Los Angeles, July 9, 2015 (ChurchMilitant.com) - A group of elderly nuns from the order of the Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary have been battling the Los Angeles archdiocese, headed by Archbishop José Gomez, over the sale of Los Feliz Villa that once served as their convent.
The nuns claim they own the property and have the rights to sell it to whomever they wish, but the archdiocese is claiming the opposite, with an intended $14.5 million deal pending to pop singer Katy Perry.
The nuns wanted to prevent the Satanist Pro-gay singer “I Kiss a Girl” from appropriating their old convent.
The nuns claim they own the property and have the rights to sell it to whomever they wish, but the archdiocese is claiming the opposite, with an intended $14.5 million deal pending to pop singer Katy Perry.
The nuns wanted to prevent the Satanist Pro-gay singer “I Kiss a Girl” from appropriating their old convent.
The Pro-Gay Satanist American singer Katy Perry, 33, who years ago said in a video interview, “I sold my soul to the devil” and promotes Cannibalism, spoke at the Vatican’s “United to Cure” conference, organized by the Pontifical Council for Culture from April 26 to 28.
She created an erotic video "Bon Appétit" that was criticized for promoting cannibalism..
She created an erotic video "Bon Appétit" that was criticized for promoting cannibalism..
One of the sisters, Sr Catherine Holzman, 89, even died during a court appearance.
A nun begged Katy Perry not to buy her convent — then collapsed and died
Two weeks ago one of the eldery nuns involved in the Archdiocese forced (contested) sale of their convent-80 yr old Sister Rita Callanan asked Bergoglio for his help in their legal battle with Katy Perry regarding their covenant and this evil action was his answer.
The gay activist Kety Perry wrote on Instagram: katyperry Honored to be in the presence of His Holiness @franciscus' co mpassionate heart and inclusivity. Thank you to @meditationbob and #TheCuraFoundation for making it all possible.❤🕊#UniteToCure
In 2016 Katy Perry donated 10,000 Dollars to the abortion-network Planned Parenthood and urged her fans to do the same.
In 2016 Katy Perry donated 10,000 Dollars to the abortion-network Planned Parenthood and urged her fans to do the same.
The same German Cardinal Marx has now also closed Altomünster, a one-thousand-year-old Abbey in Bavaria, a religious and historical landmark, in spite of the fact that there were still several nuns living there, and several other younger women who were aspiring to become nuns, and together to maintain the Abbey and to make it grow again. The Archdiocese of Munich – according to Peter Seewald, the internationally known journalist and interviewer of Pope Benedict XVI – has worked by means of some lies, deceit, intimidation, and sordid methods in order to help shut down this Abbey and to transfer it (and its considerable wealth) to the Diocese of Munich, with the help of a verdict from Rome. The “absurd situation,” in Seewald’s own words, goes so far that Cardinal Marx has ordered guards to protect the Abbey from the religious women, disallowing them to stay or re-enter! And this at a time where the Catholic Faith in Germany is dying. Why is Cardinal Marx still the President of the German Bishops’ Conference and a counselor of Pope Francis?
Bergoglio: “Empty convents are of no use to the Church. Let the refugees in”
Denzinger-Bergoglio Sandro Magister surprises us with a fine observation: "The pope ordered the sale of the assets of the Church" (L´Espresso, 17 May 2016).
Pittsburgh diocese to reduce 188 parishes to 57: cruxnow.com/…/pittsburgh-dioc…
Denzinger-Bergoglio Sandro Magister surprises us with a fine observation: "The pope ordered the sale of the assets of the Church" (L´Espresso, 17 May 2016).
Pittsburgh diocese to reduce 188 parishes to 57: cruxnow.com/…/pittsburgh-dioc…