Proverbs 17:15 He that justifieth the wicked, and he that condemneth the just, both are abominable before God.
But in Argentina, when Jorge Bergoglio had to pretend to be Catholic, he used a different tactic, falsely accusing good bishops of alleged homosexuality and psychiatric problems
Wisdom 2:12Let us lay traps for the upright man, since he annoys us and opposes our way of life, reproaches us for our sins against the Law, and accuses us of sins against our upbringing.
"Wisdom 2 presents a speech of the wicked who deny the existence of God and boast of their evil deeds, mocking the righteous and expecting their lives to be rewarding and free of consequences.
Isaiah 5:20 Woe to those who call good what is evil and call evil what is good.
Psalm 10:3-4 - "The wicked, in his arrogance, does not seek God; in all his plots there is no place for God. He considers himself superior to God and mocks Him, but ends up being punished for his own arrogance."
The Marxist apostate Jorge Bergoglio maintains that the Church and God are oppressors and that good Catholic priests torture homosexuals in the confessional to make them abandon sin. While for Bergoglio the good priests are the predatory homosexuals who have destroyed Catholic seminarians, children and young people. From Argentina he has inveterately covered up his predatory protégés and has not expelled them from the priesthood.
Proverbs 28:4 Those who forsake the law praise the wicked man, but those who observe the law are in constant opposition to him.
Pope Francis has declared war on faithful Catholics
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Flight, April 30, 2023. |
Tue Mar 12, 2024 - 5:30 am EDT(LifeSiteNews) — Dear Reader,
For Christians, Lent is a season of repentance. But for some radical leftists in America, it’s been an opportunity for sacrilege.
On Ash Wednesday 2024, St. Patrick’s Cathedral, “America’s Parish Church,” was thronged with the faithful, seeking ashes of repentance.
But the following day, the same hallowed space was desecrated by the sacrilegious clamor of a thousand God-hating radicals.
As the coffin of “Cecilia” Gentili, a self-styled “whore” drag queen, was carried down the aisle, the godless crowds proclaimed him as the: “Great whore, St. Cecilia, the Mother of All Whores.”
And as this cry echoed from the consecrated walls of the cathedral, where countless Masses have been offered, a priest of Jesus Christ gave the silence of his consent and, worse yet, joked with the anti-Christian throng.
This blasphemous event saddened me to my core…
But I was not surprised.
Tomorrow, March 13, it will be eleven years since a corrupt group of cardinals, calling themselves the “St. Gallen Mafia,” succeeded in their plot to prop up a man of their choice in a conclave without a proper appreciation of that cardinal’s stances.
When Francis appeared on the loggia that night, many were disturbed.
I was also concerned, but I have always tried to think the best of him and never stopped praying for him.
But my priority has always been the truth.
I have spent hundreds of hours in Rome, speaking with cardinals, bishops, and priests, hearing first-hand what has happened in that holy city.
With LifeSiteNews’ indefatigable team of journalists, I have cataloged the never-ending betrayals of Christ that have been perpetrated since that day.
And make no mistake, all roads are now leading back to Rome.
Shortly after the St. Patrick’s scandal hit the news, a friend of “Cecilia” made a statement to the press. He cited Francis as justification for the sacrilege that took place.
“We are caught in the middle of a war” between Francis and Catholics who oppose him, he said. And he was right.
Francis has declared war on faithful Catholics.
LifeSiteNews was at the forefront of honest coverage of the bombshell of Fiducia Supplicans. This wicked document, penned by an archbishop-author of erotic literature, paved the way for the desecration at St. Patrick’s Cathedral when it “permitted” sacrilegious same-sex blessings.
This document betrayed everyone who has fought so hard for Catholic teaching on marriage and the family.
It was a betrayal of parents trying to teach the truth to their children.
It was a betrayal of priests who have always preached true doctrine despite tremendous pressure.
But most of all, it betrayed Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
The world following Fiducia Supplicans is a much more dangerous place for all of us.
