— Council of Vienne ♰♰♰

Thursday, April 30, 2020

The Dialogue of Saint Catherine of Siena contradicts Bergoglio's heretical teachings

Saint Catherine of Siena contradicts Bergoglio because Jesus condemns gay priests

Jesus told Saint Catherine that bad shepherds do not correct sinners because they live in mortal sin, while good shepherds rebuke sinners, because those whose conscience does not accuse them of sin have nothing to fear

The Denzinger-Bergoglio

…judges Francis’ idea on Judas being a poor, penitent man

  • ‘The despair of Judas displeased Me more, and was more grave to My Son than was his betrayal of Him’

[God the Father:] Therefore, is this last sin graver to Me than all the other sins that the soul has committed. Wherefore the despair of Judas displeased Me more, and was more grave to My Son than was his betrayal of Him. So that they are reproved of this false judgment, which is to have held their sin to be greater than My mercy, and, on that account, are they punished with the devils, and eternally tortured with them. (Saint Catherine of Siena. The Dialogue, ch. 37)

…judges Francis’ idea on the role of women in the Church

  • Not even the angels have the dignity of the ministers of Christ

I have told you all this, dearest daughter, that you may the better recognize the dignity to which I have called My ministers, so that your grief at their miseries may be more intense. […] no greater dignity exists in this life. They are My anointed ones, and I call them My Christs, because I have given them the office of administering Me to you, and have placed them like fragrant flowers in the mystical body of the holy Church. The angel himself has no such dignity, for I have given it to those men whom I have chosen for My ministers, and whom I have appointed as earthly angels in this life. (Saint Catherine of Siena, The Dialogue, Dialogue 9, Ch. 118)

…judges Francis’ idea on confession

  • ‘They are My anointed ones: I call them My Christs’

I have told you all this, dearest daughter, that you may the better recognize the dignity to which I have called My ministers, so that your grief at their miseries may be more intense. […] No greater dignity exists in this life. They are My anointed ones, and I call them My Christs, because I have given them the office of administering Me to you, and have placed them like fragrant flowers in the mystical body of the holy Church. The angel himself has no such dignity, for I have given it to those men whom I have chosen for My ministers, and whom I have appointed as earthly angels in this life. (Saint Catherine of Siena. The Dialogue, Ch. 113)

…judges Francis’ idea on Grace

  • The Pope must consider the evil of the loss of grace in souls

It seems to me that God wishes you to place the eyes of the understanding on the beauty of the soul, and on the Blood of his Son; by which Blood He washed the face of our soul: and you are the minister of It. […] The treasure of the Church is the Blood of Christ, given as the price for the soul. […] It is better, then, to let the gold of temporal things be lost than the gold of spiritual things. […] Open, open wide the eye of understanding with hunger and desire for the salvation of souls, to consider two evils: the evil of grandeur, dominion and temporal goods that you think you should conquest, and the evil of seeing the loss of grace in souls. From this you will see that you are much more obliged to reconquer souls. (Saint Catherine of Siena. Letter 209 to Gregory XI)
  • The Pope should be exemplary in his words, habits and deeds

Be you manful for me, in the holy fear of God; wholly exemplary in your words, your habits, and all your deeds. Let all shine clear in the sight of God and me; as a light placed in the candlestick, of Holy Church, to which looks and should look all the Christian people. (Saint Catherine of Siena. Letter 270 to Urban VI, pg 335)

…judges Francis’ idea on God’s love for sinners

  • God grants mercy to those who emend their lives

I assure you, however, that if you wish to emend your life in the time that you have, God is so good and merciful that he will grant mercy. He will receive you benevolently in his arms, he will make you participant of the blood of the Lamb shed with such a fire of love, for there is no sinner that is so great as to not obtain mercy. The mercy of God is greater than our evil, whenever we might want to emend ourselves and vomit the corruption of sin through confession, with the intention of preferring death rather than returning to what we had vomited. […] Know that if you do not emend, you will go to the darkest prison imaginable and when what should occur through confession and the rejection sin does not, there is no need for anyone to put the debtor into prison, rather, he himself will go to hell in the company of the demons. (Saint Catherine of Siena. Letter 21 – To someone whose name has been withheld reproving grave mortal sins)
  • Darkness and division have come into the world through the lack of the light of justice

