— Council of Vienne ♰♰♰

Tuesday, February 28, 2023

African bishops mark beginning of Lent with call to fight LGBT propaganda, homosexuality

 'Some people are now not aware of the Gospel. It’s time we turn away from our evil deeds and turn back to the Lord.'

Featured Image

Bishop Santus Wanok

(LifeSiteNews) — Catholic bishops and priests throughout Uganda have urged the faithful to use the Lenten season to repent from grave sins like homosexuality and fight the Western-backed spread of pro-LGBT propaganda.

Per the Ugandan news outlet Daily Monitor, clergy in several dioceses have marked the beginning of Lent with calls to repentance and fasting, especially given the threat of LGBT ideology and its corruption of society.

Reverend Sanctus Lino Wanok, bishop of the Diocese of Lira, told his flock not to “lure anybody into the sin of homosexuality as it is not human; it is death, which humanity must repent against.”

“God wants salvation for that person and that person can be saved if we relieve him from that,” he added.

Father Agabito Arinaitwe, pastor of Uganda Martyrs Catholic Parish, lamented increasing cases of men and women identifying as LGBT and acting as if homosexuality were a “human right.”

“Some people are now not aware of the Gospel. It’s time we turn away from our evil deeds and turn back to the Lord,” he said.

LifeSiteNews has been reporting on the courageous Catholics in Africa opposing Western-led attempts to normalize homosexuality, abortion, and contraception among their people. Bishop Joseph Mwongela, Diocese of Kitui, Kenya, told LifeSiteNews that faithful Catholics should be willing to be martyred for fundamental truths about life, marriage, and family.

“The voice of God should reverberate through us to be able to speak about the truth, about values, and doing that which is right. And attracting people like the light of the world, salt of the earth,” he said. “If we are tasteless as a Church, where do we go? We must have the taste, attract people, and even if that means martyrdom, to be ready and firm to stand for [the truth].”

The Uganda Martyrs serve as particular inspiration to the bishops and laity standing up against LGBT propaganda. Two Catholic priests told LifeSiteNews that most of them, martyred in the late 1800s, were killed because they resisted inappropriate homosexual acts with the king and refused to “abandon the Christian faith” itself.

“Above all … it was the work of the Holy Spirit,” said Father Joseph Mukasa Muwonge. “If it was not the Holy Spirit, I wonder whether they would have proved themselves so much to that extent.”

Even Anglican bishops in Uganda have also used the beginning of Lent to speak out against the proliferation of LGBT propaganda and homosexuality.

Reverend Doctor Hannington Mutebi, an assistant bishop in Kampala, told reporters on Ash Wednesday that LGBT ideology is a particular threat because “it is a global agenda to destroy the young generation,” as paraphrased by Daily Monitor, and because parents, teachers, and government officials have failed to adequately check its spread.

In the Diocese of Ruwenzori, Bishop Reuben Kisembo proclaimed an Ash Wednesday message imploring the faithful to fast not just from food, but from all forms of “evil.”

“As [a] Church, we condemn the act of homosexuality, corruption, greed, selfishness, violation of human rights; let us do good to the needy, orphans, widows, elderly, disabled. Let us overcome evil with good,” he said.

George Turyasingura, an Anglican bishop in East Ruwenzori, also proclaimed that homosexual behavior has no place in Uganda.

Monday, February 27, 2023

Bergoglio admits he often faces crises of faith

Bergoglio not only has a crisis of faith but openly denies faith and defies God's Law.

 Gloria TV News

No Surprise: Francis Admits “Crisis Of Faith”

In El Pastor, a second book-interview published by Francesca Ambrogetti and Sergio Rubin, Pope Francis once again admits that he has had [and still has?] crisis of faith.

For him, ⚠️ ๐Ÿ’€"a faith that does not put us in crisis is a faith in crisis.”๐Ÿ’€ Beyond this senseless play on words, in Christianity doubt is a sin.

With regard to homosexuality, Francis indulges in victimism and laments that they had “suffered” for being “rejected by the Church,”
Caution⚠️Bergoglio's Heretical Opinions:

 ๐Ÿ’€“I want them to know that it is not the 'rejection of the Church', but of 'people of the Church',” (he said in defiance of Divine natural Law). On the contrary, Saint Paul says in the Letter to the Romans that the fall into homosexuality implies a rejection by God.

Then, Francis declares that he has never belonged to the Peronist party in Argentina, not even as a sympathiser [because Peronism appealed to the poor sectors of society].

