“The tyrant surrounds himself with bad people because he likes to be flattered and no man of high spirit will flatter him.”
A Red Pope Frees a Red Criminal Ex-President
A few days ago, on July 7, 2019, Pope Bergoglio warmly received a gift from the ‘Free Lula Movement’ during a visit he made to the General House of the Society of Jesus in Rome, where he had a luncheon with fellow Jesuits. The gift was a t-shirt with the image of Lula da Silva, the former President of Brazil imprisoned in April 2018 and sentenced to 12 years on corruption charges. Below his face is the motto of the campaign: ‘Lula Livre,’ Free Lula.

Francis & Fr. Sosa support the campaign to free criminal Lula da Silva; below, the t-shirt

In the photo at right, Francis is shown holding the shirt and inspecting the likeness of Lula with great admiration. Next to the Pope stand members of the delegation of the ‘Free Lula Movement’ who present the shirt to him while his progressivist ally, Jesuit Superior General Arturo Sosa Abascal, looks on.
So, we have the Pope and the General Superior of the Jesuits exerting strong public pressure over the judicial branch of the Brazilian government to free a criminal politician condemned for receiving bribes and still facing several other charges of corruption.
The fact that these religious authorities do not even consider the crimes committed, but a priori considered the sentence unjust, shows that they have no concern for the truth. They care only about the fact that ex-president Lula da Silva is one of their team – a communist – and everything else must be disregarded.
While this action of endorsing the campaign to free Lula reveals a clear ideological bend in favor of Communism, it is also highly offensive to the Brazilian government and people. This insulting act is added to another: To this date Pope Francis has not acknowledged the existence of the government of President Bolsonaro, whose inauguration took place on January 1, 2019.
In short, it is an act of dictatorship in the worse style. We would say that it is a despotic intrusion by the leaders of Liberation Theology against a decision of a temporal government legitimately elected by the people.
However, coming from Pope Francis, this is not a surprise, since he has frequently eulogized Lula in the past as a kind of political martyr. In a letter dated May 29, 2019, Francis spoke of his “spiritual closeness” to Lula, adding that “truth will win over lies, and Salvation [sic] will win over condemnation.”
For sure, the Pope’s rhetoric is grandiose, but it is also empty, because the former President of Brazil is no hero. Like his “spiritual friend” Pope Francis, he is a communist and has been so for his entire political career. Expressive detail: the photo chosen to be printed on that t-shirt comes from the 1975 police register of Lula when he was imprisoned for being a subversive communist.
Lula’s 'permanent revolution' began in the 1960s when he entered the scene as an agitator for the metalworkers union. He established the Worker’s Party in the 1980s and made several abortive attempts at congressional offices and the Brazilian presidency. Indeed, Lula’s career has been 50 years in lockstep with the Revolution…
The Brazilian TFP disintegrates & Lula takes power
Before Lula finally managed to gain power in 2002, he and his accomplices were consistently kept at bay thanks to the tireless efforts of the Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira and his then-effective Brazilian TFP.
I say then-effective because, after Dr. Plinio's untimely death, the Brazilian TFP descended into petty intrigues, factions, lawsuits and a dramatic change of orientation from most of its leaders and members, which is not the case to analyze here. Suffice it to say, the virtual destruction of the TFP’s power of attack permitted the communist Brazilian Episcopate to put their comrade Lula into power.

So, the villainous Lula took power almost without opposition (winning over 60% of the vote, a real landslide), supported by a coalition of forces of Liberation Theology’s social-political arm – the Christian Basic Communities – and the Communist Party. This coalition took the name of Workers Party (Partido dos Trabalhadores).
Once elected, Lula adopted a reformist line, as explained here, which some commentators wrongly call moderate. He had even more liberty after his re-election in 2006… Eight years of Lula fundamentally changed Brazil, which had been at least residually Catholic, into a more or less Marxist State.
A tactical misstep…
Lula was succeeded by his disciple, communist Dilma Rousseff (a “former” terrorist, Rousseff is even more extreme than Lula), whose first term as President of Brazil was 2010-2014. She was re-elected for a second term (2014-2018), but in 2014, judicial authorities began an investigation into money laundering charges.