And prelates, placed in the position of the prelacy of Christ ton earth, offered Me the sacrifice of justice with holy and upright lives. The pearl of justice, with true humility, and the most ardent love shone in them, and in their subjects, with the light of discretion. […] And, because they first had done justice to those under them, wishing to see them live virtuously, and correcting them without any servile fear, because they were not thinking of themselves, but solely of My honour and the salvation of souls […] They have followed His footsteps, and therefore did they correct them, and did not let their members become putrid for want of correcting, but they charitably corrected them with the unction of benignity, and with the sharpness of fire, cauterizing the wound of sin with reproof and penance, little or much, according to the graveness of the fault. And, in order to correct it and to speak the truth, they did not even fear death. They were true gardeners who, with care and holy tears, took away the thorns of mortal sins, and planted plants odoriferous of virtue. Wherefore, those under them lived in holy, true fear, and grew up like sweet smelling flowers in the mystic body of the holy Church […] without any sin, for they balanced exactly the scales of holy justice […] And this justice was and is that pearl which shines in them, and which gave peace and light in the midst of the people and caused holy fear to be with them, and unity of heats. And I would that thou know that, more darkness and division have come into the world amongst seculars and religious and the clergy and pastors of the holy Church, through the lack of the light of justice and the advent of darkness of injustice, than from any other cause. […] So, were the prelate, or any other lord having subjects, on seeing one putrefying from the corruption of mortal sin, to apply to him the ointment of soft words and encouragement alone, without reproof, he would never cure him, but the putrefaction would rather spread to the other members, who, with, him, form one body under the same pastor. (Saint Catherine of Siena. The Dialogue. Treatise on prayer – Of the excellence, virtues, and holy works of virtuous and holy ministers; and how such are like the sun. pg. 245-247)

…judges Francis’ idea on anticlericalism

  • The reverence for priests should never diminish – due to the authority which Jesus gave them

Have told you all this, dearest daughter, that you may the better recognize the dignity to which I have called My ministers, wherefore this reverence should never diminish in the case of priests whose virtue grows weak […] and you ought to love and reverence the authority which I have given them. […] This, then, is your duty according to the demands of charity, and thus I wish you to act with regard to such badly ordered priests, […] who bring you great Treasures – that is to say, the Sacraments of the holy Church. (Saint Catherine of Siena, The Dialogue, Dialogue 9, Ch. 120)
  • “They are My anointed ones, and I call them My Christs”

I have told you all this, dearest daughter, that you may the better recognize the dignity to which I have called My ministers, so that your grief at their miseries may be more intense. […] no greater dignity exists in this life. They are My anointed ones, and I call them My Christs, because I have given them the office of administering Me to you, and have placed them like fragrant flowers in the mystical body of the holy Church. The angel himself has no such dignity, for I have given it to those men whom I have chosen for My ministers, and whom I have appointed as earthly angels in this life. (Saint Catherine of Siena, The Dialogue, Dialogue 9, Ch. 118)

…judges Francis’ idea that the Pope should not judge

  • A divine revelation: the devils themselves who incite to sin cannot endure the sight of the horrendous sin

