— Council of Vienne ♰♰♰

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Liz Yore: “Pope Francis is virulently anti-American and communist”

Advancing Worldwide Marxism

China's role in Vatican's Global Education Compact

by Martina Moyski  •  ChurchMilitant.com  •  June 29, 2020

VATICAN CITY (ChurchMilitant.com) - Alarm is growing over a major Vatican conference in October as news emerges about the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP's) involvement in the event and in Vatican affairs at large.
Liz Yore
The Global Compact on Education is being conceived as a "resetting [of] the pedagogical itineraries of an ecological ethic" and, according to its website, is seeking "to ensure the most far-reaching and serene participation possible."

But "We've gotta watch the Vatican," former prosecutor and investigative journalist Liz Yore urged on War Room Pandemic last week, as she alerted the public to the Vatican's ties with the CCP.

The Vatican's Global Compact on Education, scheduled for Oct. 15, has partnered with "One People, One Planet [which] is sponsored by, none other than, Huwei [a telecommunications provider blacklisted by the United States due to national security concerns]" Yore reported.
Speaking to the type of education that can be expected at the conference that occurs less than two weeks before the U.S. election, Yore said bluntly: "Pope Francis is virulently anti-American and communist ... ." 

To explain how the Holy See and the CCP became bedfellows, she pointed to Chinese President Xi Jinping's "globalist" speech at Davos in 2017 when he said, "All roads lead to Rome" to illustrate his plan for how to invade world markets. "Apparently, all bank accounts lead to the Vatican as well," Yore remarked.
Her remark echoed other recent news that sheds light on details of the secret Chinese-Vatican agreement.
On June 22, social media was atwitter with exiled Chinese billionaire Guo Wengui's claim that Beijing is paying off the Vatican to stay silent about the CCP's repression of religious freedom and plans for world domination as part of the 2018 agreement.
Yore agreed. "Xi's got his money's worth," she said, explaining that the CCP bought silence from the pope on the Hong Kong violence against freedom marchers and China's forced organ harvesting program, called one of the worst mass atrocities of the century. It also accounts for his praise for the "great job" China and the CCP did in containing the Wuhan virus.
"This is mind-boggling," she said. "For decades we've had popes rail against the CCP, rail against the Patriotic Church, and along comes Francis ... ."
In a pithy assessment of the whole situation, she said: "The CCP has snagged the moral voice of the vicar of Christ."

Francesco Galietti

Italy as China's 'Trojan Horse'

Yore and Wengui are not the only experts speaking out about collusion between the Vatican and the CCP.
In his new book Red Contagion: How Italy Became China's Trojan Horse in the West, Italian public policy expert and hedge fund manager Francesco Galietti exposes the interplay of political and financial corruption among China, Italy and the Vatican. 
Galietti said in a recent interview with Steve Bannon:
Italy has a very fragile and corrupt political system which is heavily exposed to China's charm offensive. And what Italy has that no one else has is the presence of the Vatican on Italian soil. And so these days, the Vatican, which is hugely influential in the Italian political system, is tilted toward China, wants a deal with China and it is offering Italy to entice China.
The financial expert said, Italy has "always been a part of the West. It's even being the cradle of the West. So seeing it drift towards Asia and especially towards authoritarian China is a nightmare."
And describing the pope's amicability — or lack of  it — toward the United States, Galietti said: "Let's not forget this pope is not a friend of the U.S. for sure."
People have to pay attention, especially in the upcoming fall.Tweet
"People have to pay attention especially in the upcoming fall," Yore repeated.

"There are going to be some major anti-American events including the Global Compact on Education," she said. The Vatican conference is "going to be pushing socialism to our kids" while the CCP "hide[s] in the background."


Archbishop Negri gives his full support to Archbishop Viganò

“I would like to convey to you my adherence to your message” which has “grasped the living heart of our ecclesial experience,” retired Ferrara-Comacchio Archbishop Luigi Negri wrote on June 16 to Archbishop Viganó (MarcoTosatti.com, June 30).

Negri adds that “we cling to you” and “we would like to be able to accompany you as the last disciples on the path of truth, beauty and goodness.”

