— Council of Vienne ♰♰♰

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Novena for Easter 🕊️

In honor of the Glorious Resurrection of Our Lord


This is the day which the Lord has made:
let us celebrate it with transports of joy.
-- Office of the Church

Jesus, Who didst confound all Thine enemies by clothing in glory and splendor that body which had been the victim of the cruelty of man, give me grace to die to myself that I may rise again with Thee, and after Thy likeness lead a new, divine, immortal life : new, by change of conduct, divine by the generosity and purity of my love, immortal by perseverance in well doing. Work in my heart, O Lord, this happy change; make me pass from death to life, from darkness to light, from a life full of imperfections to a life perfect and worthy of Thee. Make me go on from light to light, from virtue to virtue, till I come at last to Thee, O God of virtue, source of all life, and of all light. To Thee also I turn, O holy Virgin, Mother of Our Saviour, on this joyous feast; deign to make me a partaker of that divine joy which thou didst feel on the blessed day of His Resurrection. Dry my tears and free my heart from all oppressive sadness. Let Thy risen Son enter into my heart, as through the closed doors, into the upper chamber. Let Him say to me, as to the apostles, "Peace be to thee"; let Him show to me, as to Thomas, His sacred wounds; let Him abide with me continually, and never more depart from me.

To The Glorious Wounds of Jesus Risen
1. My risen Jesus, I devoutly kiss and adore the glorious wound of Thy left foot, and pray Thee to give me grace to fly from all occasions of sin. and ever more to walk in the way of Thy commandments. 

Glory be to the Father, etc.
2. My risen Jesus, I devoutly kiss and adore the glorious wound of Thy right foot, and pray Thee to give me grace to walk constantly in the way of Christian holiness till I come to the home of the saints in paradise.

Glory be to the Father, etc.
3. My risen Jesus, I devoutly kiss and adore the glorious wound of Thy left hand, and pray Thee to deliver me from all evil, whether of the body or of the soul, and most especially from the unhappy fate of the wicked who shall stand at Thy left hand at the day of judgment.

Glory be to the Father, etc.
4. My risen Jesus, I devoutly kiss and adore the glorious wound of Thy right hand, and pray Thee to bless my soul herewith, and after death to open to me the gates of heaven.

Glory be to the Father, etc.
5. My risen Jesus, I devoutly kiss and adore the glorious wound of Thy side, and pray Thee to kindle in my heart the fire of Thy love here, that I may hereafter love Thee eternally in heaven.

Glory be to the Father, etc.

To Mary

Lastly, I pray thee, O most holy Virgin Mary, by thy great joy on seeing thy risen and glorified Son, to obtain for us the grace to rise also after our death to the eternal glory of paradise. 

Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father, etc.


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