But they do just the opposite to me, for they come to this mystery wholly impure – and not simply with the sort of impurity and weakness to which you are all naturally inclined because of your weak nature (although reason can calm its rebellion if free choice so wills). No, these wretches not only do not restrain their weaknesses; they make it worse by committing that cursed unnatural sin. As if they were blind and stupid, with the light of their understanding extinguished, they do not recognize what miserable filth they are wallowing in. The stench reaches even up to me, Supreme Purity. And is so hateful to me that for this sin alone five cities were struck down by my divine judgment. For my divine justice could no longer tolerate it, so despicable to me is this abominable sin. But the stench displeases not only me, as I have said, but the devils as well, those very devils these wretches have made their masters. It is not its sinfulnesss that displeases them, for they like nothing that is good. But because their nature is angelic, that nature still loathes the sight of that horrendous sin actually being committed. It is true that it was they who in the beginning shot the poisoned arrows of concupiscence, but when it comes to the sinful act itself they run away. (Saint Catherine of Siena. Dialogue, Ch. 124)

…judges Francis’ idea on equality as the source of justice and happiness

  • God made things with differences so that men are able to show love for their neighbors

Although I have given them in such a different way, that is to say not all to one, but to one, one virtue, and to another, another, […] to one I will give principally love, to another justice, to another humility, to one a lively faith, […] I use the word temporal for the things necessary to the physical life of man; all these I have given indifferently, and I have not placed them all in one soul, in order that man should, perforce, have material for love of his fellow. […] but I wish that one should have need of the other, and that they should be My ministers to administer the graces and the gifts that they have received from Me. (Saint Catherine of Siena. Dialogue, Ch. 7)

…judges Francis’ idea on eternal condemnation

  • If he does not amend his life, he will be eternally condemned with great reprimand and reproach

[Our Lord Jesus Christ] O dearest daughter! I have placed you on the bridge of the doctrine of my truth so that he might serve you, o pilgrims, and administer you the sacraments of the holy Church, but he [a priest] stays in the miserable river below the bridge immersed in the pleasures and miseries of the world. There he exercises his ministry, without noticing the wave that drags him to death and he goes with the devils, his masters, whom he has served and by whom he has been openly guided, along the river. If he does not amend his life, he will be eternally condemned with great reprimand and reproach, that your tongue would be incapable of referring. And he, due to his priestly office, much more than any other lay person. For this reason the same sin is punished more in him than in one who would have stayed in the world. At the moment of death his enemies will accuse him more terribly, as I have told you. (Saint Catherine of Siena. Dialogue, no. 130)

The "social distance" applies only to churches, not to journalists or politicians

Social Distancing” Applies Especially to the Churches

Everybody knows that Italy has become an epicentre of the coronavirus. Since then, precautionary measures against the virus have become very important. On Tuesday, the Italian Prime Minister visited Genua – obviously wearing a face mask. As can be seen from the picture, the journalists, present on that occasion, practiced their own form of “social distancing”. The Catholic journalist Aldo Maria Valli wrote: “Imagine what would have happened if such a gathering had been formed by faithful waiting to enter a church for Mass.”

Jesus told Saint Catherine that bad shepherds do not correct sinners because they live in mortal sin, while good shepherds rebuke sinners, because those whose conscience does not accuse them of sin have nothing to fear

Jesus to St. Catherine of Siena from The Dialogue

No rank, whether of civil or divine law, can be held in grace without holy justice.  For those who are not corrected and those who do not correct are like members beginning to rot, and if the doctor were only to apply ointment without cauterizing the wound, the whole, body would become fetid and corrupt.

So it is with prelates or with anyone else in authority. 

If they see the members who are their subjects rotting because of the filth of deadly sin and apply only the ointment of soft words without reproof, they will never get well. Rather, they will infect the other members with whom they form one body under their one shepherd. But if those in authority are truly good doctors to those souls, as were those glorious shepherds, they will not use ointment without the fire of reproof. And if the members are still obstinate in their evildoing, they will cut them off from the congregation so that they will not infect the whole body with the filth of deadly sin.

But [those who are in authority] today do not do this. In fact, they pretend not to see. And do you know why? Because the root of selfish love is alive in them, and this is the source of their perverse slavish fear. They do not correct people for fear of losing their rank and position and their material possessions. They act as if they were blind, so they do not know how to maintain their positions. For if they saw how it is by holy justice that their positions are to be maintained, they would maintain them. But because they are bereft of light they do not know this. They believe they can succeed through injustice, by not reproving the sins of their subjects. But they are deceived by their own sensual passion, by their hankering for civil or ecclesiastical rank.

