en.news Brazil born Jesuit Father Bruno Franguelli is promoting the dignity of the indigenous peoples in the Amazon, Agencia.Ecclesia.pt reported on August 16, 2018.
In order to do so, he strips naked and paints his body like an Indio.
He has been in Peru sinc 2013 and is currently vice-rector of the National Sanctuary of San José de Anchieta.
According to Franguelli, the Amazon is marked by the "spread of evangelical sects" and a strong "superstition" so that people accuse each other of witchcraft.
Nevertheless, on June 9, Franguelli wrote on Facebook about the Indios, “We've wanted to teach them a lot, now it's time to learn from them.” 

Pope St. Pius V : Be attentive to redirect this people to pacific customs and civilized ways of life
We also desire that you be attentive, as much as you are able, to redirect this people, and above all those who with the help of the Lord were received into the Christian faith, from the habits of a savage life to more pacific customs and civilized ways of life, as well as persuading them that by abandoning that inept nudity of the body, which they claim to be accustomed to, they assume clothes appropriate to Christian modesty and civilized customs. (Pius V. Letter Etsi fratenitas tuam to the Bishop of Salvador – Brazil)

The marxist Bruno Franguelli wrote in his Twitter account
@padrejoaozinho I was in Peru these days next to Gustavo Gutiérrez. We divide the pain: the master and the disciple.
Pope St. Pius X teaches us that the Catholic Church has two parts:
one that teaches that it is the Hierarchy and one that learns that it is the faithful. On the other hand in the Anti-Church of Bergoglio, the order established by God is reversed in order to annul the Hierarchy of the Catholic Church. This shows that the Bergoglio sect is not the Church founded by Jesus Christ; and, no faithful Catholic should obey them under penalty of automatic excommunication.
Catechism of St. Pius X
The Church Teaching and the Church Taught
38 Q. Is there any distinction between the members of the Church?
A. There is a very notable distinction between the members of the Church; for there are some who rule and some who obey; some who teach and some who are taught.
39 Q. What do you call that part of the Church which teaches?
A. That part of the Church which teaches is called the Teaching Church.
40 Q. What do you call that part of the Church which is taught?
A. That part of the Church which is taught is called the Learning Church, or the Church Taught.
41 Q. Who has set up this distinction in the Church?
A. Jesus Christ Himself has established this distinction in the Church.
Bergoglio, by reversing the order and occupying the position that corresponds to the Discente Church, shows us he is not a legitimate Pope; nor does he have the hierarchical power that belongs to the Teaching Church.
Pope St. Pius X condemned as a heresy the Masonic claim and Marxist subversion that the Church has to learn from the People. In other words, he condemned the heretical Marxist current of the ´theology of the people´ that Bergoglio professes.
48 Q: Does the power possessed by the members of the Hierarchy come from the people?
A: The power possessed by the Hierarchy does not come from the people, and it would be heresy to say it did: it comes solely from God.
Bergoglio appoints the Marxist journalist Christiane Murray as Vice Director of Holy See Press Office |
Update August 8 2019:
Revelation 9:21 nor did they repent of their murders or their sorceries or their immorality or their thefts.
The impenitent Bruno Franguelli received a correction from us but when he saw this news he did not repent but rather stubbornly and leaned on Bergoglio. His intellect has been sealed with the mark of the Beast that causes men to rebel against God. Heb 6: 4-6 says that those who were once enlightened with the Word of God and then fell into apostasy are impossible to be renewed again to penance, because they have crucified Jesus again and "expose him to public infamy."
"A priest is a blasphemer and a cheat if he exercises his Order unworthily, and thus he sins mortally: and in like manner any other person in Orders." (St. Thomas Aquinas, Doctor of the Church)
"Woe to the priest who fails to respect his high dignity, and defiles by his infidelities the name of the holy God for whom he is bound to be holy. Corruptio optimi pessima. 'Sublime is the dignity of the priest, but great is his fall, if he is guilty of sin; let us rejoice for the high honor, but let us fear for them lest they fall; great is the joy that they have scaled the heights, but it is insignificant compared with the sorrow of their fall from on high.'"
(Pope St. Pius X, "Haerent Animo", 1908 A.D.)
Catechism of St. Pius X
The Church Teaching and the Church Taught
38 Q. Is there any distinction between the members of the Church?
A. There is a very notable distinction between the members of the Church; for there are some who rule and some who obey; some who teach and some who are taught.
39 Q. What do you call that part of the Church which teaches?
A. That part of the Church which teaches is called the Teaching Church.
40 Q. What do you call that part of the Church which is taught?
A. That part of the Church which is taught is called the Learning Church, or the Church Taught.
41 Q. Who has set up this distinction in the Church?
A. Jesus Christ Himself has established this distinction in the Church.
(Pope St. Pius X, "Haerent Animo", 1908 A.D.)
Catechism of St. Pius X
The Church Teaching and the Church Taught
38 Q. Is there any distinction between the members of the Church?
A. There is a very notable distinction between the members of the Church; for there are some who rule and some who obey; some who teach and some who are taught.
39 Q. What do you call that part of the Church which teaches?
A. That part of the Church which teaches is called the Teaching Church.
40 Q. What do you call that part of the Church which is taught?
A. That part of the Church which is taught is called the Learning Church, or the Church Taught.
41 Q. Who has set up this distinction in the Church?
A. Jesus Christ Himself has established this distinction in the Church.
Amazon Synod: ‘Missionaries that do Not Evangelize, Married Indigenous Priests, Worship of Pagan Idols’
The nomination as cardinal of the marxist and Pro Gay Pedro Barreto in May 2018: A Surprise (perhaps) Now Explained
CATAPULTA: Bergoglio, after having ruthlessly beheaded Cardinal Cipriani, has just appointed Archbishop of Lima and Primate of Peru, a simple secular priest, disciple of Gustavo Gutierrez and sociologist.
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