A day later, Viganò replied that the present times “bring us back to the basic things of life, to the simplicity of Good and the horror of Evil, to the need to choose the side.” He comments that some consider such an account as a trivialisation as if the Gospel were incapable of answering today’s questions and the Divine Word needed to be updated by them to make it more seductive to the world.

As an example, Viganò mentions bishops who “almost obsessively” worry about “inclusivity,” “green theology,” “new world order” and a “common house for the Abrahamitic religions,” while their priests and faithful feel abandoned.

Bergoglio criticized Saint Peter during his feast while defending leftist political leaders

 Bergoglio contradicts himself: Don’t Criticize Leaders

by Jules Gomes  •  ChurchMilitant.com  •  June 30, 2020                    

'No one complained about Herod’s evil' 

VATICAN CITY (ChurchMilitant.com) - Pope Francis, a relentless critic of populist leaders, has cautioned Catholics not to criticize secular and spiritual leaders as even during the apostolic period "no one complained about Herod's evil and his persecution."
"No one abused Herod — and we are so accustomed to abuse those who are in charge," the pontiff preached in his Monday homily for the solemnity of St. Peter and St. Paul — a feast marked as a secular holiday in Rome.
                               2017 posters in Rome criticizing Francis' heavy-headedness

"It is pointless, even tedious, for Christians to waste their time complaining about the world, about society, about everything that is not right. Complaints change nothing," the Holy Father chided, addressing a small congregation at St. Peter's Basilica.

"Humanly speaking, there were reasons to criticize Peter, but no one criticized him. They did not complain about Peter; they prayed for him," Francis declaimed.

"Saint Paul urged Christians to pray for everyone, especially those who govern," the pope stressed, quoting the Apostle's first epistle to Timothy and describing how citizens criticized political leaders using "many adjectives."
"I will not mention them, because this is neither the time nor the place to mention adjectives that we hear directed against those who govern. Let God judge them; let us pray for those who govern!" Francis reiterated.

If we "prayed more and complained less, if we had a more tranquil tongue," the pope pleaded, "so many closed doors would be opened, so many chains that bind would be broken" as happened when the early Church prayed for Peter while he was in prison.

“He (the Antichrist) will open his mouth to preach contradiction”...
 “He will ally himself with the kings, the princes and the powerful ones of the earth…”

Black Lives Matter has participated in Bergoglio meetings

The Wall Street Journal. Dec. 22, 2016 
Francis held three consecutive annual meetings with social movements. Leaders identified with left-wing ideas were present. Representatives of oppositional US groups such as the Black Lives Matter also participated.

Obfuscation by the Pontiff

A Rome-based biblical scholar told Church Militant that Pope Francis' emphasis on praying for leaders was commendable and needed to be heeded by Catholics.
However, he noted, "the Holy Father seems to be injudiciously, or perhaps even disingenuously, conflating 'criticism,' 'complaint' and 'insult' in his sermon."
"On the one hand, Francis preaches [in Italian] saying 'Nessuno insulta Erode' [nobody insulted Herod]. On the other hand, he says 'ma nessuno lo criticava' [nobody criticized him — Peter]," the biblical scholar noted.

"What Francis doesn't mention is that many Lukan scholars interpret Luke's account of the death of Herod Agrippa I in Acts 12 as a polemic by the powerless early Church against their persecutor."

The Lament over Jerusalem

31 At that very hour some Pharisees came, and said to him, “Get away from here, for Herod wants to kill you.” 32 And he said to them, “Go and tell that fox, ‘Behold, I cast out demons and perform cures today and tomorrow, and the third day I finish my course. Luke 13:31-32

Catena Aurea 

BEDE; Because of his wires end stratagems He calls Herod a fox, which is an animal full of craft, concealing itself in a ditch because of snares, having a noisome smell, never walking in straight paths, all which things belong to heretics, of whom Herod is a type, who endeavors to destroy Christ (that is, the humility of the Christian faith) in the hearts of believers.  
BEDE; Now He who aptly had called Herod a fox, who was plotting His death, compares Himself to a bird, for foxes are ever lying in wait for birds.

