This news also exposed the Bergoglio farce of the alleged resignation of ´all´ Chilean bishops.
Scapolo participated in the appointment of Barros as bishop in Osorno in 2015. Ivo hosted Bergoglio during his visit to Chile in January 2018 and later to Charles Scicluna.
The apostate Ivo Scapolo was one of the participants at the pagan ritual in Chile.
On December 2017 Bergoglio and his accomplice Sodano paid funeral honor to Cardinal Bernard Law who covered up more pedophiles in the Church without repentance. Sodano praised him without mentioning that he had committed several cover-up crimes and Bergoglio making fun of God's Justice asked for a final judgment of mercy.
"Law, who resigned in disgrace to the archbishopric of Boston in 2002 when it was revealed that he covered up dozens of predatory pedophile priests, by transferring them from the parish without informing the parents or the police."
“Why, I ask, O damnable sodomites, do you seek after the height of ecclesiastical dignity with such burning ambition? Why do you seek with such longing to snare the people of God in the web of your perdition?” St. Peter Damian
Gay activist, Daniel P. Horan: A good summary by Fr. James Martin, SJ of some important stories in the church this week, including about an address delivered by my friend and colleague Fr. Bryan Massingale of Fordham University earlier this summer that has been getting a lot of attention this week.
“[The vice of sodomy] mobilizes him in the militia of the evil spirit and force him to fight unspeakable wars against God . She detaches the unhappy soul from the company of the angels and , depriving it of it excellence, take it captive under her domineering yoke” (...) Once this poisonous serpent has sunk its fangs into this unfortunate man, he is deprived of all moral sense, his memory fails , and the mind's vision is darkened. Unmindful of God , he also forgets his own identity. St. Peter Damian -Liber Gomorrhianus ad Leonem IX Romanum Pontificem
In 2014 Abp. Sartain approved the funeral Mass of a homosexual priest who abused 10 boys
The archbishop of Seattle, Washington approved Catholic funeral rites for an active, unrepentant homosexual whose highly publicized suicide party involved "marrying" his gay partner while being accompanied by clairvoyants.
From the AP article: "At the service where he received his last communion on May 5, the Rev. Quentin Dupont brought over a group of white-clad children who were receiving their first communion. They raised their arms and blessed him." (photo credit: Elaine Thompson/AP)
After backlash, Sartain issued a public statement regretting the scandal: "We will assure that this does not occur in any future similar situation." He also promised to review guidelines for funerals.
The archbishop wrote: "Even at a time as sensitive as the death of the perpetrator, the greatest prudence and sensitivity must be shown so that, while the deceased is given a Christian burial which proclaims the Lord's mercy and our hope in the Resurrection, the impression is not given that the abuse perpetrated by the deceased did not take place or was not serious."
The reasoning is similar to his justification for approving the funeral Mass of a same-sex married Catholic who threw a celebration party on the day of his suicide.
Fuller marrying his gay partner on the day
he killed himself (photo credit: Elaine Thompson/AP)
The archdiocese's Aug. 28 statement makes clear parish leadership sought — and received — permission from the archbishop before proceeding with Robert Fuller's funeral Mass at St. Therese Catholic Church in Seattle:
Once it was clear that Mr. Fuller was not going to change his mind, the pastor reached out to his leadership to discuss the situation.
Archbishop Sartain agreed that it is the church's responsibility to pastorally care for those who mourn. With this in mind, he gave permission for the funeral with certain conditions to ensure there was no endorsement or other perceived support for the way in which Mr. Fuller ended his life.
Church Militant spoke with archdiocesan spokeswoman Helen McClenahan, who said she would confirm the precise date Sartain granted approval, but heard nothing back as of press time.
Critics have noted that Sartain's actions violate canon 1184, which states, "Unless they gave some signs of repentance before death, the following must be deprived of ecclesiastical funerals: notorious apostates, heretics and schismatics; other manifest sinners who cannot be granted ecclesiastical funerals without public scandal of the faithful."
Fuller's situation met all the criteria of 1184: He was a manifest sinner who showed no signs of repentance before death — his last acts involved marrying his gay partner and having a celebration before his suicide. His funeral has also clearly caused public scandal.
Fuller also indulged in paganism, one of his last posts on social media expressing hopes of being welcomed into eternity "as Shaman": "See you all later today. I'm ready to be welcomed by my Ancestors as Shaman."
A May 6 Facebook post shows Fuller praising two friends as his "spirit-world clairvoyants" who would be present at his suicide party, and promoting a self-described clairvoyant who offers "aura readings and healings." A May 3 post states, "My Kharmic scales are balanced."