It is more dangerous for parents trying to protect their children from scandal at school or in society.
It is more dangerous for priests, who will soon have same-sex couples turning up on their doorsteps, demanding to be blessed.
It is more dangerous for all who hold the truth about marriage and the family, who have been betrayed into the hands of a liberal totalitarian state, which soon will not recognize the right of Catholics to hold the truth. “After all,” they will say, “the pope has spoken.”
What happens in Rome affects us all.
No one can escape the consequences of Francis’ actions. They reach us in America, Canada, Britain, Europe, and every place where men and women of goodwill seek to remain faithful to Almighty God.
LifeSiteNews has recognized FACTS as FACTS since the beginning.
When others closed their eyes, we kept ours open. When others deceived themselves, we prayerfully sought the truth. When others were intimidated into silence, we spoke out boldly.
But you never get used to seeing Christ betrayed by those who appear to be his followers.
I have seen so many horrors that it breaks my heart to recall them. Sometimes, I hesitate to share them.
But I don’t know any way to serve God and His Church other than by telling the truth.
And now, it is more crucial than ever before. Our lives – and our souls – depend upon it.
Last week, I warned you that powerful globalists want to ELIMINATE billions of people, and even reduce AND KEEP the world population below one billion.
They can’t reach that goal unless they occupy positions of power and influence worldwide.
And in Francis, they appear to have an ally. His actions are helping them achieve their global depopulation nightmare.
Sometimes, when I say these things, people don’t believe me.
But Francis has made his adherence to the global death cult plain.
As soon as the enemies of the Church succeeded in putting him in place, he lost no time showing where his true loyalties lay.
To depopulate the world, they need abortion, contraception, and sterile LGBT sex promoted and accepted everywhere.
And so, the United Nations has committed to achieving “universal access” to contraception and abortion by 2030 and has enshrined this in its Sustainable Development Goals.
They want to make sure that every single baby that is ever conceived can be lawfully killed.
And as soon as he got into a position of power, Francis called on the whole world to implement these sustainable development goals.
The plan to make sure abortion is everywhere has his support.
But still, some people will say Francis didn’t know.
But this kind of denial becomes increasingly impossible to believe every day.
Francis keeps making his views plain.
Twice now in his pontificate, he has publicly singled out Emma Bonino for praise. This prominent abortionist is, he says, one of the country’s “forgotten greats.”
- Bonino was a leading figure in legalizing abortion in Italy.
- Bonino has boasted that her center killed more than 10,000 babies.
- Bonino has been photographed in the act of murdering babies using a homemade device operated by a bicycle pump.
- Because she has such close contact with Francis, she has spoken at several Catholic parishes.
Francis has been confronted about her opposition to Catholic teaching. But he doesn’t seem to care. He just answered, “True, but never mind. We have to look at people, at what they do.”
We know what Bonino has done. She has murdered babies and delighted in it. Francis knows what she does and stands for and calls her “great.”
Let’s judge Francis by his own standards. What has he done?
Francis has:
- Backed the UN sustainable development goals, which call for the implementation of universal abortion and contraception.
- Appointed pro-abortion members to the Pontifical Academy for Life.
- Appointed population controllers to the Pontifical Academy for Science.
- Repeatedly denied dozens of Catholic doctrines, including on Hell, capital punishment, and divine grace
- Persecuted Cardinals and Bishops who have tried to remain faithful to Christ.
- Mocked faithful Catholics.
- Protected sex abusers.
- Welcomed and praised openly homosexual and transgender activists.
There is no doubt about these things. They are demonstrated and proven.
LifeSiteNews has reported on it all.
And there is so much more.
The evil is so overwhelming that it could easily leave us depressed. It could lead us to despair.
But we have hope. We have what matters.
We have God.
On 13 October 1884, Pope Leo XIII had a terrifying vision. He saw Satan asking God for one hundred years to destroy the Church.