Bergoglio supports Soros-financed leftist movement responsible for USA’s Civil Unrest

Monday, June 29, 2020

Lord Make me a channel of your peace

A Prayer to Be Free from Anger, Resentment, and Bitterness

Powerful Prayer For Peace 

Lord, make me an instrument of Thy peace;
Where there is hatred, let me sow charity;
Where there is injury, pardon;
Where there is error, the truth;
Where there is doubt, the faith;
Where there is despair, hope;
Where there is darkness, light; and
Where there is sadness, joy.
O, Divine Master,
Grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled, as to console;
To be understood as to understand;
To be loved as to love;
For it is in giving that we receive;
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
And it is in dying to ourselves that we are born to eternal life.


Lord, help me to live this day, quietly, easily. To lean upon Thy great strength, trustfully, restfully. To wait for the unfolding of Thy will, patiently, serenely. To meet others, peacefully, joyously. To face tomorrow, confidently, courageously. ~St. Francis of Assisi

Friday, June 26, 2020

St Pelagius of Córdoba a Christian teenager Martyr for rejecting Islam and homosexuality

Martyr for faith and purity.

Memorial: June 26

Patronage: Protector of Chastity and youth, abandoned people, victims of torture, Castro Urdiales, Spain • Torreira, Portugal

Martirologio: "In Córdoba, in the Hispanic region of Andalusia, Saint Pelayo, martyr, than at thirteen, for wanting to preserve his faith in Christ and his chastity before the dishonest customs of Abd al-Rahmán III, caliph of the Muslims, he consummated his glorious martyrdom by being torn apart with pincers (925). "
Martyr in Cordoba, Spain. Also called Pelayo.
 Feast : June 26

13 year old boy tortured and martyred in Spain.

Pelagius refused to have sex with a Muslim pasha due to his Christian faith. For this was killed. He was scourged and had his arms and legs cut off and he was finally beheaded.

Due to this is is regarded as a saint for men and women struggling with same-sex attraction as well as holy purity, hence in art he is depicted with a lily, a symbol of chastity.

Pelagius means ''dweller by the sea''

In spain he is known as San pelayo

The 26th of June marks the traditional—and modern—liturgical feast day of this courageous young saint. In the traditional Roman Breviary, at the morning hour of Prime on 25 June, the brief but moving Martyrologium reading (which always mentions the glorious martyrs celebrated on the following day) states the following: Cordubæ, in Hispania, natalis sancti Pelagii adolescentuli, qui, ob confessionem fidei, Regis Saracenorum Abdarameni jussu forcipibus ferreis membratim præcisus, martyrium suum gloriose consummavit / “At Córdoba, in Spain, [in the tenth century,] the holy child Pelagius, who crowned his confession of the faith with a glorious martyrdom, by being torn to pieces with iron pincers, by order of Abdu’l-Rahman, King of the Saracens.”
In our trying times of today, when we see our cities attacked once again by Muslim forces, and when Christians, especially in the Middle-East, including young children, are tortured with such diabolical cruelty by extremist Islamists and beheaded; when the overwhelming influence and temptations of a world gone mad with all sorts of sexual disorder and immorality press around us, all Catholics, especially young ones, should be able to take heart by procuring the blessed intercession of St. Pelagius, this young Christian boy, this noble martyr from tenth century Spain.

Through his steadfastness in purity and faith, St. Pelagius was set free from all bondage and brought home to Heaven in triumph. Instead of walking in the rose-garden of Abdurrahman, the Moorish Caliph of Córdoba, he walks in the unfading garden of the King of Kings, crowned for ever with the roses of his precious martyrdom, as the psalmist (115 Vulgate) says: Pretiosa in conspectu Domini, mors sanctorum eius / “Precious in the sight of the Lord, is the death of his saints.”

Originally published on November 15, 2015. 


Lord, our Father, who promised the pure of heart the reward of seeing your face, grant us your grace and your strength, so that, following the example of Saint Pelayo, martyr, we put your love before the seductions of the world and keep our hearts clean of all sin. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Plea to St. Pelagius of Córdoba for Spain 

(– Dom Prospero Gueranger, Abbot of Solesmes)

— Oh Pelayo, how great is your glory in heaven! With Justo and Pastor, with Dominguito del Val, with Eulalia and Julia, and with Flora, you form a bouquet of glowing carnations and white lilies worthy of presenting yourself to the King of glory. Neither the brilliant court of the Caliph of Córdoba, nor his dazzling promises deceived your eyes. You preferred to those deceitful and obsolete pleasures the incomparable glory promised by Jesus Christ to those who give their lives for him. Remember to ask for Spain, now free of Muslims but not of Marxists, so that it preserves its faith. Above all, pray for the youth, whose faith tries to be perverted with doctrines of perverse philosophies, and whose chastity is threatened by pagan sensualism.

