1 Thessalonians 5:
20 do not despise prophesying, 21 but test everything; hold fast what is good, 22 abstain from every form of evil.
In 1928, the Sisters of the Visitation Monastery of Chambéry, France, published a book about a very special member of their order, Sister Mary-Martha Chambon, who had died 21 years prior.
The original French edition of this work comes with the required ecclesiastical approval: It bears the nihil obstat (Fr. François Bouchage, C.Ss.R.) and the imprimatur (Abp. Dominique Castellan).
The following anecdote in the book stands out as being quite relevant to our times. It contains prophecies given to Sr. Mary Martha in the year 1869, which was the year of the opening of the First Vatican Council during the reign of Pope Pius IX (r. 1846-1878):On April 26, 1869, during the invocations to the Holy Wounds that the Community recited each day for the needs of the Church, the Crucified Jesus revealed Himself to His bride. The Divine Blood streamed in great abundance from His Sacred Wounds: “This is for My Vicar Pius IX,” He said. And as the Savior’s Blood continued to flow, He added: “This is for My Ministers!… for all, even for those who do not ask for light.“Satan is going to wage the fiercest attacks to try to annihilate the Church.“A number of lights shall lose light, and a number of those who appear to be pillars shall fall.”
At the beginning of December 1869, Our Lord again repeated: “My daughter, you must pray for the Council!… You must redouble your fervor, for it is through the Council that the light must be given.”(Visitation Sisters of Chambéry, Mystic of the Holy Wounds: The Life and Revelations of Sister Mary Martha Chambon, trans. by Ryan P. Plummer [St. Louis, MO: Lambfount, 2019], p. 222)
Marie-Julie Jahenny, the mystic and Stigmatist of La Fraudais also prophesy the same warning:
September , 1880
She assisted at a dialogue between Our Lord and Lucifer and the latter said:
She assisted at a dialogue between Our Lord and Lucifer and the latter said:
“I will attack the Church. I will overthrow the Cross, I will decimate the people, I will deposit a great weakness of Faith in hearts. There will also be a great denial of religion. For a time I will be master of all things, everything will be under my control; even your temple and all your people.”
June 1, 1880
“All the works approved by the infallible Church will at a certain moment, cease to exist as they are at this present time. They will have lost nothing of their greatness, but they will be as if non-existing. That period will not last long but it will seem like an eternity for the children of the Church who will become like orphans.”
She frequently announced that “the enemies of the Church would penetrate into its bosom and perpetrate horrible scandals and thrust the sword into the heart of the Church. Rage has never been greater.”
June 1, 1880
“All the works approved by the infallible Church will at a certain moment, cease to exist as they are at this present time. They will have lost nothing of their greatness, but they will be as if non-existing. That period will not last long but it will seem like an eternity for the children of the Church who will become like orphans.”
She frequently announced that “the enemies of the Church would penetrate into its bosom and perpetrate horrible scandals and thrust the sword into the heart of the Church. Rage has never been greater.”
August 10, 1880
Marie-Julie Jahenny was shown a big city. “Several temples will be held by those infernal monsters, in which they will celebrate Satan’s service, on the very selfsame altar where the Holy of Holies used to rest. Those ungodly men, to the full extent they will be able, will force every Christian to attend. During those infernal ceremonies, everything will be directed against faith and against holy regulations. Nothing more shameful than the compositions they will draw up to have them repeated by their followers.
They will spread out perversion...

October 25, 1881
“You are about to see those who govern the Church… giving their lives and their strength to those who will ESTABLISH A FATAL GOVERNMENT... they will close the sanctuaries…and surrender to the disorders of hell.”
“The worst sins will be committed without shame or regret…the greater number of priests WILL TURN TO THE SIDE OF EVIL.”
“From the height of My Glory, I see eagerly joining that religion, culprit, sacrilege, wicked, in a word that religion similar to Mohamed…I see BISHOPS joining.”

“For earth sake, I will lose a large number of My priests; the faithful will die in their faith, rather than joining that infamous religion.”
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