— Council of Vienne ♰♰♰

Thursday, January 11, 2024

Bergoglio promotes Marxist Gay Liberation pseudo-theology

“Why, I ask, O damnable sodomites, do you seek after the height of ecclesiastical dignity with such burning ambition? Why do you seek with such longing to snare the people of God in the web of your perdition?” St. Peter Damian

After Pachamama Apostate Mauro Gambetti  Plans to Turn St Peter’s Into Sodoma's Basilica

Read More: LifeSiteNews

— “Rome will lose the faith and become the seat of Antichrist”  Our Lady of La Salette

As Father Paul Kramer said: “The antipope and his apostate collaborators will be as sister Lucy said, supporters of the devil, those who work for evil without being afraid of anything.”

From liberation 'theology' to homosexual/ queer 'theology'
One proponent of queer theology  was the argentine Marcella Althaus-Reid.

Satanist Lucien Greaves: «Satan stands with abortionists and gay “marriage” supporters.


Bergoglio chose apostate blasphemous gay activist Cynthia Bailey Manns as a voter for his pseudo-synod

Marxist Liberation Theology degenerated into Gay and Black Theology. That is why Bergoglio's 'new Marxist concept of Poor' is the unrepentant sinner who must be freed from the Catholic 'oppressors' which is for them the True God and the Catholic Church. Plus, he presents himself as the pseudo-messiah or the liberator of the Church's 'oppressed minorities'.

The errors of Marxist Liberation Theology:
When it comes to understanding what the Eucharist is. For them, the Eucharist is no longer the sacrament that refers us to the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross and his Resurrection, but rather a moment in which the oppressed people become aware of their oppression and their liberating struggle. The Eucharist becomes a moment of ideological awareness.

In 1991, the heretical Jesuit Jon Sobrino defined sin as unjust social structure, or "that which deals death." Examples of sinners for him were oligarchies, multi-national corporations, various armed forces and "virtually every government."

Edward A. Lynch: Liberationists believe that unliberated societies are so severely divided that revolutionary upheaval, and a purge of the ruling class, is absolutely necessary.  Reconciliation "theology", however, insists that Christianity requires openness, and even love, for people of all social classes, and all classes of sinfulness.

Bergoglio supports Soros-financed leftist movement responsible for USA’s Civil Unrest

Bergoglio's Amazon Synod is connected with Marxist liberation theology

"I'll tell you something funny: the great persecuted, Gustavo Gutiérrez, the Peruvian, celebrated Mass with me ", Francis

—Has the TLM died or has it changed its strategy?

“The TL is effectively projecting itself into other theological alternatives as a means of maintaining a presence. We have “Indian theology” especially in Mexico and Brazil, which is inspired by the entire claim proposed by the TL.

“There are also the various “feminist theologies” that have collected from the TL the dialectic of the oppressor-oppressed. And in some cases the existence of an 
“eco-theology” is also proposed, which is a syncretism between theology and ecology, in order that the earth is also oppressed by the destructive and overwhelming activity of capitalism or neoliberalism.

Apostate James Martin's new rosary-meditate on LBGTQ couples and "Mother Earth"

“[The vice of sodomy]  mobilizes him in the militia of the evil spirit and force him to fight unspeakable wars against God . She detaches the unhappy soul from the company of the angels and , depriving it of it excellence, take it captive under her domineering yoke” (...)Once this poisonous serpent has sunk its fangs into this unfortunate man, he is deprived of all moral sense, his memory fails , and the mind's vision is darkened. Unmindful of God , he also forgets his own identity. St. Peter Damian -Liber Gomorrhianus ad Leonem IX Romanum Pontificem 

Marxist liberation theology changes the whole interpretation of Christianity. Liberation Theology by Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger:
The concept of liberation theology and its origins and preconditions
These preliminary remarks have brought us right to the heart of the subject, without, however, dealing with the central question: what is liberation theology?
Initially we said that liberation theology intends to supply a new total interpretation of the Christian reality; it explains Christianity as a praxis of liberation and sees itself as the guide to this praxis. However, since in its view all reality is political, liberation is also a political concept and the guide to liberation must he a guide to political action:
"Nothing lies outside ... political commitment. Everything has a political color." A theology that is not "practical"; i.e., not essentially political, is regarded as "idealistic" and thus as lacking in reality, or else it is condemned as a vehicle for the oppressors' maintenance of power.
A theologian who has learned his theology in the classical tradition and has accepted its spiritual challenge will find it hard to realize that an attempt is being made, in all seriousness, to recast the whole Christian reality in the categories of politico-social liberation praxis. This is all the more difficult because many liberation theologians continue to use a great deal of the Church's classical ascetical and dogmatic language while changing its signification. As a result, the reader or listener who is operating from a different background can gain the impression that everything is the same as before, apart from the addition of a few somewhat unpalatable statements, which, given so much spirituality, can scarcely be all that dangerous.

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