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Black Lives Matter is a Marxist group funded by George Soros, which promotes abortion and homosexuality

BLM Is Anti-Catholic

And is straight-up Marxist.


Aside from their corruption, treachery and betrayal of Our Lord, one of the most disturbing realities of the U.S. bishops is their weaponizing of the Church for a Marxist political agenda. None is more dominant now than promoting Black Lives Matter, as evidenced by El Paso bishop Mark Seitz promoting the organization.
BLM is a Marxist group funded by George Soros, which promotes abortion and homosexuality. The Church teaches adamantly against the evil of all three — Marxism, abortion and homosexuality. Yet all across America, bishops are seizing the political moment to openly promote the group to advance their own agenda of Marxism and homosexuality — something, in truth, they've been doing quietly for decades. But now, feeling the moment has arrived, they are emerging from the shadows.
Please view this brief Church Militant Special Report and then think deeply about how much you have been betrayed by these Judas bishops.

Bergoglio supports Soros-financed leftist movement responsible for USA’s Civil Unrest

Prayer for deliverance from evil

Almighty God and Father we beg you through the intercession and help of the archangels Michael, Raphael, and Gabriel for the deliverance of our brothers and sisters who are enslaved by the evil one. All saints of Heaven, come to our aid.

From anxiety, sadness and obsessions, we implore Thee, deliver us O Lord.

From hatred, fornication, envy, we implore Thee, deliver us O Lord.

From thoughts of jealousy, rage and death, we implore Thee, deliver us O Lord.

From every thought of suicide or abortion, we implore Thee, deliver us O Lord.

From every form of sinful sexuality, we implore Thee, deliver us O Lord.

From every division in our family, and every harmful friendship, we implore Thee, deliver us O Lord.

From every sort of spell, malefice, witchcraft, and every form of the occult, we implore Thee, deliver us O Lord.

Thou who said “Peace I leave you, my peace I give unto you.” Grant that, through the intercession of the Virgin Mary, we may be liberated from every demonic influence and enjoy Thy peace always. In the name of Christ, Our Lord. Amen

Bergoglio's antidoctrine is an attack against the teachings of Saint John the Baptist

For John had been saying to Herod, “It is not lawful for you to have your brother’s wife.” 

Today we Catholics celebrate Saint John the Baptist birth, the Saint which has been de-canonized by Amoris Laetitia in the Bergoglio sect

Monday, June 22, 2020

Bergoglio's antidoctrine contradicts Saint Thomas More and Saint John Fisher

Saint Thomas More:
 " If you live in the time, that no man will give you good counsel, nor no man will give you good example, when you shall see virtue punished, and vice rewarded, but you must stand fast. You must firmly stick to God upon pain of your life" 

"It is a shorter thing and sooner done, to write heresies, than to answer them." --Saint Thomas More.

According to the CDF Bergoglio is "no longer in full communion with the Catholic Church"

Priest explains how Amoris Laetitia was really written to ‘normalize’ homosexuality

Liturgical Collect Prayer:

O God, who in martyrdom have brought true faith to its highest expression, graciously grant that, strengthened through the intercession of Saints John Fisher and Thomas More, we may confirm by the witness of our life the faith we profess with our lips. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. 

Catholic group to pray rosary in every US state capitol so country will ‘return to order’

‘Our objective is to ask God to help America to return to order as soon as possible’
Featured Image

American TFP’s Restore America caravans launched in St. Augustine, Florida on June 3, 2020.

 BATON ROUGE, Louisiana, June 18, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) – A Catholic organization has launched a nationwide prayer campaign across America to pray the rosary in every state capitol so that the country will “return to order.” 
The American Society in Defence of Tradition, Family, and Property (TFP) is traveling across the states, holding rosary rallies at every state capitol in the midst of massive restrictions as lockdowns loosen and in the midst of cities reeling from riots.

