Bergoglio chose as cardinals three accomplices of the homosexual predator Theodore McCarrick
McCarrick made Farrell an Washington auxiliary bishop in 2001.
The two liberal prelates even shared an apartment together with two priest secretaries, according to (October 2004).
[As Newark Archbishop (1986-2000) McCarrick hired Father Kenneth Martin, a homosexual abuser, as his personal secretary.]
In 2007 Farrell was promoted to Dallas. He even paid tribute to McCarrick in his coat of arms. According to Farrell’s explanation the lion in his coat of arms honours McCarrick and is taken from his coat of arms.
Farrell is pro-gay and in charge of the World Meeting of Families in Dublin in August which will be attended by Pope Francis.
This meeting spreads gay ideology, welcomes homosexual couples and features as keynote speaker the gay-propagandist, Jesuit Father James Martin.
It is evident that everyone - including Farrell - knew about McCarrick’s homosexual problem.

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Don Mario’s Moral Mafia |
August 28, 2016 Christopher A. Ferrara The Remnant: Farrell installed as pastor of a Texas parish a homosexual priest caught participating in a sexually explicit “gay” website. (This pervert was removed as pastor only after a public outcry.) Farrell clearly accepts as a given that there will be homosexual priests, formed and ordained as such with full knowledge of their “orientation.”
McCarrick -Pervert and homosexual Predator- Bergoglio's Lobbyist
Bergoglio also chose as Cardinal Pro-Gay Joseph Tobin ‘Nighty-Night, Baby’ & Pro Gay Cupich McCarrick's other accomplices.
In “seismic shift” Bergoglio appoints very liberal Cupich and 2 more U.S. progressives among 17 new cardinals

If Cardinal Cupich states that practising homosexuals in so called civil unions can receive Holy Communion then he is acting openly and directly for Satan.