor Scripture Condemning Homosexuality

 Romans 1:18

 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and wickedness of those who by their wickedness suppress the truth.

by Rodney Pelletier  •  ChurchMilitant.com  •  October 8, 2022    

Censoring the readings in the Lectionary

There was typically just one reading and one gospel in the Roman rite before the 1960s. This was the norm throughout most of the liturgical year, barring certain feast days or penitential days.

During the Second Vatican Council, the bishops decided to add more Scripture, among other changes to the Mass. 

But while more readings were made available in the 1970 Novus Ordo Mass, some readings that were deemed "negative theology" were either omitted entirely or made optional.

Here is one striking example from the book of Romans:

Wherefore God gave them up to the desires of their heart, unto uncleanness, to dishonor their own bodies among themselves. Who changed the truth of God into a lie; and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, Who is blessed for ever. Amen.

For this cause God delivered them up to shameful affections. For their women have changed the natural use into that use which is against nature. And, in like manner, the men also, leaving the natural use of the women, have burned in their lusts one towards another; men with men working that which is filthy, and receiving in themselves the recompense which was due to their error.

And as they liked not to have God in their knowledge, God delivered them up to a reprobate sense, to do those things which are not convenient; being filled with all iniquity, malice, fornication, avarice, wickedness, full of envy, murder, contention, deceit, malignity, whisperers, detractors, hateful to God, contumelious, proud, haughty, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, foolish, dissolute, without affection, without fidelity, without mercy.

Who, having known the justice of God, did not understand that they who do such things, are worthy of death; and not only they that do them, but they also that consent to them that do them. [Romans 1:24–32]

Although the council desired Catholics to hear more Scripture in the Mass, the engineers of the new Mass did not allow this reading in the new Lectionary.

Another example is a section from the First Epistle of St. Peter:

But if you partake of the sufferings of Christ, rejoice that when His glory shall be revealed, you may also be glad with exceeding joy. If you be reproached for the name of Christ, you shall be blessed: for that which is of the honor, glory, and power of God, and that which is His Spirit, resteth upon you. But let none of you suffer as a murderer, or a thief, or a railer, or a coveter of other men's things.

But if as a Christian, let him not be ashamed, but let him glorify God in that name. For the time is, that judgment should begin at the house of God. And if first at us, what shall be the end of them that believe not the gospel of God? And if the just man shall scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear? [1 Peter 4:13-18]

Just like in the Divine Office and the changing prayers of the Mass, the readings in the Lectionary were selected by the Consilium or "working group" to emphasize certain teachings while de-emphasizing others.

Between the Gospel of St. John and the book of Revelation, there are hundreds of Scripture verses that don't appear in the Lectionary. There is a common theme among them.

According to Abp. Annibale Bugnini, Pope Paul VI didn't have time to review the vast quantity of changes made to the Lectionary, noting it was impossible for him "to get a complete and detailed grasp" of it.

However, the pope wrote in a note, "But because of the confidence I have in the skilled and devout individuals who spent a long time compiling it, and because of the trust I owe to the Congregation for Divine Worship, which has examined and corrected it with such expert care, I gladly approve it in the name of the Lord."

To see more about this, watch the third episode of Reclaiming Tradition

The Novus Ordo Mass omits the texts that condemn sodomy

Shocking Example: How The Novus Ordo Manipulates Holy Scripture

Lex orandi, lex credendi
The law of prayer is the law of belief. What we pray at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is just as important as how we pray it.

Friday, October 7, 2022

Victory against Islam: Feast of Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary


The feast of the Rosary was instituted by Saint Pius V in memory of the victory of Lepanto over the Turks.