“Our objective is to ask God to help America to return to order as soon as possible. We don’t like the way things are going with the ‘new normal’ of the COVID socialist solutions, and we are absolutely opposed to the anarchy we see in today’s streets,” stated a spokesman for the group in a video about the campaign.

Volunteers from TFP’s America Needs Fatima campaign will also participate in the campaign.
“At this time of great uncertainty and confusion,” Robert Ritchie, America Needs Fatima Director, said, “we need to lift our eyes to God and His Blessed Mother and pray for calm, confidence and courage.”

“Just about everyone is suffering in some way from the lockdowns, job loss, fear and general turmoil,” Ritchie continued. “Human solutions only go so far. We need a lasting remedy to restore the moral fabric of our nation. What Our Lady of Fatima requested in 1917 is most relevant today: conversion, prayer and penance.”
TFP volunteers travel by caravan, carrying a statue of Our Lady of Fatima, invoking Her aid and protection throughout the campaign.
On June 3rd, the campaign began at the Marian Shrine of Our Lady of La Leche in St. Augustine, Florida. TFP chose this location as it is the shrine of the first Catholic parish mass said in Florida by Father Francisco Lopez de Mendoza Grajales in 1565. Many people, including local TFP members, volunteers, and passersby, joined in the public recitation of the rosary.

TFP members continued their campaign, traveling to many states around America, including Florida, South Carolina, Alabama, Georgia, North Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, Missouri, Arkansas, and Mississippi.

The groups traveled to Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, on June 12th, praying on the steps of the State Capitol. Young boys from TFP’s annual Call to Chivalry Camp joined in the prayer rally.
“Any serious and lasting solution to the civil unrest and criminal violence sweeping the nation must focus on God and obedience to His eternal law,” Ritchie wrote.
“This peace was the goal of the boys attending the 2020 Call to Chivalry Camp sponsored by the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP).”
“With rosaries in hand, they held a rosary rally to restore One Nation Under God,” he continued. “They prayed the rosary for America on the steps outside the State Capitol Building and displayed banners and signs.”
On June 13, TFP members prayed the rosary in front of the State Capitol Building in Baton Rouge, Louisiana as the last stop on the first leg of the Mother of Mercy Caravan.
The prayer rally numbered over 40 people; passing cars honked their horns in support and passersby stopped to take pictures of the peaceful rally.
The campaign to restore order to America continues as TFP members travel to the State Capitols. As TFP travels across America, they welcome everyone to attend the rallies. To donate to the campaign, go here.
“Prayer is very powerful,” Ritchie said. “I firmly believe that the Holy Rosary, in particular, is the key to restore the nation. It gives us the spiritual fortitude to follow God’s law. These Public Square Rosary Rallies will certainly attract God’s blessing on America.”

Novena to the Precious Blood (June 22-30)

By the Voice of Thy Blood, O Jesus! I would press Thee, solicit Thee, importune Thee, though Thou seemest to reject my supplications. I will not leave Thy bleeding feet until Thou hearest me. Too many graces, too many mercies have come from Thy Blood, for me not to hope, even to the end in its efficacy.

Then, O Jesus! by the Precious Blood seven times shed for the welfare of men, by each drop of that Sacred Price of our redemption, by the tears of Thy Immaculate Mother, I conjure Thee, I supplicate Thee, hear my earnest prayer.

(Mention your intentions here)

O Thou, who during all the days of Thy mortal life, consoled so many sufferings, healed so many infirmities, raised so often a sinking courage; Thou will not fail to have pity on a soul who cries to Thee from the depths of her anguish! Oh, no, it is impossible! Another sigh from my heart, and from the wound in Thine own, there will flow to me, upon a wave of Thy merciful Blood, the grace so ardently desired. O Jesus, Jesus! hasten the moment when Thou wilt change my tears into joy, my sighs into thanksgivings.

Holy Mary, Source of the Divine Blood! I conjure Thee not to lose this occasion of glorifying the Blood which made Thee Immaculate. Amen.

Saint Aloysius Gonzaga SJ Patron Saint of Youth and Bodily Purity