Fuller posing with fellow St. Therese Church choir members
Fuller's highly publicized death was a fact well known at his parish, an "inclusive," pro-LGBT community where he sang in the choir and served as lector.
Local and national media expressed interest in documenting Fuller's suicide, as made clear by this and other posts on Fuller's page:
Later this week the filming crew from KING-5 will be here documenting my journey. We’ve grown very close. Choosing DWD [Death With Dignity] gives me the chance to have closure with friends and for old acquaintances to re-connect. ... And I want others to hear about this option. That’s why KING-5, the Associated Press, and local journalists are reaching out to me. And I'm so appreciative.
Leaving out the grave problem of Fuller's months-long premeditated suicide and his paganism, the fact that Fuller was a well-known active homosexual would have been sufficient to bar him from a Catholic funeral.
Two dioceses have cited canon 1184 to address such instances.
Robert Fuller's March 16 Facebook post noting
his Jesuit sponsor's approval of his suicide plans
In a decree issued in June 2017, Bp. Thomas Paprocki of Springfield, Illinois wrote, "Unless they have given some signs of repentance before death, deceased persons who had lived openly in a same-sex marriage giving public scandal to the faithful are to be deprived of ecclesiastical funeral rites."
And in an October 2017 note, the vicar general for the diocese of Madison, Wisconsin wrote, "If the situation warrants (see canon 1184, specifically canon 1184.1.3), ecclesiastical funeral rites may be denied for manifest sinners in which public scandal of the faithful can't be avoided."
Sartain justified his approval based on "pastoral" reasons, while failing to consider that his "pastoral" response caused public scandal by giving the appearance that the Church minimizes the gravity of Fuller's choices. More appropriate pastoral responses would have consisted of private prayer and counseling for the grieving family, or the possibility of a low-key graveside service without a Mass.
Critics have noted the dishonesty of the archdiocese's initial Aug. 27 response, which deflected attention onto the priest who gave the final blessing while wholly failing to mention the part the archbishop played.
The case of Robert Fuller garnered national media attention after an Associated Press story revealed Jesuit priest Fr. Quentin Dupont gave Fuller a final blessing on May 5 at his parish, where Fuller — who suffered from orthopharyngeal carcinoma — received Holy Communion. A photo shows Fuller surrounded by first communicants and tearful parishioners, who were aware of his plans to kill himself.
An initial response to the story issued by Abp. Sartain and Abp. Paul Etienne appeared to express surprise and concern over the event.
Fr. Dupont with Fr. James Martin
"The Associated Press story about Mr. Fuller is of great concern to the Archbishops because it may cause confusion among Catholics and others who share our reverence for human life," the statement read.
The statement went on to claim Dupont was unaware of Fuller's plans to commit suicide when he gave the final blessing — a claim that was met with widespread skepticism, as the AP report made clear the parish had known for months about Fuller's plans.
After announcing his decision to kill himself by taking 100 Seconal capsules, Fuller writes, "And my pastor/sponsor has given me his blessings. And he's a Jesuit!!!"
The pastor of St. Therese parish, Fr. Maurice Mamba, is not a Jesuit. But Fr. Dupont, S.J. frequently offered Mass at the parish and was asked by Fuller to give the final blessing.
And my pastor/sponsor has given me his blessings. And he's a Jesuit!!!Tweet
Dupont has denied that he is the Jesuit sponsor mentioned by Fuller, saying in an America interview that he had no ongoing relationship with Fuller and does not know which Jesuit he was referring to in his Facebook post. Dupont admits he noticed a TV crew at the Mass and a photographer taking photos.
"I am shocked," says Dupont about reaction to the scandal, while praising the pastor of St. Therese Church for responding to Fuller's suicide plans "very pastorally and very well."
Dupont also praised the archdiocese for "being willing to let this funeral happen for this man who sought and wanted this comfort in this celebration of life in the church."
The Seattle archdiocese doubled down on its claims in its Aug. 28 statement, claiming Dupont was a "visiting priest who happened to be at St. Therese that particular day" and only then learned of the dying man's request for a blessing.
What many Catholics are seeing as damage control by the Seattle archdiocese in its attempt to respond to national scandal has done little to shore up the confidence of laity, whose trust in the hierarchy after the explosive McCarrick revelations, Abp. Viganò's testimony and the Summer of Shame — exposing wholesale dishonesty and corruption on the part of clergy — is at an all-time low.
