Christ the King, is a feast against the plague of Laicism.

Pope Pius XI instituted the feast of Christ the King against "liberalism," which affirms the secularity of the State and denies the Rights of Jesus Christ.
The Catholic Church has condemned Laicism, it is the freemasons who promote it.
Pope Pius XI, Encyclical "Quas Primas":
" Then gradually the religion of Christ came to be likened to false religions and to be placed ignominiously on the same level with them."
Scalfari: Francis’ Goal Is One World Religion
“For Francis, God is unique and not Christian, there is only one world religion.”
Apostate Francis:
States must be secular. Confessional states end badly. That goes against the grain of History. I believe that a version of laicity accompanied by a solid law guaranteeing religious freedom offers a framework for going forward. We are all equal as sons (and daughters) of God and with our personal dignity. However, everyone must have the freedom to externalize his or her own faith*. If a Muslim woman wishes to wear a veil, she must be able to do so. Similarly, if a Catholic wishes to wear a cross. People must be free to profess their faith* at the heart of their own culture not merely at its margins. La Croix.
Apostate Bergoglio: “France must become a more secular state"
' The Feast of Christ the King proclaims the right of Jesus Christ over the hearts of individuals, families and the social life and the commonwealth'.
Paul Gallagher admits that the ecumenical movement is not about Christ!
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