Francis claimes that his "intention" to visit Argentina was still there, while everyone knows that it will never happen. “It's unfair to say that I don't want to go,” he protests. But if he had wanted to, he would have gone a long time ago.

"I feel young," he says, referring to his age, "I can't say how old, but I feel young.”

Finally, Francis admits that as Pope he sometimes does "novel things" calling them “creative” while they simply follow the playbook of those in power.

Caution: this book 'el Pastor' contains Bergoglio's heretical opinions with which he contradicts Catholicism in defiance of Divine Natural Law.
Galatians 1:9
New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition
9 As we have said before, so now I repeat, if anyone proclaims to you a gospel contrary to what you received, let that one be accursed!


St. Anthony of Padua's sermon against fornication, homosexuality, adultery and incest

“[The vice of sodomy] mobilizes him in the militia of the evil spirit and force him to fight unspeakable wars against God . She detaches the unhappy soul from the company of the angels and , depriving it of it excellence, take it captive under her domineering yoke” (...)Once this poisonous serpent has sunk its fangs into this unfortunate man, he is deprived of all moral sense, his memory fails, and the mind's vision is darkened. Unmindful of God , he also forgets his own identity. St. Peter Damian -Liber Gomorrhianus ad Leonem IX Romanum Pontificem

Friday, February 24, 2023

Priest: it is not lawful for Bergoglio to suppress the Old Mass

Ancient Mass: Bergoglio Can Only Deceive the naรฏve and the ignorant.

Regarding the latest edict emanating from the Vatican: 
Bergoglio can deceive the naรฏve and the ignorant. I was ordained a while ago, but even if this edict would apply to me, I would never acknowledge a law that contradicts the eternal law of the Church, the one that neither Bergoglio nor any other person in the Church or outside of the Church can abrogate.

As recalled in the most unequivocal way from the Motu proprio Summorum Pontificum, it is not the authority of a pope or a bishop that renders forever legitimate or even opportune the celebration of the traditional Apostolic Rite, refreshed by St. Pius V, but it is legitimate for every Catholic priest, without requesting the permission of any person on earth.
The actual Truth that is eternal does not depend on a pope or a usurper to the papal throne to acknowledge or declare it or not as Truth.
And for those who exalt the imposition with violence of lies and frauds, I must mention that all of us, and I mean all of us, will one day stand in front of the throne of Truth, and all falsehoods will be consumed with the same vehemence in which those lies were imposed. And if they have not acknowledged the power of the Truth as love on earth, they will experience it as an eternal punishment in the underworld.
Francesco D’Erasmo, from God’s will, and not from man’s, sacerdos in aeternum,
Tarquinia, 21 February 2023

While his accomplice Bergoglio remains silent two more bishops condemn the apostate McElroy's attack on Catholic moral teaching

 Bishops James Conley and Thomas Paprocki are the latest prelates to speak out against Cardinal Robert McElroy's (Apostasy/ homo-heresy) heterodoxy.

(LifeSiteNews) — The backlash continues for Cardinal Robert McElroy over his push to give Holy Communion to homosexuals and adulterers and overhaul Catholic teaching on sexuality.

Two more bishops, James Conley of Lincoln and Thomas Paprocki of Springfield, have rebuked the San Diego cardinal in recent days, warning that his heterodox agenda contradicts Sacred Scripture and the Tradition of the Church.

Denver Archbishop Samuel Aquila has rebuked homosexualist McElroy’s call for ‘radical inclusion’ of homosexuals, adulterers

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

"Turn away from sin and be faithful to the Gospel"


"Repent and believe in the Gospel" (Cf Mark 1:15 )

Ash Wednesday: Fast & Abstinence

A blessed Ash Wednesday to all!

The Mystery of Lent
from the Liturgical Year, 1870

Lent is filled with mystery. During the Septuagesima Time the number seventy recalls to our minds the seventy years of the captivity of the Jews in Babylon, where, after having purified themselves from their sins by penance, they returned again to their country and to their city of Jerusalem, then they celebrated their Easter. Now the holy Church, our Mother, brings before our minds the severe and mysterious number forty, that number which, as St Jerome says, is always filled with self-denial and with penance (In Ezech., c. xxix). When the race became corrupt, God wiped out the sin of man by the rain of forty days and forty nights upon the world, but after forty days Noah opened a window in the ark and found the water gone from the earth. When the Hebrews were called from the land of Egypt for forty years they fasted on manna, wandering in the desert, before they came to the promised land. When Moses went up the Mount of Sinai, for forty days and nights he fasted from food before he received the law graven on tablets of stone. When Elias came near to God, on Horeb, for forty days and nights he fasted (St. Augustine Sermon). Thus these two, the greatest men of old, whom the hand of the Lord hath raised up to do His mighty will, Moses on Mount Sinai, Elias on Mount Horeb, what do they figure but the law and the prophecy of the Old Testament pointing to the fast of forty days and nights of our Lord in the desert? Like shadowy forms they prefigured the Son of God, Who first established Lent when the Christians, His disciples, fast, following the example of our Master, when they keep the Lenten Services of the Church.