THE LITURGICAL YEAR – Dom Prospero Gueranger, Abbot of Solesmes

HISTORY OF THE FEAST — The feast of the Rosary was instituted by Saint Pius V in memory of the victory of Lepanto over the Turks. It is already known that, in the sixteenth century, the disciples of Mahomet, after seizing Constantinople, Belgrade and Rhodes, seriously endangered all of Christendom. Pope Saint Pius V, an ally of the King of Spain Philip II and the Republic of Venice, declared war on them. Don Juan of Austria, who was in command of the fleet, received orders to join battle as soon as possible and, therefore, knowing that the Turkish fleet was in the Gulf of Lepanto, he went there to attack it. The meeting took place on October 7, 1571, near the islands of Corfu (Equinadas). At that moment, all over the world the brotherhoods of the Rosary prayed with confidence. D. Juan's soldiers got down on their knees to implore heaven's help and, although they were much less, they began the fight. After a terrible fight of four hours, out of three hundred enemy ships, only forty were able to flee; The rest were sunk and 40,000 Turks died. Europe had been saved.

Pope Saint Pius V fought Islam, formally condemned the vice of Sodomy among the clergy, and confirmed that a heretic cannot be pope

The Blessed Virgin Mary gave the Holy Rosary to Saint Dominic de Guzmán as a weapon to combat heresy and convert sinners.

Feast of the Holy Rosary

from the Liturgical Year, 1903

It is customary with men of the world to balance their accounts at the end of the year, and ascertain their profits. The Church is now preparing to do the same. We shall soon see her solemnly numbering her elect, taking an inventory of their holy relics, visiting the tombs of those who sleep in the Lord, and counting the sanctuaries, both old and new, that have been consecrated to her divine Spouse. But today's reckoning is a more solemn one, the profits more considerable: she opens her balance-sheet with the gain accruing to our Lady from the mysteries which compose the Cycle. Christmas, the Cross, the triumph of Jesus, these produce the holiness of us all; but before and above all, the holiness of Mary. The diadem which the Church thus offers first to the august Sovereign of the world, is rightly composed of the triple crown of these sanctifying mysteries, the causes of her joy, of her sorrow, and of her glory. The joyful mysteries recall the Annunciation, the Visitation, the Birth of Jesus, Mary's Purification, and the Finding of our Lord in the Temple. The sorrowful mysteries bring before us the Agony of our Blessed Lord, His being scourged, and crowned with thorns, the carrying of the Cross, and the Crucifixion. While, in the glorious mysteries, we contemplate the Resurrection and Ascension of our Savior, Pentecost, and the Assumption and Coronation of the Mother of God. Such is Mary's Rosary; a new and fruitful vine, which began to blossom at Gabriel's salutation, and whose fragrant garlands form a link between earth and heaven.

In its present form, the Rosary was made known to the world by St. Dominic at the time of the struggles with the Albigensians, that social war of such ill-omen for the Church. The Rosary was then of more avail than armed forces against the power of Satan; it is now the Church's last resource. It would seem that, the ancient forms of social prayer being no longer relished by the people, the Holy Spirit has willed by this easy and ready summary of the Liturgy to maintain, in the isolated devotion of these unhappy times, the essential of that life of prayer, faith, and Christian virtue, which the public celebration of the Divine Office formerly kept up among the nations. Before the thirteenth century, popular piety was already familiar with what was called the psalter of the laity, that is, the Angelical Salutation repeated one hundred and fifty times; it was the distribution of these Hail Marys into decades, each devoted to the consideration of a particular mystery, that constituted the Rosary. Such was the divine expedient, simple as the Eternal Wisdom that conceived it, and far-reaching in its effects; for while it led wandering man to the Queen of mercy, it obviated ignorance which is the food of heresy, and taught him to find once more "the paths consecrated by the Blood of the Man-God, and by the tears of his Mother."

