Psalm 95: 5 For all the gods of the Gentiles are devils
Revelation 17:1-2 (DRA)
And there came one of the seven angels, who had the seven vials, and spoke with me, saying: Come, I will shew thee the condemnation of the great harlot, who sitteth upon many waters,
With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication; and they who inhabit the earth, have been made drunk with the wine of her whoredom.
Hildegard of Bingen OSB -Beatified 26 August 1326 (confirmation of cultus) by Pope John XXII :
Marie-Julie Jahenny
She sees the temporary triumph of Freemasonry, the secularized priest; all these enemies want churches to become theatres of infernal dances and will continue implacably in their aim to obtain the cessation of Holy Mass.
March 29, 1879
And she adds, on the 29th of March 1879, that this would happen mainly in towns. “The abandoned church will be without its supreme Head who governs and directs it; For quite a long time the Church must be deprived of all prayer, all offices; exiled from God and the Saints. They also intend to remove all Crucifixes and statues of the Saints from all the shrines and throw them in a profane place to break them with joy.”
September 28, 1880
She assisted at a dialogue between Our Lord and Lucifer and the latter said:
“I will attack the Church. I will overthrow the Cross, I will decimate the people, I will deposit a great weakness of Faith in hearts. There will also be a great denial of religion. For a time I will be master of all things, everything will be under my control; even your temple and all your people.”
Saint Michael says that Satan will have possession of everything for some time and that he will reign completely over everything; that all goodness, Faith, Religion will be buried in the tomb. Satan and his own will triumph with joy, but after this triumph, the Lord will in His turn gather His own people and will reign and triumph over evil and will raise up from the tomb the buried Church, the prostrated Cross.
And the Head of the Heavenly Armies, St. Michael adds: “Here is my fiery sword, I want to lend it to the friends of the Sacred Heart and offer them this sword for the fight because the time is not far off when all of you faithful people will have to take up the arms of Faith and courage to fight against the relentless pursuit of hell and the vengeance of men.”
June 1, 1880
“All the works approved by the infallible Church will at a certain moment, cease to exist as they are at this present time. They will have lost nothing of their greatness, but they will be as if non-existing. That period will not last long but it will seem like an eternity for the children of the Church who will become like orphans.”
She frequently announced that “the enemies of the Church would penetrate into its bosom and perpetrate horrible scandals and thrust the sword into the heart of the Church. Rage has never been greater.”
The sun also reveals that the younger servants of the Lord – youth – willbe called towards that infernal school which evil laws are establishing everywhere for their loss and their turning away from faith.
June 9, 1881
“From the height of My Glory, I see eagerly joining that religion, culprit, sacrilege, wicked, in a word that religion similar to Mohamed…I see BISHOPS joining.”
“For earth sake, I will lose a large number of My priests; the faithful will die in their faith, rather than joining that infamous religion.”
October 25, 1881
“You are about to see those who govern the Church… giving their lives and their strength to those who will ESTABLISH A FATAL GOVERNMENT... they will close the sanctuaries…and surrender to the disorders of hell.”
“The worst sins will be committed without shame or regret…the greater number of priests WILL TURN TO THE SIDE OF EVIL.”
May 10, 1904
On 10th of May 1904, Our Lady denotes the new clergy and its Mass:
“They will not stop at this hateful and sacrilegious road. They will go further to compromise all at once and in one go, the Holy Church, the clergy and the Faith of my children.” She announces the, “Dispersion of the pastors by the Church itself; real pastors who will be replaced by others formed by hell, initiated in all vices, all iniquities, perfidious, who will cover souls with filth. New preachers of new sacraments, new temples, new baptisms, new confraternities.”
Hildegard of Bingen OSB -Beatified 26 August 1326 (confirmation of cultus) by Pope John XXII :
“Then to the end time, two powers will appear, like the two heads, one going up to salvation, even among anguish and distress, which is Enoch and Elijah and the other, which lead instead to perdition grinding his teeth and seeming miracles and glorious virtue, which is the Antichrist.” “So the majority of men will abandon the true Catholic faith and become to the son of perdition. That in comparison with him the Son of God has only a small number of faithful” “Then suddenly will emerge an agitation and confusion of heresies within the Church” “Heresies will be such that heretics can openly and safely preach their erroneous beliefs. Doubt and uncertainty in the Catholic faith of Christians will increase so much that people will doubt what God directed.” “And he will be known as the son of the most cruel perdition, because he will be immoral and teach all men things contrary to God.”
Marie-Julie Jahenny
She sees the temporary triumph of Freemasonry, the secularized priest; all these enemies want churches to become theatres of infernal dances and will continue implacably in their aim to obtain the cessation of Holy Mass.
March 29, 1879
And she adds, on the 29th of March 1879, that this would happen mainly in towns. “The abandoned church will be without its supreme Head who governs and directs it; For quite a long time the Church must be deprived of all prayer, all offices; exiled from God and the Saints. They also intend to remove all Crucifixes and statues of the Saints from all the shrines and throw them in a profane place to break them with joy.”
September 28, 1880
She assisted at a dialogue between Our Lord and Lucifer and the latter said:
“I will attack the Church. I will overthrow the Cross, I will decimate the people, I will deposit a great weakness of Faith in hearts. There will also be a great denial of religion. For a time I will be master of all things, everything will be under my control; even your temple and all your people.”
Saint Michael says that Satan will have possession of everything for some time and that he will reign completely over everything; that all goodness, Faith, Religion will be buried in the tomb. Satan and his own will triumph with joy, but after this triumph, the Lord will in His turn gather His own people and will reign and triumph over evil and will raise up from the tomb the buried Church, the prostrated Cross.
And the Head of the Heavenly Armies, St. Michael adds: “Here is my fiery sword, I want to lend it to the friends of the Sacred Heart and offer them this sword for the fight because the time is not far off when all of you faithful people will have to take up the arms of Faith and courage to fight against the relentless pursuit of hell and the vengeance of men.”
June 1, 1880
“All the works approved by the infallible Church will at a certain moment, cease to exist as they are at this present time. They will have lost nothing of their greatness, but they will be as if non-existing. That period will not last long but it will seem like an eternity for the children of the Church who will become like orphans.”
She frequently announced that “the enemies of the Church would penetrate into its bosom and perpetrate horrible scandals and thrust the sword into the heart of the Church. Rage has never been greater.”
The sun also reveals that the younger servants of the Lord – youth – willbe called towards that infernal school which evil laws are establishing everywhere for their loss and their turning away from faith.
June 9, 1881
“From the height of My Glory, I see eagerly joining that religion, culprit, sacrilege, wicked, in a word that religion similar to Mohamed…I see BISHOPS joining.”
“For earth sake, I will lose a large number of My priests; the faithful will die in their faith, rather than joining that infamous religion.”
October 25, 1881
“You are about to see those who govern the Church… giving their lives and their strength to those who will ESTABLISH A FATAL GOVERNMENT... they will close the sanctuaries…and surrender to the disorders of hell.”
“The worst sins will be committed without shame or regret…the greater number of priests WILL TURN TO THE SIDE OF EVIL.”
May 10, 1904
On 10th of May 1904, Our Lady denotes the new clergy and its Mass:
“They will not stop at this hateful and sacrilegious road. They will go further to compromise all at once and in one go, the Holy Church, the clergy and the Faith of my children.” She announces the, “Dispersion of the pastors by the Church itself; real pastors who will be replaced by others formed by hell, initiated in all vices, all iniquities, perfidious, who will cover souls with filth. New preachers of new sacraments, new temples, new baptisms, new confraternities.”
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