Let us follow our Lord in His Lent in the desert. "At that time," says the Gospel. When? The moment after his baptism, to show that the Christian after baptism must prepare for a life of self denial. When? Thirty years before, on the same day, the three Magi adored him, a little child in the manger. When? One year from that day, at his mother's request, he changed the water into wine. At that time, by contact with his most holy body, the waters of the earth received the power of washing the souls of men from sin in baptism. St. John the Baptist had preached penance from the banks of the Jordan. Now Christ was to preach penance from the sands of the desert. John had lived in fasting on locusts and wild honey from his twelfth year (Math. iii. 4). He alone was worthy of baptizing our Lord. Now Christ is led by the Spirit into the desert. By what spirit? By the Holy Spirit, to show that those who fast and do penance during Lent are led by the Holy Ghost. To show that the Church was led by the Holy Ghost in commanding all her children to fast during Lent. Into the desert He is led by the Holy Spirit, with the burning sun of Judea above His head by day, and the parched sands beneath His limbs by night; into the desert He is led, where the hot air burns His hallowed cheek, and the burning sands give way beneath His feet; into the desert He is led, where below Him stretches the Dead Sea, beneath whose stagnant, slimy waters lie the remains of Sodom, Gomorrah, Salem and the cities of the plains destroyed by God for their sins. Here comes our Lord to do penance and to fast for the sins of mankind. Here comes our Savior to keep the first Lent.

Not far from the banks of the Jordan rises a mountain harsh and savage in its outlines, which tradition calls the Lenten mountain (Gueranger, Le Careme, p. 46). From its rugged heights flow down the streams which water the plains of Jericho. From its rocky sides is seen the valley of the Dead Sea. From its inhospitable crags stretches out the gloomy expanse of that spot where once the five smiling cities of the plains sat amid the fertile land, but now, of all places of the earth, marked with the curse of God for the sins of Sodom and Gomorrah. There came the Son of God to establish Lent. There came the Savior to show by penance how to gain our everlasting crown by fasting for our sins. There, deep amid the desert fastness, in a cave formed by the ancient upheaval of the mountain, there He found a home. There He fasted forty days and forty nights. No water cooled His burning tongue, no food repaired His weakening strength. The wild beasts of the wilderness were His companions. The heat of the simoon from the burning desert poisoned the air He breathed. The hot sands burned His feet. The rocks became His bed. Such was the beginning of the Christian Lent.

"After He had fasted forty days and forty nights, afterwards He was hungry;" for His nature was human, like ours. "And the tempter came." He prepared Himself for temptation by fasting, to show us that we must prepare ourselves by fasting for the temptations of this life, to show that by fasting and by penance we are to overcome the enemies of our salvation. He was not hungry till at the end of His forty days of fasting, to show that He was God, for no one can fast for that time without being hungry. At the end of forty days He was hungry, to show that He was man, with all the weakness of our nature. Our nature had been badly hurt by Adam eating the forbidden fruit. Christ came to restore our nature to its lost inheritance in heaven, and He begins His public life by fasting. And now, at the end of that fast, the devil, who was the cause of our fall, found Him weak and hungry. He came to tempt Him in the desert, as he came to tempt our first parents in the garden. Let us draw near and see the temptation of our Lord.

The devil had seen Him baptized in the Jordan, he had heard the words of the holy Baptist point Him out as the "Lamb of God." He had heard the words of the Father in heaven call Him His beloved Son. He had seen the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove, with outspread wings overshadow Him. He says to himself, "Can this be the Son of God, this weak and hungry Man?" The demon is in doubt. He comes near to the person of Jesus Christ. He could not enter into His members as he can in ours, and tempt Him. He could only tempt Him from without, as he tempted our first parents from without. Coming near, he says, "If Thou be the Son of God, command these stones to be made bread." Mark well the words. It is a temptation of pride. "If thou be the Son of God," here is a chance to show your power. Long before the same demon came to our Mother Eve, and said, "In what day soever you shall eat thereof ... you shall be as gods." The temptation of pride. Thus He was tempted by being asked to eat, like our parents in the garden. Thus He was tempted by pride, as our mother Eve was tempted of old.