Eventually, they discovered Lula had been involved in these and other criminal activities (including accepting a three-story beach house in Garujá, São Paulo’s fanciest elite vacation spot, in exchange for administrative favors). Soon Rousseff was implicated in the investigation on similar charges of corruption. Her popularity tanked, discrediting her and harming Lula’s reputation as well.
The Brazilian Congress impeached and removed Rousseff from office during the summer of 2016. A year later, Lula was convicted of corruption and sentenced to 12 years in prison.
The imprisonment of Lula and indictment of Dilma Rousseff were two disasters for the Revolution in Brazil. Simply put, the Revolution took an awkward step and tripped. It took a risk by allowing two corrupt people to assume power in Brazil, and the plan backfired. Instead of the communist trajectory continuing forward, now Brazil has a counterpart of Donald Trump at the helm of the State, Jair Bolsonaro.
… and the ‘clean-up’ operation
Now, of course, the clean-up operation comes. Funded by Liberation Theology and international communist forces and boasting wide support, the now-imprisoned Lula is making grand campaigns for his release. The general public receives the Obama-esque “gaslight” treatment, as Lula and his comrades deny each and every scandal and present themselves as upright statesmen, political martyrs maligned by the Right.
With the efforts to liberate Lula failing domestically, Francis, the most popular international leftist leader, comes to the rescue with political stunts like the aforementioned t-shirt, or his handwritten notes and letters to Lula and Rousseff. We see him shamefully pushing the weight of the Papacy around with political stunts, imagining he can use his status as Vicar of Christ to change Brazil's public opinion and put the communists back in power.
And why do Pope Francis and Fr. Sosa want to liberate the criminal? To continue that red regime they support and to restore that corruption the Brazilian people rejected.
Bergoglio sends note ‘blessing’ Brazil’s pro-Gay & pro-abortion jailed ex-president running for office
Bergoglio compares Lula da Silva with Jesus Christ
The “church for the poor” is a Marxist term that has nothing to do with the poor according to Scripture. For the Marxist theology of liberation, the 'poor' are the 'oppressed by the Church' who need to struggle for their liberation against the doctrine of the Catholic Church and against the biblical God; that the Marxists consider as the oppressors. The new 'poor' of Marxism are what the Church considers sinners who must repent like homosexuals, adulterers, abortionists, false religions, etc. The Marxist theology of liberation teaches that these new poor of Marxism must be freed from God and the Church, they are not called to repentance but it is the Church that must repent and accept sin. The "option for the poor" of Marxist theology consists in the struggle against the doctrine of the Church and against the Catholic God. It seeks to eliminate them so that they stop being oppressors of the obstinate sinners and replace the Catholic doctrine with a new universal church and a new Universal Masonic religion.
«For them, the Eucharist is no longer the sacrament that refers us to the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross and his Resurrection, but rather a moment in which the oppressed people become aware of their oppression and their liberating struggle. The Eucharist becomes a moment of ideological awareness.» That is why they promote eucharistic sacrileges for homosexuals, adulterers, abortionist politicians and false religions.
Hummes is known to be Bergoglio's personal friend and a great friend of the subversive Lula. His mentor was Leonardo Boff, the famous former Franciscan priest, of the heretical Marxist theology of liberation.
Outrage over Bergoglio's support for Brazil's ex-president Lula da Silva
Bergoglio confirms his "dear brother", the Marxist heretic, ex-priest, Leonardo Boff in his apostasy
Apostate Leonardo Boff: "He now is the pope and he can do whatever he wants. Many will be surprised with what Francis will do. In order to do this, a rupture with traditions will be needed, to leave behind the corrupt Vatican curia to give way to a universal church,"
... the new pope is much more liberal than that.
"A couple of months ago, for instance, he expressly approved that a homosexual couple adopt a child. He is in touch with priests who have been repudiated by the official church because they got married. And, most importantly, he did not let himself be separated from his conviction that we must be on the side of the poor"

«For them, the Eucharist is no longer the sacrament that refers us to the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross and his Resurrection, but rather a moment in which the oppressed people become aware of their oppression and their liberating struggle. The Eucharist becomes a moment of ideological awareness.» That is why they promote eucharistic sacrileges for homosexuals, adulterers, abortionist politicians and false religions.
Hummes is known to be Bergoglio's personal friend and a great friend of the subversive Lula. His mentor was Leonardo Boff, the famous former Franciscan priest, of the heretical Marxist theology of liberation.
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Boff: “Francis is One of Us” |
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