— Council of Vienne ♰♰♰

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Bergoglio's Academy against Life, directed by homosexual apostate Vincenzo Paglia against nutrition in vegetative patients

 The True Catholic Pontifical Academy for Life currently has no members.

Gloria TV News

The Pontifical Academy against Life, headed by the pro-homosexual Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia, has published last week an 88-page booklet entitled "Piccolo lessico del fine vita" (Little Lexicon of the End of Life) on various bioethical issues.

A section on assisted hydration and nutrition for patients in a vegetative state marks a departure from the Catholic position that water and food must almost always be given. In such cases, death is not caused by the disease, but by those who withhold hydration.

Now, Monsignor Paglia claims that water and food are administered through technology [= a simple tube] and thus do not amount to "simple care procedures" but to so-called "aggressive treatment" that can be withheld.

For Paglia, the Catholic position represents "a reductive conception of illness, understood as a change in a particular function of the organism, losing sight of the totality of the person."

Nutrition and hydration become "therapeutic obstinacy" when there is "physical discomfort on the part of the patient".

In 2007, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith told the U.S. bishops that there is almost always a moral obligation to provide food and water to patients in a vegetative state, even by artificial means.

However, the booklet claims that his heretical position doesn't contradict with the opposite position previously taken by the Congregation.

After criticism, Paglia gave three interviews (VaticanNews, LaStampa and LaNazione) to defend his heretical position. He repeated that hydration and nutrition may constitute therapeutic obstinacy. Meanwhile, in Western countries the moral problem is not therapeutic obstinacy but euthanasia. 

Bergoglio's Academy against Life appears to endorse euthanasia, assisted suicide in some cases

"Paglia was also responsible for inviting homosexual couples to last year’s World Meeting of Families".

Francis in late January, 2016, denying the moral patrimony of the Church:
“I am glad to express the Church’s esteem for the National Committee on Bioethics, established by the President of the Council for Ministers in Italy 25 years ago,” Francis said. “Everyone is aware of how sensitive the Church is to ethical issues but perhaps it is not clear to everyone that the Church does not lay claim to a privileged voice in this field; in fact it is a source of great satisfaction for the Church when civic responsibility at different levels is able to reflect, discern and act according to a free and open way of thinking and inspired by integral human and social values. This mature civic responsibility is a sign that the seed of the Gospel – which has been revealed and entrusted to the Church – has produced fruits, successfully fostering the search for truth and good in complex human and ethical questions.”

Apostate Paglia says he “believe[s] the day will come” when either Francis or his successor will issue an “encyclical” attacking the Church’s ban on contraception.


"Bergoglio wants to be loved by everyone and please everyone. In this sense one day he will talk on TV against abortion and the next day he will bless the pro abortionist in the Plaza de Mayo; he could give a marvelous talk against the Masons (Masonic Order) and, an hour later, eat and drink with them at the Rotary Club.......this is the Cardinal Bergoglio whom I know close up. One day busy in a lively chat with Bishop Aguer about the defense of life and the liturgy and the same day, at dinner, having a lively talk with Mons. Ysern and Mons. Rosa Chavez about base communities and the terrible obstacles that are presented by the Church's dogmatic teachings. One day a friend of Cardinal Cipriani and Cardinal Rodriguez Maradiaga speaking about business ethics and against the New Age ideology and little latter a friend of Casaldaliga and Boff speaking about the class struggle and the "richness" of Eastern techniques which could contribute to the Church.Lucrecia Rego de Planas

In 2010, Jorge Mario Bergoglio had already betrayed the faith, inviting Eugenio Zaffaroni, promoter of abortion and homosexuality, to the archdiocesan meeting together with UNICEF on childhood and adolescence.

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