During the homily in the capital’s Cathedral, the Bishop of the Diocese of Cuernavaca, Ramón Castro Castro asserted that the crisis caused by the coronavirus is a halt that God is putting on humanity, for wanting to play at being like him, by allow abortion, euthanasia and sexual diversity.
“Children, God is not speaking, he is screaming, we are going to listen, we know how to listen, we are attentive, life is so short, hence, we have decided drastic measures for the good of all,” he added.
Ramón Castro highlighted that in 2019 alone there were 50 million abortions in the world, meanwhile, he said, the human being acts “as if at ease, proclaiming their pseudo freedom”, when they are children of God and we have murdered them ”
Meanwhile, he also criticized those who have opted for an assisted death, as well as allowing children today to decide for themselves their sexuality.
“Euthanasia: I am tired of suffering, to be killed; or children who are very serious in Holland and Belgium, parents can decide to kill them; that the boys wait to see what gender they want to be, that a girl wants to be a boy, oh boy! Surely God says, listen children where they are going, momentito, I am their father and I love them and I am merciful, they are going to an abyss, he is shouting at us, ”he said.
In his speech, he added that thus also corruption, robberies, violence, have become a habit and before this, humanity is stopped.
“God is speaking to us, he is shouting at us”, because although someone asks humanity to stop and reflect, nobody would listen.
“With this (with COVID-19) we want or don’t want to, we stop. In many countries they are already forced to stop; in Europe, in the United States, in China, by law everything is closed, except the pharmacies and the markets and everything must stop there, whoever it is, ”he said.
Before a significant number of parishioners who attended the homily, this Sunday, Ramón Castro Castro emphasized that humanity has made it easy to decide who lives and who should die.
“Like a very small, microscopic virus, he comes to tell humanity today: hey, you are fragile, you are vulnerable, neither your success, nor your money, nor your power will help you, realize who you are, don’t play God, the Humanity has wanted to play God, “he said.
Finally, Ramón Castro stated that this Sunday’s mass would be the last with the presence of the people, the others, he said, will be broadcast via social networks.

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