— Council of Vienne ♰♰♰

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

The Church has not universally and peacefully adhered to the heresiarch Bergoglio as Pope

Since the beginning of Bergoglio's false pontificate, several argentine Catholic blogs began to denounce his heresies on social media.

John Vennari: “Though this might shock some readers, I must say that I would never allow Pope Francis to teach religion to my children”.

The Church does not universally and peacefully adhere to Francis as pope

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò I would like to point out the Italian translation by Aldo Maria Valli of a third study by Dr. Matthew McCusker on the question of the “peaceful and universal acceptance” of Bergoglio as an argument that supposedly heals at the root all the errors and horrors of his "pontificate".

The thesis of “universal acceptance” is unsustainable not only for the reasons that McCusker exhaustively explains, but also for the evidence that this presumed acceptance of the Pope concerns an ecclesial body that sixty years of Vatican II and doctrinal deviations have accustomed to heresy, religious illiteracy, and open rebellion; and this is also thanks to the "democratization" of the Church - the “collegial church” of Vatican II, which later evolved into a “synodal church” with Bergoglio - which has accustomed the faithful to permanent revolution, "castrating" them in their ability to react and oppose false shepherds.

I wonder if Bishop Schneider, Dr. Kwasniewski, various bloggers in the conservative world, Recognize & Resist and other supporters of Bergoglio's legitimacy - to whom they however claim the right to disobey whatever they do not agree with about his "magisterium" - should not study the topic proposed by Dr. McCusker, if only to dispel the doubt of their possible role as gatekeepers. 

This cooperation of theirs - whether voluntary or unconscious - in recognizing legitimacy to Bergoglio has only one final beneficiary: Bergoglio himself - he who only cares about the affirmation of his own power in order to continue to demolish the Church and also have fake opponents, whom he also insults and humiliates.

The bull “Cum ex apostolatus” that ANNULS the elevation of a heretic to the papacy belongs to the Infallible Magisterium of the Church and was confirmed by Pope Saint Pius V and by the Code of Canon Law of 1917

6. In addition, [by this Our Constitution, which is to remain valid in perpetuity We enact, determine, decree and define:] that if ever at any time it shall appear that any Bishop, even if he be acting as an Archbishop, Patriarch or Primate; or any Cardinal of the aforesaid Roman Church, or, as has already been mentioned, any legate, or even the Roman Pontiff, prior to his promotion or his elevation as Cardinal or Roman Pontiff, has deviated from the Catholic Faith or fallen into some heresy:

(i) the promotion or elevation, even if it shall have been uncontested and by the unanimous assent of all the Cardinals, shall be null, void and worthless;

(ii) it shall not be possible for it to acquire validity (nor for it to be said that it has thus acquired validity) through the acceptance of the office, of consecration, of subsequent authority, nor through possession of administration, nor through the putative enthronement of a Roman Pontiff, or Veneration, or obedience accorded to such by all, nor through the lapse of any period of time in the foregoing situation;

(iii) it shall not be held as partially legitimate in any way;

(iv) to any so promoted to be Bishops, or Archbishops, or Patriarchs, or Primates or elevated as Cardinals, or as Roman Pontiff, no authority shall have been granted, nor shall it be considered to have been so granted either in the spiritual or the temporal domain;

(v) each and all of their words, deeds, actions and enactments, howsoever made, and anything whatsoever to which these may give rise, shall be without force and shall grant no stability whatsoever nor any right to anyone;
(vi) those thus promoted or elevated shall be deprived automatically, and without need for any further declaration, of all dignity, position, honour, title, authority, office and power.

Catholic Encyclopedia 1914 (Vol. 11, p. 456):
“It is very clear that the election [as Pope] of a heretic, schismatic or woman would be null and void.”

"A couple of months ago, for instance, he expressly approved that a homosexual couple adopt a child.

“Those capable of being validly elected are all who are not prohibited by divine law or by an invalidating ecclesiastical law… Those who are barred as incapable of being validly elected are all women, children who have not reached the age of reason; also, those afflicted with habitual insanity, the unbaptized, heretics, schismatics…” (Wernz-Vidal, Jus Canonicum 1:415)

St. Thomas Cajetan, O.P. (1469-1534)
Theologian and Cardinal
He points out that the famous axiom "Ubi Petrus, ibi Ecclesia" (Where the Pope is, there is also the Church) holds true only when he acts and behaves as the Pope, because Peter "is subject to the duties of the Office" otherwise," neither is the Church in him, nor is he in the Church."

But what we can confirm is that those who have universally and peacefully accepted the apostate Bergoglio are all internal and external enemies of God and the Church.

Revelation 13:8 All the inhabitants of the earth will worship it, all those whose names have not been written from the creation of the world in the book of life belonging to the Lamb who was slain.

Precisely Scripture calls it great deception because the spirit of error deceives the multitude who love lies more than Truth.

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