SEATTLE, Washington, August 29, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) ― The retiring Archbishop of Seattle gave permission for a funeral in a Catholic Church for an elderly, ailing, right-to-die activist who planned the day and hour of his suicide. His death was the cumulation of a day-long celebration that included a “marriage” to his homosexual partner, a party for family and friends, and mainstream media presence.
Archbishop J. Peter Sartain was brought into the highly publicized death of Robert Fuller after Fuller approached his parish pastor with plans for his funeral.
Fuller, who was 75 at the time of his death, went to Mass at Seattle’s St. Therese Catholic Church and had been a member of its gospel choir. After being diagnosed with throat cancer, Fuller decided to end his life on May 10, 2019. He also decided he would like to have his funeral on May 17.
According to a statement from the Archdiocese of Seattle, St. Therese’s pastor, Fr. Maurice Mamba, did not “initially” know of Fuller’s suicide plan. “While it is clear that some of Mr. Fuller’s friends at the parish knew of his intentions, the pastor at St. Therese initially did not,” the statement reads.
“Mr. Fuller eventually approached the pastor to ask to plan his own funeral. The pastor discussed the gift of life and tried to convince him to change his mind. He made it clear that neither he nor the parish could support his plan to take his own life. Once it was clear that Mr. Fuller was not going to change his mind, the pastor reached out to his leadership to discuss the situation.”
Despite knowing Fuller was intent on ending his life, Archbishop Sartain gave permission for the funeral.
“Archbishop Sartain agreed that it is the church’s responsibility to pastorally care for those who mourn,” said the Archdiocesan statement.
“With this in mind, he gave permission for the funeral with certain conditions to ensure there was no endorsement or other perceived support for the way in which Mr. Fuller ended his life,” it continued. “The purpose of the funeral was to pray for his soul and bring comfort and consolation to those who mourned.”
Fuller’s suicide took place as scheduled on Friday, May 10. It was covered by both local and national media.
The Catholic Church teaches that suicide is against the fifth commandment which prohibits murder. The 1917 Catholic Encyclopedia states: "That suicide is unlawful is the teaching of Holy Scripture and of the Church, which condemns the act as a most atrocious crime and, in hatred of the sin and to arouse the horror of its children, denies the suicide Christian burial.”
In recent decades, the Church has not forbidden a funeral to those who murder themselves, understanding that in many cases the suicidal person was not of sound mind when he committed the deed. However, with the legalization of euthanasia, bishops have been confronted with Catholics who are determined both to end their lives deliberately and to have a Catholic funeral.
Canon lawyer Dr. Edward Peters told LifeSiteNews that whereas the 1983 code of canon law is “flexible” when it comes to suicide of the mentally ill, it is not when suicide is done according to “state approved procedures.”
“The 1917 Code of Canon Law expressly forbade Church funeral rites to those who deliberately killed themselves,” he said.
“The 1983 Code, in contrast, does not prohibit funeral rites to suicides per se, but rather, to those who are considered ‘manifest sinners.’ While suicide is objectively gravely sinful, it is not always clear that those killing themselves do so with adequate awareness of the sinful character of their deed. There is room for some flexibility in interpretation of the law here,” he continued.
“Those who kill themselves in accord with state approved procedures, however, procedures that include ruling out hasty decisions for death made out of depression and so on, leave ministers little basis for concluding other than that they killed themselves with adequate knowledge of and awareness concerning what they were doing.”
Peters concluded that canon law requires withholding ecclesiastical funerals from Catholics who kill themselves in accord with civil suicide statutes.
News that Archbishop Sartain had personally approved Robert Fuller’s funeral knowing that he was determined to kill himself followed an uproar after a photograph of Fuller being blessed by a priest five days earlier was published by Associated Press. Both the Archdiocese of Seattle and one of Fuller’s friends at St Therese have denied that Fr. Quentin Dupont, S.J. knew at the time that Fuller had planned to end his life. LifeSiteNews’ source also stated that Dupont did not know Fuller at all. He knew only that Fuller was “dying.”
Facebook posts contradict Seattle archdiocese claims on parishioner’s planned suicide.
CNA: Fuller, who contracted HIV in the 1980s, was diagnosed with a cancerous tumor at the base of his tongue during the summer of 2018. St. Therese Church 900 35th Ave , Seattle WA 98122 - Gay Friendly Parish
SEATTLE, Washington, August 28, 2019 (LifeSiteNews)
Robert Fuller, an active member of St. Therese Catholic Church in Seattle, self-administered a poisonous cocktail of drugs on May 10, 2019 after a day-long celebration that began with Fuller’s legal “marriage” to his same-sex partner.