Another reason they will not correct others is that they themselves are living in the same or greater sins. They sense that the same guilt envelops them, so they cast aside fervor and confidence and, chained by slavish fear, pretend they do not see. Even what they do see they do not correct, but let themselves be won over by flattery and bribes, using these very things as excuses for not punishing the offenders. In them is fulfilled what my Truth said in the holy Gospel: ‘They are blind and leaders of the blind. And if one blind person leads another, they both fall into the ditch.’

Those who have been or would be my gentle ministers did not and would not act this way. I told you that these have taken on the qualities of the sun. Indeed, they are suns, for there is in them no darkness of sin or ignorance, because they follow the teaching of my Truth. Nor are they lukewarm, because they are set ablaze in the furnace of my charity. They have no use for the world's honors and ranks and pleasures. Therefore, they are not afraid to correct. Those who do not hanker after power or ecclesiastical rank have no fear of losing it. They reprove [sin] courageously, for those whose conscience does not accuse them of sin have nothing to fear."

They [bad clergy] do not pay me my due of glory, nor do they do themselves the justice of holy and honorable living or desire for the salvation of souls or hunger for virtue. Thus they commit injustice against their subjects and neighbors, and do not correct them for their sins. Indeed, as if they were blind and did not know, because of their perverse fear of incurring others’ displeasure, they let them lie asleep in their sickness. They do not consider that by wishing to please creatures they are [in reality] displeasing both them and me, your Creator.  (Dialogue, ch. 122, p. 234)

Once she [the Church] is reformed with good shepherds, her subjects will certainly change their ways. For in a way, the guilt for the subjects’ sins lies with their evil shepherds, because if the latter had reprimanded and if the pearl of justice had been luminous in their holy and honorable living, their subjects would not have behaved this way. (Dialogue, ch. 129, p. 256)

Saint Catherine of Siena contradicts Bergoglio because Jesus condemns gay priests

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Saint Catherine of Siena contradicts Bergoglio because Jesus condemns gay priests

Homosexuals Cause Nausea to Our Lord and Are Despised Even by the Devil

Saint Catherine of Siena, the great 14th century religious mystic, transmitted the words of Our Lord Jesus Christ about the sin of homosexuality, which contaminated some of the clergy in her time, the Renaissance.

Referring to sacred ministers who committed this sin, He told her:

Our Lord speaking to St. Catherine of Siena

They [the homosexuals] not only fail from resisting the weakness [of fallen human nature] .... but they do even worse when they commit the cursed sin against nature. Like the blind and stupid, having dimmed the light of their understanding, they do not recognize the disease and misery in which they find themselves. For this not only causes Me nausea, but is disgusting even to the devils themselves whom these depraved creatures have chosen as their lords.

For Me this sin against nature is so abominable that for it alone five cities were destroyed by virtue of the judgment of My Divine Justice, which could no longer bear their iniquity ....

It is disgusting to the devils not because evil displeases them or because they find pleasure in good, but rather because their nature is angelic and flees upon seeing such a repulsive sin being committed. For while certainly it is the devil that first strikes the sinner with the poisoned arrow of concupiscence, nonetheless when a man actually carries out such a sinful act, the devil goes away.

(St. Catherine of Siena, El diรกlogoin Obras de Santa Catalina de Siena, Madrid: BAC, 1991, p. 292)
TIA -Tradition in Action

Saint Catherine of Siena and St. Bernardino of Siena, even claimed that sodomy is the most serious sin after the sin against the Holy Spirit.  Additionally, if the person instead of repenting persists in practicing sodomy in violation of the commandments of God; it becomes the sin from which there is no forgiveness.

1 Corinthians 6:9-10

9 Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither the immoral,[fornicators] nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals,[effeminate nor sodomites.] ...will inherit the kingdom of God.