Thus speaks the great Pontiff who, in the universal sorrow of these days, has again pointed out the means of salvation more than once experienced by our fathers. Leo XIII., in his Encyclicals, has consecrated the present month to this devotion so dear to heaven; he has honored our Lady in her Litanies with a new title, Queen of the most holy Rosary; and he has given the final development to the solemnity of this day, by raising it to the rank of a second class Feast, and by enriching it with a proper Office explaining its permanent object. Besides all this, the Feast is a memorial of glorious victories, which do honor to the Christian name. Soliman II., the greatest of the Sultans, taking advantage of the confusion caused in the West by Luther, had filled the sixteenth century with terror by his exploits. He left to his son, Selim II., the prospect of being able at length to carry out the ambition of his race: to subjugate Rome and Vienna, the Pope and the Emperor, to the power of the Crescent. The Turkish fleet had already mastered the greater part of the Mediterranean, and was threatening Italy, when, on the 7th October, 1571, it came into action, in the Gulf of Lepanto, with the pontifical galleys supported by the fleets of Spain and Venice. It was Sunday; throughout the world the confraternities of the Rosary were engaged in their work of intercession. Supernaturally enlightened, St. Pius V. watched from the Vatican the battle undertaken by the leader he had chosen, Don John of Austria, against the three hundred vessels of Islam. The illustrious Pontiff, whose life's work was now completed, did not survive to celebrate the anniversary of the triumph; but he perpetuated the memory of it by an annual commemoration of our Lady of Victory. His successor, Gregory XIII, altered this title to our Lady of the Rosary, and appointed the first Sunday of October for the new which possessed an altar under that invocation. A century and a half later, this limited concession celebration in those churches ,was made general. As Innocent XI. in memory of the deliverance of Vienna by Sobieski, had extended the Feast of the most holy Name of Mary to the whole Church; so, in 1716, Clement XI. inscribed the Feast of the Rosary on the universal Calendar, in gratitude for the victory gained by Prince Eugene at Peterwardein, on the 5th August, under the auspices of Our Lady of the Snow. This victory was followed by the raising of the siege of Corfu, and completed a year later by the taking of Belgrade.

In the Treatise on True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin, St. Louis de Montfort teaches us that the Virgin Mary will lead us in the fight against Satan, to battle against the army of the Antichrist; formed by heretics, apostates, wicked, idolaters and Mohammedans. Saint Louis adds that in these latter times, the Blessed Virgin will raise up great saints, who will extend the empire of Jesus Christ over "the impious, the idolaters and the Muslims."


Our Lady's mysteries are before all time in God's sight, like those of her divine Son ; like these they will endure for all eternity; like them they rule the ages, which circle round the Word and Mary, preparing for both in the days of figures, perpetuating their presence by the incessant glorification of the most holy Trinity, in whose name all Christians are baptized. Now the Rosary honors all this series of mysteries ; today's Feast is a glance back upon the Cycle as it draws to its close. From these mysteries, from this view of them, we must draw the conclusion formulated by our Lady herself in this passage from Proverbs, which the Church applies to her: "Now therefore, my children, consider my ways ; imitate me, that you may find happiness." Blessed is he that watcheth at her gate! Let us pray to her, rosary in hand, considering her at the same time, meditating on her life and her greatness, and watching, were it but for a quarter of an hour, at the entrance to the palace of this incomparable Queen. The more faithful we are, the more assured will be our salvation and our progress in true life.

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

The Zeal of St. Francis for the Conversion of the Sultan of Babylon

 Saint Francis of Assisi converted the sultan to the Catholic faith

from the Little Flowers of St. Francis

St. Francis, urged by zeal for the faith of Christ and by a wish to suffer martyrdom, took with him twelve of his most holy brothers, and went one day beyond the sea with the intention of going straight to the Sultan of Babylon. They arrived in a province belonging to the Saracens, where all the passes were guarded by men so cruel, that none of the Christians who went that way could escape being put to death. Now it pleased God that St. Francis and his companions should not meet with the same fate; but they were taken prisoners, and, having been bound and ill-treated, were led before the Sultan. St. Francis stood before him, and inspired by the Holy Spirit he preached most divinely the faith of Christ; and to prove the truth of what he said, professed himself ready to enter into the fire. Now the Sultan began to feel a great devotion towards him, both because of the constancy of his faith, and because he despised the things of this world (for he had refused to accept any of the presents which he had offered to him), and also of his ardent wish to suffer martyrdom. From that moment he listened to him willingly, and begged him to come back often, giving both him and his companions leave to preach wherever they pleased; he likewise gave them a sign of his protection, which would preserve them from all molestation.