On May 5, 2019 he had presented himself at Sunday Mass, where he received Holy Communion and a special ‘blessing’ from guest priest Fr. Quentin Dupont, S.J.
..the Catholic News Agency (CNA) reported that Fuller had said in a Facebook post he published on March 16 that he had completed the necessary legal steps to get medical assistance for his suicide and that he had his Jesuit pastor’s “blessing.”
Bob Fuller: “I have absolutely no reservations about what I am doing,” he wrote. “And my pastor/sponsor has given me his blessings. And he’s a Jesuit!!!”
Fuller wrote on his Facebook page that he had studied “philosophical theology” at Seattle U.
Fuller wrote that his “faith family at St Therese” had “renewed his faith” and that his “kharmic [sic] scales” were balanced.
According to Gene Johnson, also of the AP, Fuller’s religious beliefs were not Catholic. For one thing, he believed himself to be a “shaman.” However, he was “beloved” at St. Therese Parish, and his decision to end his life was “widely known and accepted by among the parishioners.”
In his article, Johnson contrasted the Catholic Church’s opposition to euthanasia with the parishioners’ knowledge and the blessing service: “The Roman Catholic Church opposes aid-in-dying laws, citing the sanctity of life.”
“But Fuller’s decision was widely known and accepted among the parishioners. At the service where he received his last communion on May 5, the Rev. Quentin Dupont brought over a group of white-clad children who were receiving their first communion. They raised their arms and blessed him.”
The Archdiocese of Seattle said that the pastor of St. Therese Catholic Church found out about Fuller’s intention to end his life only when Fuller approached him about the funeral...
Catholic commentator Patrick Coffin was incensed by the AP story, which appeared across the USA on August 26.
“How much darkness can be crammed into one story?” he tweeted.
“Seattle Jesuit Quentin Dupont, SJ, gathers first Holy Communion children to bless a self-described homosexual shaman who intended to kill himself. And did. Archbishop Sartain?”
LifeSiteNews reached out to Fr. Dupont, the American Jesuits’ West Province, and the pastor of St. Therese Catholic Church but has not yet received a response.
Father Dupont was ordained in 2014 St. Aloysius Church in Spokane, Washington. He joining the Society of Jesus in California.
The archdiocese is led by Archbishop James Peter Sartain Bergoglio appointed Paul Etienne as coadjutor who arrived to assist Sartain in April.
Parish priest Maurice Mamba.
Facebook posts contradict Seattle archdiocese claims on parishioner’s planned suicide.
Jesuit Priest 'Blesses' Gay Man Just Before His Assisted Suicide
Abp. Terrence Prendergast: 'We cannot be forgiven pre-emptively for something we are going to do'
At least two bishops have spoken out publicly against providing last rites for those planning to die by assisted suicide. Archbishop Terrence Prendergast of Ottawa, Ontario, released a statement in 2016 noting that a person who is planning suicide doesn't have the proper disposition needed to receive the sacrament.
Asking to be killed is gravely disordered and is a rejection of the hope that the rite calls for and tries to bring into the situation. … But we cannot be forgiven pre-emptively for something we are going to do — like ask for assisted suicide when suicide is a grave sin.
Although he encouraged priests to be present to pray, the person may "turn away from it."
In December 2016, Bp. Vitus Huonder of Chur, Switzerland also released a statement instructing priests in his diocese not to administer last rites to those planning on committing assisted suicide.
"The readiness of a suffering patient to commit suicide with help from a bystander places any priest in an impossible situation if called to administer sacraments," he said.
"[F]rom a Christian viewpoint, life and death are in God's hands," he added, "we do not decide about them for ourselves. Suicide, like murder, contradicts the divine world order."
“... Antichrist and his prophet will introduce ceremonies to imitate the Sacraments of the Church. In fact there will be a complete organization - a church of Satan set up in opposition to the Church of Christ. Satan will assume the part of God the Father; Antichrist will be honored as Savior, and his prophet will usurp the role of Pope. Their ceremonies will counterfeit the Sacraments . . .”Published in 1921 (37 years before the pivotal 1958) by Father E. Sylvester Berry in his book, The Apocalypse of St. John.
Father Herman B. Kramer (1884-1976)
Author of the renowned "The Book of Destiny" (1956).
New Sacraments: "The False Prophet may institute secret rites, through which the followers of Antichrist will be advanced by degrees into the deeper mysticism of his cult. A sort of diabolical sacramental system would thus be instituted conferring the graces of Satan and consecrating people to the service of the Beast." page 325