“Proclaim the truth and do not be silent through fear.”
― St. Catherine of Siena

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Bergoglio siding with continued govt. lockdown

by William Mahoney, Ph.D. •  ChurchMilitant.com •  April 28, 2020
Whereas the bishops have publicly challenged Italy's prime minister for refusing to lift the government's ban on public Masses, Francis called on Tuesday for "prudence and obedience" regarding government plans for exiting quarantine. 
Public Masses have been canceled throughout Italy for almost seven weeks due to the government's ban — a ban that has led to some priests being fined for offering Mass with as few as six people in attendance.
With Masses having remained suspended under the latest phase of lockdown, the country's bishops had called out the prime minister for overstepping his authority, saying in a statement: "The Presidency of the Council and the Technical-Scientific Committee are reminded of the duty to distinguish between their responsibility — giving precise indications of a health nature — and that of the Church, called to organize the life of the Christian community ... ."
Responding to the bishops late Sunday night, the prime minister's office replied: "A protocol will be studied that will allow the faithful to participate in liturgical celebrations as soon as possible in conditions of maximum security."
This official statement from the Italian bishops' conference comes in the wake of Cdl. Gualtiero Bassetti's own call for restoration of public Masses in his diocese of Perugia, writing: "The time has come to resume the celebration of the Sunday Eucharist and church funerals, baptisms and all the other sacraments ... ."

While the pope (Bergoglio) seems to be siding with the government over the bishops regarding the prime minister's study on public liturgical celebrations, it remains to be seen how long "as soon as possible" is.

Left uses coronavirus to push radical agenda

Josรฉ Gรณmez and Bergoglio want open borders and shuttering churches

Bergoglio has an extremist leftist political agenda against the principles of Saint Thomas Aquinas.

 “Rome will lose the faith and become the seat of Antichrist” Our Lady of la Salette

Complicit Clergy

The USCCB has devolved into nothing more than a Leftist NGO.

Over the course of the coronavirus pandemic, nearly every diocese in the United States locked the doors of its parishes.  Some bishops even forbid parking lot Masses and the administration of Last Rites to Catholics who laid dying in hospital beds.
But when it comes to their sacred cow of immigration, the U.S. bishops oppose ANY rational restrictions.
On April 23, President Trump signed a common-sense measure temporarily restricting immigration into the United States for the next 60 days.
It took the USCCB less than 24 hours to respond with their disdain.  Led by Archbishop Jose Gomez, the USCCB’s president, the organization issued the following statement:
The President’s action threatens to fuel polarization and animosity. While we welcome efforts to ensure that all Americans are recognized for the dignity of their work, the global crisis caused by COVID-19 demands unity and the creativity of love, not more division and the indifference of a throw-away mentality.
Got that?  Its okay to shutter every parish in the United States in the name of ‘safety’ but don’t you dare touch our immigration pipeline.

Archbishop Jose Gomez, president of the USCCB, took the lead in the statement criticizing the temporary immigration ban, but somehow could not find the time to sign the letter calling for vaccines that did not rely on aborted children.

When an organization’s actions appear to defy logic, follow the money.  Since 2008, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) have received a whopping $750 million in federal money to resettle immigrants.  Trump’s action, even though its scheduled to last only 60 days, apparently poses a threat to the USCCB’s cash cow.

Compare the Bishops’ rapid response to the temporary immigration ban to that of the revelation that coronavirus vaccines are being developed with aborted children. On April 10, we launched an online petition urging Bishops to respond to evidence that vaccines were being developed using aborted baby cells and tissues.  Despite thousands of petitions being sent to the Bishops, the USCCB did not issue an official response until April 17.  Even a group of 130+ members of Congress beat the Bishops to the punch. And it appears the Archbishop Gomez could not even find the time to be one of the signatures on the letter.
7 days versus 24 hours – any questions regarding the Bishops’ priorities?
Let’s face it, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops has devolved to into nothing more than a Leftist Non-Government Organization (NGO) and should be immediately disbanded.  If you agree, please send a message to your bishop.  Then share this post using the hashtag #DISBANDtheUSCCB by clicking on one of the social media buttons on the bottom of this page.


