Fatima Perspectives #1241
(pictured above: The Face of Occupied Rome)
As Life Site News reports, Cardinal Francesco Coccopalmerio (pictured above), “a close collaborator of Pope Francis, was present at the homosexual drug-fueled party raided by the Vatican police in the summer of 2017 at which his secretary, Monsignor Luigi Capozzi, was arrested.” Indeed, he was reportedly presiding over the abomination in progress. Yet Coccopalmerio was allowed to leave the scene of the crime, an apartment in the very building that houses the former Holy Office, now called the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.
Thus no one should be surprised that this “prince of the Church” has led the way in defending Pope Francis’ “permission” for Holy Communion to be administered to public adulterers who purport to have “remarried” and who intend to continue to engage in sexual relations outside of Holy Matrimony. Coccopalmerio wrote a booklet in defense of this scandal when he was still head of the Pontifical Council for the Interpretation of Legislative Texts.
And it was he who, in an interview linked by LifeSite, declared that homosexual “unions” — which he describes as merely “illicit” rather than gravely disordered and depraved — contain “positive elements” and that “rather than closing one’s eyes to such positive realities, I emphasize them. This involves being objective and recognizing objectively the positive [elements] in a certain relationship, even if illicit in itself.” In other words, when it comes to sodomy, we must, according to Coccopalmerio, “accentuate the positive.” Which would mean in practice that there is no longer any Sixth Commandment absolutely forbidding intrinsically evil sexual conduct under pain of eternal damnation but only a Sixth Suggestion for Self-Improvement. And this from a “Church leader” who was found in the midst of a homosexual orgy by Vatican police. It seems Coccopalmerio is the convenient beneficiary of his own advice.
As “Father Z” observes in his blog post on this latest revelation of Vatican corruption, “the roof of the Roman church to which as a cardinal Cocco was assigned collapsed during August 2018….” This church, the church of San Giuseppe dei Falegnami (St. Joseph of the Carpenters), was “new to the list of titular churches for cardinals,” having been specially assigned to “Cocco.” It “stands at the edge of the ancient Roman Forum, above the Mamertine prison where Sts. Peter and Paul were incarcerated. I don’t think that St. Joseph approve[s] of drug-fueled sodomy parties literally in the shadow of the dome of St. Peter.”
Meanwhile, the Synod on Youth and Blah, Blah, Blah barrels its way toward the predetermined destination of “welcoming” and “listening to” “LGBT Christians,” to allude to remarks by pro-Gay Bishop Marcello Semeraro, the very secretary of Francis’ Council of Cardinals, while
“English speaking group C” declares in its report that the Synod must affirm “that young people who don’t agree with the Church on sex are still members of the Church.”
Yes, Rome is occupied. But not merely by humans bent on destroying the moral foundations of the Faith. As “Father Z” rightly concludes:
“I think that an experienced exorcist should go over the whole of the Palazzo Sant’Uffizio, where that party took place. Demons attach themselves to places where certain sins are committed. And that exorcist shouldn’t be limited to that one palazzo. The Devil is good at what he does and he tells us what he is up to. Having drug/sodomy parties in the building where the CDF and where the office that oversees the use of the Traditional Roman Rite and the new traditional religious institutes are housed is a dead give-away. THAT’s precisely the sort of place to attach and infest with demonic presence. It’s a stone’s throw from the very place Peter was crucified.”
Every sign points to a divine chastisement as the only way out of Rome’s invasion by the Adversary. Only God knows the day and the hour of that dramatic resolution of the worst crisis in Church history. This much, however, is certain: it will involve the Consecration of Russia to Mary’s Immaculate Heart.
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