The Argentine Catholic who writes the blog 'The Wanderer ' was outraged by the film that produces a 'laudatory' image of Jorge Mario Bergoglio. On July 31, 2015 he suggested that a new film be made where the real Bergoglio is exposed. In this article among other denunciations we can read that Bergoglio concealed the pedophile Rubén Pardo in a home for elder priests. Página/12 article, Rubén Pardo was residing at Condarco 581, which was both a vicarage of the Archdiocese of Buenos Aires and a home for infirm and retired Buenos Aires priests. The archdiocese was then headed by Bergoglio. Pardo reportedly was hearing children’s confessions and teaching at a primary school in the Flores neighborhood. Página/12 article, Rubén Pardo was residing at Condarco 581, which was both a vicarage of the Archdiocese of Buenos Aires and a home for infirm and retired Buenos Aires priests. The archdiocese was then headed by Bergoglio. Pardo reportedly was hearing children’s confessions and teaching at a primary school in the Flores neighborhood.
Criminal Complaint against Pardo [image of original document], filed by Beatriz Varela, 2.7.2003. [See English translation.]
Francis Accused of Sex Abuse Cover-Up in Argentina in 2002
Vedette Argentine Natacha Jaitt with Mirtha Legrand accused Bergoglio of covering up Pedophile Grassi
Vatican City still has no policy to fight clergy sex abuse
Grassi, the pedophile protected by Bergoglio is still a priest.
Bergoglio declared venerable a bishop accused of sexually abusing disabled children. (Spanish)
Bergoglio declared venerable a Child Sex Offender
Bishop Giuseppe Carraro
Retired 1978 as Verona bishop. Died 1980. Accused 2009 of repeatedly molesting boy who attended school for deaf. Carraro was being considered for beatification at time of complaint. He was declared to be Venerable on 16 July 2015 by Jorge Mario Bergoglio.
The notorious sodomiteBishop Juan Carlos Maccarone was named Professor Emeritus of the Argentine Catholic University while the Grand Chancellor was Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio. He died March 29, 2015.
Bishop Juan Carlos Maccarone
Resigned in 2005, age 64, per canon 401.2 after video surfaced of him having sex with 23-year-old man. Remained in ministry. Seen 2010 saying Confirmation Mass for teenagers. Santiago del Estero bishop emeritus. Died March 2015.
Argentine Cleric Caught on Tape
Bergoglio declared venerable a Child Sex Offender
Bishop Giuseppe Carraro
Retired 1978 as Verona bishop. Died 1980. Accused 2009 of repeatedly molesting boy who attended school for deaf. Carraro was being considered for beatification at time of complaint. He was declared to be Venerable on 16 July 2015 by Jorge Mario Bergoglio.
The notorious sodomite
Resigned in 2005, age 64, per canon 401.2 after video surfaced of him having sex with 23-year-old man. Remained in ministry. Seen 2010 saying Confirmation Mass for teenagers. Santiago del Estero bishop emeritus. Died March 2015.
Argentine Cleric Caught on Tape
The man calling himself "pope" francis is neither a pope or a catholic.
ReplyDeleteThis should be obvious to any well instructed catholic who knows full well that a manifest formal heretic like cardinal Bergoglio can not validly occupy the Petrine Office.
Whether Pope Benedict is still a valid pope is another argument.
It is possible.
If Pope Benedicts alleged abdication was lawful and valid it now means that the Chair of St Peter is vacant.