Without faith it is impossible to please God [...]
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☠️Francis Says His "Faith" Needs Doubts
en.news In another interview book, Francis outed himself as a follower of the erroneous belief that "a faith without doubts cannot advance.”
The interview was produced by his friend, Father Marco Pozza and partly published on Corriere.it (February 28).
In contrast to Francis, Catholic doctrine as expressed in the Catechism of Trent explains that “Faith must exclude all doubt.” James 1:6 compares the one who doubts to "the surf of the sea, driven and tossed by the wind."
The source of Francis' mistake is a confusion between “doubts” and the “experience” of being abandoned by God which may also be found in the lives of the Saints.
Based on this confusion, Francis believes that a Christian who has never gone through doubts "lacks" something, “A faith without these trials leads me to doubt that it is true faith.” This statement is not corroborated neither by the Bible nor by serious spiritual authors.
On the other hand, Francis calls the Flood a result of "God’s wrath," thus using a concept which Francis theologians would abhor. He warns against not taking care of creation which could result in another “flood,” although God says in Gen 9:11 that there will not be a second flood.
The deliberate withholding of assent to what God has revealed. As commonly understood, there are five principal sins against faith: profession of a false religion, willful doubt, disbelief, or denial of an article of faith, and culpable ignorance of the doctrines of the Catholic Church.
The Nature and Effects of Faith.—The first thing that is necessary for every Christian is faith, without which no one is truly called a faithful Christian. Faith brings about four good effects. The first is that through faith the soul is united to God, and by it there is between the soul and God a union akin to marriage. “I will espouse you in faith” [Hosea 2:20]. When a man is baptized the first question that is asked him is: “Do you believe in God?” This is because Baptism is the first Sacrament of faith. Hence, the Lord said: “He who believes and is baptized shall be saved” [Mk 16:16].Baptism without faith is of no value. Indeed, it must be known that no one is acceptable before God unless he have faith. “Without faith it is impossible to please God”[Heb 11:6]. St. Augustine explains these words of St. Paul, “All that is not of faith is sin” [Rom 14:23], in this way: “Where there is no knowledge of the eternal and unchanging Truth, virtue even in the midst of the best moral life is false.”
"It is absurd for a heretic to say that he believes in Jesus Christ. To believe in a person is to give our full consent to his word and to all he teaches. True faith, therefore, is absolute belief in Jesus Christ and in all He taught. Hence, he who does not adhere to everything Jesus Christ has prescribed for our salvation does not have any more of the Doctrine of Jesus Christ than the pagans, Jew sand Mohammedans." St. Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274)
3014 Denzinger: Wherefore, not at all equal is the condition of those, who, through the heavenly gift of faith, have adhered to the Catholic truth, and of those, who, led by human opinions, follow a false religion; for, those who have accepted the faith under the teaching power of the Church can never have a just cause of changing or doubting that faith [can. 6]... "let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering" (He 10,23).
Neither living nor lifeless faith remains in a heretic who disbelieves one article of faith. The reason of this is that the species of every habit depends on the formal aspect of the object, without which the species of the habit cannot remain. Now the formal object of faith is the First Truth, as manifested in Holy Writ and the teaching of the Church, which proceeds from the First Truth. Consequently whoever does not adhere, as to an infallible and Divine rule, to the teaching of the Church, which proceeds from the First Truth manifested in Holy Writ, has not the habit of faith, but holds that which is of faith otherwise than by faith. Even so, it is evident that a man whose mind holds a conclusion without knowing how it is proved, has not scientific knowledge, but merely an opinion about it. Now it is manifest that he who adheres to the teaching of the Church, as to an infallible rule, assents to whatever the Church teaches; otherwise, if, of the things taught by the Church, he holds what he chooses to hold, and rejects what he chooses to reject, he no longer adheres to the teaching of the Church as to an infallible rule, but to his own will. Hence it is evident that a heretic who obstinately disbelieves one article of faith, is not prepared to follow the teaching of the Church in all things; but if he is not obstinate, he is no longer in heresy but only in error. Therefore it is clear that such a heretic with regard to one article has no faith in the other articles, but only a kind of opinion in accordance with his own will. (Saint Thomas Aquinas. Summa Theologica, II-II, q. 5, a. 3)
Bergoglio has questioned God’s existence
“I am a Sinner and am Fallible”
Novus Ordo Watch: Regarding Faith, Francis claims that for it to become mature and not remain “infantile”, it needs to go through a crisis, thus once again encouraging doubt and a lack of Faith. He does not miss the opportunity to blast “Catholic fundamentalists” in the process:
ReplyDeleteWhen Jesus hears how sure Peter is [of his faith] — this reminds me of numerous Catholic fundamentalists — He says: “Three times you will deny me. But I will pray for you.” Peter denied Jesus, he entered into a terrible crisis. And then they made him Pope! (laughs) …
(Interview, p. 15)
Actually, it wasn’t “they” who made him Pope, but our Lord Jesus Christ Himself, and only He (see Jn 21:15-17; cf. Denz. 1822). Minor detail.
Requested by the journalist to define what he means by proselytism, Francis responds that it means “the winning over of those of another faith” (“das Abwerben Andersgläubiger”). https://novusordowatch.org/2017/03/francis-interview-zeit-sinner-fallible/
Bergoglio twists Scripture to claim that we “learn from Abraham … to argue” with God.