At last St. Francis, seeing he could do no more good in those parts, was warned by God to return with all his brothers to the land of the faithful. Having assembled his companions, they went together to the Sultan to take leave of him. And the Sultan said to him: "Brother Francis, most willingly would I be converted to the faith of Christ; but I fear to do so now, for if the people knew it, they would kill both me and thee and all thy companions. As thou mayest still do much good, and I have certain affairs of great importance to conclude, I will not at present be the cause of thy death and of mine. But teach me how I can be saved, and I am ready to do as thou shalt order." And St. Francis answered: "My lord, I will take leave of thee for the present; but after I have returned to my own country, when I shall be dead and gone to heaven, by the grace of God, I will send thee two of my monks, who will administer to thee the holy baptism of Christ, and thou shalt be saved, as the Lord Jesus has revealed to me; and thou in the mean time shalt free thyself from every hindrance, so that, when the grace of God arrives, thou be found well disposed to faith and devotion."

The Sultan promised so to do; and did as he had promised. St. Francis returned to the venerable college of his saintly brethren, and after a few years ending his mortal life, he gave up his soul to God. The Sultan, having fallen ill, awaited the fulfillment of the promise of St. Francis, and placed guards in all the passes, ordering them if they met two brothers in the habit of St. Francis to conduct them immediately to him. At the same time St. Francis appeared to two of his monks, and ordered them without delay to go to the Sultan and save his soul, according to the promise he had made him. The monks set out, and having crossed the sea, were conducted to the Sultan by the guards he had sent out to meet them. The Sultan, when he saw them arrive, rejoiced greatly, and exclaimed, "Now I know of a truth that God has sent His servants to save my soul, according to the promise which St. Francis made me through divine revelation." Having received the faith of Christ and holy baptism from the brothers, he was regenerated in the Lord Jesus Christ; and having died of his disease, his soul was saved, through the merits and prayers of St. Francis.

Bergoglian apostate Freemason Francesco Antonio Soddu inaugurates a Masonic lodge


TERNI, Italy (ChurchMilitant.com) - An Italian bishop has come under fire for inaugurating a Masonic lodge along with the grand master of Italy's biggest Freemasonic organization. 

Pope Leo XIII Describes & Condemns FreemasonryTherefore, We wish it to be your rule first of all to tear away the mask from Freemasonry, and to let it be seen as it really is.
Since 1999 Bergoglio is a Freemason. Honorary Member of the Rotary Masonic Club of Argentina.

Code of Canon Law of 1917, prohibits clerics from joining the Rotary Club and condemns the crime of belonging to Freemasonry (c. 2355). Membership in the Rotary Club is punishable by excommunication. Pope Pius XII decreed a ban on clerics belonging to the Rotary club that has never been revoked, therefore the law is still in force.

Archdiocese of Indianapolis halts event with ex-lesbian speaker after pressure from LGBT mob

 Kim Zember found ‘great freedom’ after renouncing homosexuality and embracing Jesus Christ. But the Archdiocese of Indianapolis postponed her event amid attacks from woke LGBT activists.

INDIANAPOLIS (LifeSiteNews) – The Archdiocese of Indianapolis bowed to LGBT activists and postponed an event with a speaker who renounced her homosexuality and returned to the Church.

St. Luke Catholic Church in Indianapolis initially scheduled an event with Kim Zember on October 13. A former lesbian turned Catholic speaker and author, Zember left the homosexual lifestyle and founded an apostolate, Overcome Ministries, for same-sex attracted individuals that upholds Church teaching and seeks to “point people to Jesus.”

Read More at LifeSiteNews

Charles Coleman Thompson's predecessor is none other than Joseph W. Tobin

Bergoglio  misrepresents the Catechism on homosexuality

BergoLío's heretical opinions contradict all the teachings and rules of Saint Francis of Assisi


"In Those Days Jesus Christ Will Send Them Not A True Pastor, But A Destroyer." --St. Francis of Assisi

BergoLío's heretical opinions contradict the rules of St. Francis of Assisi that order that fornicating friars should be judged and expelled.

