— Council of Vienne ♰♰♰

Sunday, October 20, 2024

Father Giorgio Maria Faré denounces Bergoglio's anti-papacy in a homily

 Father Giorgio Maria Faré: “Bergoglio is not a pope”.

St. Francis of Assisi Prophecy: “A Man, not Canonically Elected, will be raised to the Pontificate, who, by his cunning, will endeavour to draw many into error and death..… In those days Jesus Christ will send them not a true Pastor, but a Destroyer”


"Neither living nor lifeless faith remains in a heretic who disbelieves one article of faith": Saint Thomas Aquinas

Friday, October 18, 2024

Monsignor Schneider corrects his doctrinal error since when Simon denied Christ he was not yet Pope


In the latest LifeSiteNews program, Monsignor Schneider retracted the doctrinal error he pronounced in an interview with Reymond Arroyo where, in order to defend Bergoglio's apostasy, he affirmed that the First Pope had denied Christ.

On the day of Pentecost, according to the Christian tradition, the Holy Ghost descended upon the apostles and disciples of Jesus Christ, marking the birth of the Christian Church.

The Book of the Acts of the Apostles describes the Early Church.

When a man makes a will, his beneficiaries only receive his inheritance when he dies, not when he is still alive. Christ made the promise to Simon/Peter and gave him his position to exercise it in the future.

Let us remember that Simon/Peter denied Christ before the crucifixion when Christ was captured and was pointed out as one of the disciples of Christ.
Christ had not yet completed the redemption work with his crucifixion.
Christ is the head of the Church and only with his death and resurrection (the Pascual Mystery) his work of redemption is completed. And when the Bridegroom (Jesus Christ) is removed, Peter has to assume the position of Vicar of Christ after his triple confession. Simon/Peter denied Christ as apostle, as a disciple, not as a vicar of Christ/not as Pope.

But at the same time, Monsignor Schneider refuses to discuss the invalidity of Bergoglio's papacy.

Bergoglio's god of surprises

Bishop Schneider: “Pope Francis plainly contradicts the first Commandment of God and the entire Gospel.”

Titus 3:10-11 Warn a heretic once or twice, but afterward reject him. You may be sure that such a person is perverted and sinful and stands self-condemned.

The moderate conservatives – Schneider and Matt – do not admit Bergoglio's abjuration and thus become his accomplicesMonsignor Carlo Maria Viganò

An important issue that was not discussed in this LifeSite program is the fact that it does not begin by exposing Bergoglio's apostate, heretical and schismatic past in Argentina, where Bergoglio had already betrayed God and the Church, which disqualifies him as Pope even as a simple altar boy.

Bergoglio's Homosexual Subversion Already Began in Buenos Aires 

Bergoglio was disqualified from became a pope due to his heretical, apostate and schismatic past in Argentina.

The 'Great Reformer' Book demonstrates Bergoglio's illegitimacy

Team Bergogliois the plot against the Church by a group of Cardinals who launched a lobbying campaign before the conclave to elect Bergoglio.

McCarrick on Bergoglio’s Election: “We did it!” 
Bergoglio and McCarrick: Manipulating the Conclave (archive.org)

A legacy of scandal: Pope Francis says he has ‘carried out’ plans laid during ‘pre-Conclave meetings’ - 

It is also worth mentioning that the widow Martha Alegría Reichmann, who was scammed by the apostate Oscar Rodríguez Maradiaga, testified in her book ‘Sacred Betrayals’ that Maradiaga had revealed to them in advance that a group of cardinals had planned to elect Bergoglio as Pope.

Pacifists, Ecologists and Ecumenists: Antichrist at Work