This life is a continual battle against temptation, and the Church, made up of the clergy and of the people, is like a great and powerful army in ceaseless battle array against our enemies. For that reason Lent is called the fighting time of the Church. For that reason, in the offices of the breviary we say the psalms, wherein is recalled that battle of the Christian against his old enemies, the powers of hell.

We are coming near to the sad sight of the death of our Lord. We are to see that rage of the Jews against Him which ended by His death on the cross. The Church prepares us beforehand, by celebrating certain feasts on each of the Fridays of Lent, which are like so many preparations for the tragedy of Good Friday. The Friday following the first Sunday of Lent we celebrate the memory of the holy Lance and Nails which pierced His Sacred Flesh; or, in some cases, the feast of the Crown of Thorns He wore upon His head. The Friday of the second week we say the office of the Linens, which Joseph and Nicodemus wrapped around His body when dead and laid in the tomb. On the third Friday we commemorate the memory of the five Wounds of our Lord; while the offices of the fourth Friday are devoted to the memory of the most precious Blood shed for our redemption (Brev. Rom.).

During the early ages of the Church, Lent was the time when the catechumens, that is, the newly converted Christians, prepared for baptism by fasting and by penance, before they were washed from their sins by the waters of regeneration on Holy Saturday. For many months they had been instructed for that holy rite by the saints of old, and in the Lenten Season they redoubled their penance and their prayers. Again, Lent was the time when the public penitents, those who were guilty of great sins, purged themselves from their crimes by public penance. From Ash Wednesday, when they were driven from the church, like Adam from Paradise, in sackcloth and in ashes, in tears and in fasting, they wept at the doors of the churches, till received again into the bosom of their mother, the Church, by confession and Communion on Holy Thursday. Because the people are no more saints like those of the early ages, although the Church in her motherly indulgence has changed these laws, still their traces are found in the ceremonies and the services of the Latin Rite.


O my God! who art all love, I thank Thee for having established the fast of Lent to purify my conscience, to strengthen my virtue, and to make me worthy of approaching Thy holy table. Grant me the grace to keep the fast as a Christian. I am resolved to love God above all things, and my neighbor as myself for the love of God; and, in testimony of this love, I will join fasting with prayer and alms. Amen

Thursday, February 2, 2023

Fr. Murray: Church doesn’t affirm a "right" to homosexuality

In contradiction with the teachings of the Church, the apostate Jorge challenges the Divine Natural Law.

In Argentina the apostate Jorge Mario Bergoglio had already challenged the Divine Natural Law by supporting gay adoptions, pseudo gay identity and sacrilegious communions for homosexual couples.

Sin has no rights
Error non habet ius” 

    Error has no rights


 Fr. Murray: Church doesn’t affirm a right to homosexuality

“Do people have a right to commit sodomy? Is this somehow now a human right? That’s what the left claims,” he said. “The Catholic Church doesn’t say that.”

Fr. Gerald Murray slams Bergoglio’ comments on homosexuality, African bishops

'The people that have to undergo conversion are those who want to commit sodomy, not the bishops who are telling them this is a sin, it’s wrong, and the state should not legitimize it.'

(LifeSiteNews) — Renowned canon lawyer Fr. Gerald Murray blasted Pope Francis’ recent call for the decriminalization of homosexuality and his criticism of bishops who support anti-sodomy laws. 
Fr. Murray, a priest of the Archdiocese of New York, denounced the “confusion” of the pope’s remarks in a hard-hitting interview Thursday with Raymond Arroyo on EWTN’s The World Over. 

“It’s clearly taught in the Bible and the natural law: sodomy is a mortal sin,” the New York priest said. Anti-sodomy laws aim to deter sin and protect public morals, he noted, invoking the destruction of Sodom.

“Now, laws against sodomy are designed to warn people not to commit that sin and to protect society where if that sin were tolerated it might become more widespread,” he explained. “The story of Sodom and Gomorrah in the Bible is a warning to us.”

Rather thafn attacking such laws, Francis “should be saying laws that lead people into sin should never become law,” Fr. Murray insisted.

Instead, the pope (Bergoglio) “unfortunately is becoming an advocate” of legalizing sodomy, he said. “And it’s hard to believe that we would say that.”

Fr. Murray also pushed back on the pope’s criticism of Catholic bishops in Africa who have endorsed anti-sodomy laws and whom Francis said “have to have a process of conversion.”

Priest explains how Amoris Laetitia was really written to ‘normalize’ homosexuality