Awaking from the vision, the pope set down some extraordinary words:
In the Holy Place itself, where the See of Holy Peter and the Chair of Truth has been set up as the light of the world, they have raised the throne of their abominable impiety, with the iniquitous design that when the Pastor has been struck, the sheep may be scattered.
When Leo wrote these words, the throne of the Italian monarchy had been established in Rome where the successors of Peter had ruled.
But whenever I read them, they send a chill down my spine. I wonder what other prophecy might be found here.
Because for eleven years now Francis has reigned from a throne of abominable impiety.
From this abominable throne,
- He weaves his webs of malice and deceit.
- He hardens his heart to the cries of innocent bloodshed with his connivance or, minimally, his consent.
- He casts us – the little ones of Christ – into the mouths of the ravenous wolves.
This horror is too much for some. People are losing the faith.
We can’t let this happen. We must keep the truth alive.
Pope Leo XIII taught that our duty as laypeople lies in:
Professing openly and unflinchingly the Catholic doctrine, and in propagating it to the utmost of our power.
This is what LifeSiteNews does. It is the whole purpose of our existence.
Many people have criticized LifeSiteNews because we have told the truth.
But we will never stop. We will not recoil before an enemy, nor will we keep silent.
But we need your support if we are to continue the fight.
Everyone has their role in this struggle. The duty of one person is not the duty of another.
Not everyone is in a position to get the news out as it breaks – but LifeSiteNews is.
Not everyone has the resources to produce the cutting-edge research and analysis that the Church needs – but LifeSiteNews does.
Not everyone has high-level contacts in the Church and governments worldwide – but LifeSiteNews has.
LifeSiteNews brings the truth straight into your homes.
We don’t rely on second-hand sources of information. We bring the truth to you directly from Rome, Washington, New York, London, and everywhere that matters today.
LifeSiteNews has the highest level of accreditation at the Vatican Press office. We attend Francis’ audiences in person.
And I am incredibly proud of our Rome correspondent, Michael Haynes.
In Rome, there are many who won’t ask the hard questions. But Michael is not afraid to question Francis directly about his actions, which are so destructive to the Church.
But our correspondent – your correspondent – doesn’t stop there. He goes the extra mile.
After his first audience, he took the opportunity to speak personally with Francis. This took great courage. He presented him with his own book about Our Lady’s role as Co-Redemptrix.

In this, he exemplified the role of LifeSiteNews, to take the truth of Christ into the darkest places and never to despair that God can teach and heal the hardest of hearts.
When you support LifeSiteNews, you support the heroic work of brave journalists like Michael Haynes.
When you support LifeSiteNews, you make sure that the mission entrusted to the laity by Pope Leo XIII is fulfilled.
When you support LifeSiteNews, you are laying the foundations for the new and better world that is sure to come.
With your financial support, LifeSiteNews will:
- Provide truthful and comprehensive news coverage on all the most critical issues relating to life, family, freedom, the Church, and the state.
- Cover the harrowing news stories that other news organizations avoid.
- Send our correspondents to those parts of the world where their presence matters the most.
- Provide cutting-edge analysis that goes beyond the news to help you understand what is happening in the Church today.
- Never take any side but the side of truth in all the conflicts that afflict the world today. Truth is the only basis for the world peace.
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- Spread the truths of the Christian faith that are essential for saving souls and bringing the world to Christ.
Leo XIII saw that Satan would come close to destroying the Church. He saw the Throne of Abominable Impiety in the place of the Chair of Truth.
But he did not despair. He entrusted us and the world to God and Our Lady.
He had his vision on 13 October 1884.
On 13 October 1917, Our Lady appeared for the final time to the children at Fatima, and her message was confirmed by the Miracle of Sun.
Let us never forget that we have her solemn promise:
“In the end, My Immaculate Heart will Triumph.”
But there is work to do first.
In Christ,
John-Henry Westen
Co-Founder and CEO
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