[1 Rule XIII: Avoiding Fornication]
1If, at the instigation of the devil, any brother commits fornication, let him be deprived of the habit he has lost by his wickedness, put it aside completely, and be altogether expelled from our Order. 2Afterwards he may do penance

This rule reflects Paul’s reproach of similar sins in 1 Corinthians 5: 1b-2: "It is widely reported that there is fornication among you ... The one who did this deed should be expelled from your midst."

[Chapter XIX: That the Brothers Live as Catholics]a
1Let all the brothers be, live, and speak as Catholics.

2If someone has strayed in word or in deed from Catholic faith and life and has not amended his ways, let him be expelled from our brotherhood.

3Let us consider all clerics and religious as our masters in all that pertains to the salvation of our soul and does not deviate from our religion, and let us respect their order, office, and administration in the Lord.

a. Saint Francis' directive also reflects the influence of the Fourth Lateran Council: in this instance, canon 1 which speaks of the "Catholic faith," canon 2 of the errors of Joachim of Fiore, and canon 3 which excommunicated and condemned "... everyone professing heresy against the holy, orthodox, Catholic faith ..." (franciscantradition.org)

Saint Francis of Assisi


  • Hold all that pertains to the Sacrifice as precious

I entreat you more than if it were a question of myself that, when it is becoming and it may seem to be expedient, you humbly beseech the clerics to venerate above all the most holy Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ and His Holy Name and written words which sanctify the body. They ought to hold as precious the chalices, corporals, ornaments of the altar, and all that pertain to the Sacrifice. (Saint Francis of Assisi, Letter to all the Custodes, I, no. 5)


  • The Franciscan rule includes sending religious to evangelize the regions of the Muslims, foreseeing persecutions for the confession of being Christian

Of those who go among the Saracens and the infidels the Lord says: ‘Behold, I send you as sheep in the midst of wolves. Be ye therefore wise as serpents and simple as doves’ (Mt 10:16). Wherefore, whoever of the brothers may wish, by divine inspiration, to go among the Saracens and other infidels, let them go with the permission of their minister and servant. But let the minister give them leave and not refuse them, if he sees they are fit to be sent; he will be held to render an account to the Lord if in this or in other things he acts indiscreetly. The brothers, however, who go may conduct themselves in two ways spiritually among them. One way is not to make disputes or contentions; but let them be ‘subject to every human creature for God’s sake’ (1Pet 2:13), yet confessing themselves to be Christians. The other way is that when they see it is pleasing to God, they announce the Word of God, that they may believe in Almighty God, – Father, and Son, and Holy Ghost, the Creator of all, our Lord the Redeemer and Saviour the Son, and that they should be baptized and be made Christians, because, ‘unless a man be born again of water and the Holy Ghost, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God’ (Jn 3:5). These and other things which please God they may say to them, for the Lord says in the Gospel: ‘Everyone that shall confess Me before men, I will also confess him before My Father who is in heaven’ (Mt 10:32); and ‘he that shall be ashamed of Me and My words, of him the Son of Man shall be ashamed, when He shall come in His majesty and that of His Father, and of the holy angels’ (Lk 9:26). And let all the brothers, wherever they may be, remember that they have given themselves, and have relinquished their bodies to our Lord Jesus Christ; and for love of Him they ought to expose themselves to enemies both visible and invisible, for the Lord says: ‘Whosoever shall lose his life for My sake, shall save it’ (Mk 8:35; Lk 9:24) in eternal life. ‘Blessed are they that suffer persecution for justice’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven’ (Mt 5:10). ‘If they have persecuted Me, they will also persecute you’ (Jn 15:20). If however they should persecute you in one city, flee to another (cf Mt10:23). ‘Blessed are ye when they shall revile you, and persecute you, and speak all that is evil against you, untruly, for My sake’ (Mt 5:11-12). ‘Be glad in that day and rejoice, for your reward is great in heaven’ (Lk 6:23). ‘I say to you, my friends, be not afraid of them who kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do’ (Lk 12:4). ‘See that ye are not troubled’ (Mt 24:6). ‘In your patience you shall possess your souls’ (Lk 21:19). ‘But he that shall persevere unto the end, he shall be saved’ (Mt 10:22). (Saint Francis of Assisi, Writings, Rule of the Friars Minor, Ch. 16)


