Bergoglio preaches a false gospel contrary to Scripture and contrary to Catholic doctrine. | “If we consider ourselves humanity, then our duty is to obey when international organizations make statements,” Pope Francis insisted during his September 10 press conference on board from Madagascar to Rome.
He gave as examples the the United Nations (UN) and the International Crime Court (ICC) in The Hague.
Francis added, that “we must obey international institutions.” And, “That is why the United Nations were created.”
However, many UN policies are deeply immoral. They punish countries and institutions which do not bow to the demands of the abortion and gay tyranny.
The ICC has been accused of being a tool of Western imperialism which only punishes leaders from small, weak states while ignoring crimes committed by richer and more powerful states. Until January 2016, all nine situation cases the ICC had been investigating were in African countries. 

The masonic committee Abu Dhabi will ask the UN for a Masonic feast of human fraternity.
Bergoglio supports the United Nations anti-life and anti-LGBT objectives.

Apostate Marcelo Sánchez Sorondo: The magisterium of Francis is parallel to the teaching of the United Nations
"Bergoglio supports the United Nations anti-life and anti-LGBT objectives." I think you mean pro-LGBT objectives