Bergoglio to Pro-Migrant Radical: ‘Count on Me’

Bergoglio Snubs Bishops’ Bid to Open Churches

en.news At the beginning of his April 28 Mass, Francis insisted on obeying the rules as Italian authorities begin to ease the coronavirus lockdown,

“In these days in which we are starting to have regulations to come out of quarantine, let us pray to the Lord that he gives his people, all of us, the grace of prudence and obedience to the regulations so that the pandemic does not return.”

Francis comment came as the Italian bishops suddenly started complaining about the regulations which keep banning all Mass. 

Peter: "We ought to obey God rather than men."
Francis: "We ought to obey men."

Francis: “We Must Obey The United Nations”

California urgent care doctor questions stay-at-home orders: 'You can get to herd immunity without a vaccine'

Fox News 
Dr. Dan Erickson and Dr. Artin Massihi, co-owners of Accelerated Urgent Care in Bakersfield, Calif., joined "The Ingraham Angle" Monday to discuss a series of videos questioning whether California's stay-at-home order is necessary.
"0.03 [percent] chance of dying from COVID in the state of California," Erickson says in a recent video. "Does that necessitate sheltering in place? Does that necessitate shutting down medical systems? Does that necessitate people being out of work?"
"When someone dies in this country right now, they're not talking about the high blood pressure, the diabetes, the stroke. They're saying 'Did they die from COVID?'" Erickson says in another video. "We've been to hundreds of autopsies. You don't talk about one thing, you talk about comorbidities. ER doctors now [say] 'It's interesting when I'm writing about my death report, I'm being pressured to add COVID. Why is that?
"Something else is going on here. This is not about science and it's not even about COVID. When [authorities] use the word 'safe' -- if you listen to the word 'safe', that's about controlling you."
Read More at Fox News

Monday, April 27, 2020

Apostasy: Amazon Ordination Replaces Christian Symbols With Pagan Attributes

en.news Antelmo Pereira Angelo, an Amazon father of nine, was ordained a permanent deacon for the Alto Solimรตes Diocese, Brazil, in a March 15 ceremony full of pagan symbols.

The event was presided by Spanish-born Bishop Adolfo Zon Pereira in St. Francis of Assisi church, Belem do Solimรตes.

It included painted faces, pagan songs, dances, necklaces, bracelets, headwear, animals’ teeth, shells and snails. Many indigenous rites mean to ward off evil spirits while attracting others.

During ordination, Angelo lied on a mat made of Tururi fibre. It was produced by indigenous women from the bark of the Capinuri palm and allegedly protects against the forces of nature (pictured below).

Bishop Zon used a black wooden chalice and ciborium looking like the black bowl which symbolises Pachamama and which Francis received during the Amazon Synod's closing Mass.

Pagan-influenced ordination of indigenous deacon shows Church with ‘Amazonian face’

The ordination included indigenous songs, dances, bead necklaces, and traditional headwear, as well as the use of animals’ teeth, shells and snails, and bracelets made of vegetable fibres.

Manaus scourged by the coronavirus, the city of Brazil where the statuettes of the idol of Pachamama were made, which were worshiped at the Vatican

Manaus buries victims of the Chinese Coronavirus in a large mass graveIn the images that appear on the Internet, not a single priest is seen celebrating the Catholic ceremony to give Christian burial to the victims of the coronavirus.
Manaus was the Amazonian city where the Pachamama worshiped in the Vatican gardens were manufactured, with which the Church of Santa Maria in Traspontina was desecrated with pagan cults with the authorization of Bergoglio. The city where the apostate Archbishop Sergio Castrini celebrated a sacrilegious mass for freemasons.

con el permiso de Bergoglio.PNG