  • All that pertains to the Holy Sacrifice must be precious

I entreat you more than if it were a question of myself that, when it is becoming and it may seem to be expedient, you humbly beseech the clerics to venerate above all the most holy Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ and His Holy Name and written words which sanctify the body. They ought to hold as precious the chalices, corporals, ornaments of the altar, and all that pertain to the Sacrifice. And if the most holy Body of the Lord be lodged very poorly in any place, let It according to the command of the Church be placed by them and left in a precious place. (Saint Francis of Assisi, Letter to all the Custodes, I, nos. 2-4)

  • Wherever the Most Holy Body of Our Lord Jesus Christ has been illicitly placed and abandoned let Him be placed in an honorable place

However all those who minister such holy mysteries, should consider within themselves, most of all those who minister illicitly, how vile are the chalices, corporals, and altar linens, where the His very Body and Blood are sacrificed. And by many in vile places He is placed and abandoned, borne about in a wretched manner and consumed unworthily and ministered to others indiscretely. […] Is not our piety stirred concerning all these things, when the pious Lord Himself offers Himself into our hands and we handle Him and consume Him each day with our mouth? Or are we ignorant that we must (one day) fall into His Hand? Therefore let us correct quickly all these things and the others; and wherever the Most Holy Body of Our Lord Jesus Christ has been illicitly placed and abandoned, let Him be removed from that place and let them be placed in an honorable place. (Saint Francis of Assisi. Letter to the Clergy II, nos. 4-5, 8-11 – English)


  • Parts of the ‘Canticle of the Sun’ ommitted in the ‘Laudato si’: Praise to God, considerations about death, sin and eternal salvation

Most high, omnipotent, good Lord,
Praise, glory and honor and benediction all, are Thine.
To Thee alone do they belong, most High,
And there is no man fit to mention Thee. […] Praised be my Lord for our sister, the bodily death,
From the which no living man can flee.
Woe to them who die in mortal sin;
Blessed those who shall find themselves in Thy most holy will,
For the second death shall do them no ill.
Praise ye and bless ye my Lord, and give Him thanks,
And be subject unto Him with great humility. (Saint Francis of Assisi. Praises of the Creatures or Canticle of the Sun)


  • All that pertains to the Sacrifice must be precious

I entreat you more than if it were a question of myself that, when it is becoming and it may seem to be expedient, you humbly beseech the clerics to venerate above all the most holy Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ and His Holy Name and written words which sanctify the body. They ought to hold as precious the chalices, corporals, ornaments of the altar, and all that pertain to the Sacrifice. And if the most holy Body of the Lord be lodged very poorly in any place, let It according to the command of the Church be placed by them and left in a precious place, and let It be carried with great veneration and administered to others with discretion. The Names also and written words of the Lord, wherever they may be found in unclean places, let them be collected, and they ought to be put in a proper place. (Saint Francis of Assisi. Letter to all the Custodes)

  • How poor the chalices and linens where the Lord is sacrificed! – Our Lord’s Body is left in wretched places

Let all those who administer such most holy mysteries, especially those who do so indifferently, consider among themselves how poor the chalices, corporals, and linens may be where the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ is sacrificed. And by many It is left in wretched places and carried by the way disrespectfully, received unworthily and administered to others indiscriminately. Again His Names and written words are sometimes trampled under foot, for the sensual man perceiveth not these things that are of God (1 Cor 2:14). Shall we not by all these things be moved with a sense of duty when the good Lord Himself places Himself in our hands and we handle Him and receive Him daily? Are we unmindful that we must needs fall into His hands? (Saint Francis of Assisi, Letter to Clerics – English)

  • The Eucharist must be put in a precious place, and not improperly reserved

Let us then at once and resolutely correct these faults and others; and wheresoever the most holy Body of our Lord Jesus Christ may be improperly reserved and abandoned, let It be removed thence and let It be put and enclosed in a precious place. (Saint Francis of Assisi, Letter to Clerics – English)